I would like to know how many folks out there are actually seeing this problem. So please reply if you see, or don't see.This problem for those of you who may not of heard about it, is a just a very subtle frame skip/ stutter that can occur every few seconds, or every few minutes.It will appear as if your picture jumps for a split second, it is very quick, that if you blink you can easily miss it. But believe me, once you see it, you'll always see it. It's very annoying. It's on every channel, including *all* the OTA stations you may get. It seems posting over at Yahoo, and putting "Wilt" in the heading, still isn't getting his attention. Which is strange, because he'll answer just about every other question we've thrown at him over there. I have even called VOOM abou thtis, and their "tech support"
doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about. It seems The folks over at VOOM are ignoring this problem.