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The Price of HD


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Mar 2, 2004
I am confused as to how people seem to always complain about the price of Voom.

Directv cost:
New Receiver w/DVI out - 600.00
DVI cable: 100.00
cutomer protection plan for HDreceiver according to D* website 8.00 x 2 yrs
= 192.00
OTA Antena to receive locals- 60.00
Total so far: 952.00

If you need a new dish because you did not have D* bfore and more coax add another 100.00
also add a 1year commitment to activate the card

499.00 - everything mentioned above included or
0 upfront and lease ( no Commitment)

oh yeah a heck of alot more HD

Just wondering what all the fuss is about.

Where are you getting your prices? The Hughes HTL-HD (same as LG3200 and Sony HD300) with DVI has a MSRP of $499, and is sold for closer to $400. And that's before the $250 credit that DirecTV customer retention will give you for going HDTV. Moreover, DirecTV now has a promotion where you get a HDTV receiver of their choice for $99.

DVI cables run $15-$20. Avoid those identically-performing Monster cables that charge you an extra $80 for a nice box.

I don't think most folks buy the protection plan.
shhhhh! I have two spare brand new DVI cables from my Voom install. $100 each sounds good :D
Dish Network is also offering new subscribors free HD 811 boxes and SD PVRs (522?), free installation and no commitment (I thin the boxes are leased). Less HD but cheaper overall than Voom.

I'm thinking about it.

If either DirecTV or Dish offered a deal on their HD PVRs with free installation for new subscribers I'd probably jump right now.
Don't forget to add an extra $350 to the cost of VOOM, for a ota reciever. My box will not pull in the ota. I'll send it back before the end of my 30 days.
I really don't think I am being unreasonable about this. If my local cable company promised me locals and, after the install, told me that I won't get them, I'd have every right to cancel, right?
Well,VOOM has dome the same with me, except that i have paid $400 for the equipment.One of the reasons I signed up was because I wanted to also watch my locals in HDTV. Watching "Tom Sawyer" or "Flipper" in HDTV doesn't make up for the lack of "CSI Miami" or basketball in hdtv.
Your post makes little sense. If you can't get the OTA digitals, an extra box isn't going to help you.
madpoet said:
Your post makes little sense. If you can't get the OTA digitals, an extra box isn't going to help you.

Unless it's due to a voom mapping issue.

The good part for me is that voom hooked up my roof-top antenna -- so even if I cancel, now I can easily get OTA if I get Dish or DirecTV.
okay update from Directv website HD receiver 399.00 plus 24.95 s/h = 423.95
Two year Svc contract 192.00
Cheap DVI cable 2 meters 22.00
OTA Antena - 60.00
Total 704.95 with 1 year agreement

I personally have the Toshiba DST-3000 Dtv receiver it was only 250.00 I will use that for NFL st
and I have the Dish 811 which was buggier than the Voom STB it was free with a 1year svc agreement and if I wanted a pvr 99 dollars more with a two year agreement but that is what the directivo and replaytv are for but for Voom it is 0 upfront for a lease and no commitment more HD so Voom is by far cheaper than any of the aforementioned services
madpoet said:
Your post makes little sense. If you can't get the OTA digitals, an extra box isn't going to help you.

My post makes a LOT of sense. My box will not pull in any local HDTV. None, nada, zip! Voom says it is a mapping problem, but they did not say when, if EVER it will be fixed. So, I have no locals.
I can get locals with a normal (re: non voom) box. I have done this with a borrowed Samsung 151 and rabbit ears.
Now, I don't care what the reason is for system not getting locals. Mapping shcmapping... before I purchased this setup, VOOM told me I'd get my locals.
Yeah, I know the csr was wrong, but guess what? I was lied to!
If the local cable company were to hook me up and not give me promised locals, I'd be fully justified in cancelling them. If I pay $400 for VOOM, then I feel I am even MORE justified in cancelling them. In my situation, at the very least, VOOM should supply me with a ota box to pull in the locals that they said I'd get.
Someone mentioned a Direct HDTV receiver for $99.00 where is this on their website. I don't see it.
It's not on their web site. It's a special promotion they can give you over the phone; it's discussed extensively on the AVS Forum.
klmnoah said:
Someone mentioned a Direct HDTV receiver for $99.00 where is this on their website. I don't see it.
I think DirecTV will offer the $99.00 deal if you have been a DirecTV customer for two years or more AND you call and ask for it.
DVI Cable

I saw a 6 foot DVI cable at Ulitmate Electronics (local/national chainstore) for $299.

I was very happy to see the DVI cable slide out of the VOOM box as the installer was assembling it.

1080iBeVuMin said:
It's not $99. The Dish deal for a HDTV is $999.

I saw a flyer at Radio Shack when I was picking up some optical audio cables (on clearance!). I saw that you could get a 30" HDTV and Dish receiver for $999. Or a big 40-50"ish RPTV. The same price I paid for my Sony 30" HDTV. The dish deal is ALMOST a good deal, but they have such limited HD channels it doesn't compare. And the TV they offer probably isn't as full featured as I would like. The extra inputs the Sony has is WELL worth it. Otherwise I would have to spend big money on switching equipment of some kind, and of course I can't hang with the budget switches.

Kikar said:
okay update from Directv website HD receiver 399.00 plus 24.95 s/h = 423.95
Two year Svc contract 192.00
Cheap DVI cable 2 meters 22.00
OTA Antena - 60.00
Total 704.95 with 1 year agreement

I personally have the Toshiba DST-3000 Dtv receiver it was only 250.00 I will use that for NFL st
and I have the Dish 811 which was buggier than the Voom STB it was free with a 1year svc agreement and if I wanted a pvr 99 dollars more with a two year agreement but that is what the directivo and replaytv are for but for Voom it is 0 upfront for a lease and no commitment more HD so Voom is by far cheaper than any of the aforementioned services

Wow your using AL Gore's fuzzy math! :eek:

I singed up for VOom when it was $0 upfront for install/box. I got one box, OTA, and the basic package. Package cost me $52.70 a month with tax included in that price. I went back to Direct TV for reason I posted but will not get into here. I got a HD receiver for $100(as mention on earlier post on this thread) the oval dish w/triple LNB, the RG-6 for all for LNB re-installed(Voom installer cut the wires to the D* dish when he pulled 2 off of it for the v* dish, with out telling me, so I need new coax) and ran them to loop on my house where they enter it. So the install cost me $100 for eveything except a antenna. I got one for $35 that I can pick up channels from 45 miles away. Now we are at $135. The Voom uninstaller let me keep the DVI cable, the mast for the antenna, and even the Voom remote(garbage) So if you need a DVI I can send one for say $50?? I got the HD package for free for first 6 months, then the $10.99 i believe. I am now paying $44.99 with D*. That includes more SD(wife likes it and kids, amd I can actually watch FSN) plus Tivo on bedroom receiver, and the HD package on the LR TV. i know I get less HD Programming but we aren't talking about that so save that arguement. I beats the heck out of watch OTA signals on the Bedroom TV and I pay less...Also when Sopranos and Deadwood start I get HBO for $12.00.month and u will pay $20 (unless grandfatherd).

Due more research next time. not ripping Voom(or trolling :no ) but the facts are the facts. ( in my case anyway for a 1year commitment)
Off topic a bit....Sopranos in 2006!

Madtown HD Junkie said:
Also when Sopranos and Deadwood start I get HBO for $12.00.month and u will pay $20 (unless grandfatherd).

Off topic a bit, but the other day I did some reading about the Sopranos season 6 (can't wait!) there is talk that season 6 won't air until 2006! My god, thats a long time to wait.
Ok, back to your discussion of prices.


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