Well my contacts did say they would have a 721 software release before the end of the month.
Imagine my surprise last night when I got home and my software update screen said "Download Successfull"
I powered my 721 off and the new software installed flawlessly.
I quickly checked the forums to see if others were also getting the download too... Nope no one reporting anything.
I checked my email and saw a note from the beta team. This software was another beta, and not the official release. In talking with a few people it seems that the previous beta had a small bog in it with the new Check Dish Screen where it would not recognize certain switch configurations correctly. Last nights update fixes that problem. I do hear that if everything tests ok this release could be made public within the next two week.
(BTW I should mention that none of this info came from Dish Network, it came from another tester who said he talked to Dish about the update)
I have my fingers crossed!
Hang in there this update is worth the wait.
Imagine my surprise last night when I got home and my software update screen said "Download Successfull"
I powered my 721 off and the new software installed flawlessly.
I quickly checked the forums to see if others were also getting the download too... Nope no one reporting anything.
I checked my email and saw a note from the beta team. This software was another beta, and not the official release. In talking with a few people it seems that the previous beta had a small bog in it with the new Check Dish Screen where it would not recognize certain switch configurations correctly. Last nights update fixes that problem. I do hear that if everything tests ok this release could be made public within the next two week.
(BTW I should mention that none of this info came from Dish Network, it came from another tester who said he talked to Dish about the update)
I have my fingers crossed!
Hang in there this update is worth the wait.