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They are wound up at DBS | SatelliteGuys.US

They are wound up at DBS


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
May 29, 2006
Lower Alabama
Guess some numbnuts called, wrote or whatever in to the csrs and was on CE software. Something about pushing an agenda.

I don't really get why someone on beta software would call normal tech support anyways.
They said the same thing last year.

No matter how people "vote" there it is still going to happen. It is what happens when you run a public beta.

You can have all the "rules" you want but still someone is going to ignore the rules.

If they outlawed guns, only outlaws would own guns. :)
dfergie said:
People hear about or see the HD Gui, then have to have it, then when it has bugs complain... sheesh.

Haha. Download something that says high risk then wonder why it records two of everything and for 12 hours straight :)

It's so dumb when reverting takes like 10 minutes.
I have a feeling some of these hit and run CEers dont know you can easily revert back.

Again its going to happen, its the nature of the beast of an open public beta.
Scott Greczkowski said:
I have a feeling some of these hit and run CEers dont know you can easily revert back.

Again its going to happen, its the nature of the beast of an open public beta.

I imagine some just jump on because they want a feature they'd normally have to wait for.
Jason Whiddon said:
My only problem is, if stupid people continue to download the CE and then call in, Directv will make it private. We all get penalized.

Stupid people have always been downloading the CE and calling in, it's a public beta where there are no real rules set by Directv, no contracts, no nda's.

It's going to happen and it's going to continue happening no matter how grumpy it makes some people, unfortunately it's the nature of the beast.

Although a reminder every now and then isn't a bad thing.
Nothing surprises me with DBS. Some of those on that site are a little too uptight when it comes to this stuff. They take it way to seriously and think DTV is life.
Whats funny is the DBSTalk members that were at CES chose to have their get together the same night that the parent site AVSForums had their get together (that I attended and met the owner & 2nd in command, David and Mike ;)) nice folks and nice deal at the Mandalay Bay put on by their sponsors...
I wonder what the "agenda" was? The program works great and benefits both DirecTV and the enthusiast community. It's purely voluntary and optional to participate. The only technicality I could see is they say the CE window is 11:00 pm - 2:30 am Fri/Sat nights. Well it's hardly ever at 11... It's more like 11:30. If they have a problem with that then just program it in their head to not expect to check for CE streaming until 11:30. Are they trying to suggest downloading CE in other ways (like load it from a USB stick or networked receiver via TFTP or something?). A front line CSR is the wrong way to suggest those things. A simple PM to Earl Bonovich, Doug Brott or one of the mods would be the route for those types of suggestions.

Other than that, what kind of "agenda" could it be?

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Other than that, what kind of "agenda" could it be?
Don't know and don't care, there will always be people who try calling in no matter how many times you tell them not too.

I seem to remember them saying the same thing about a year ago. I personally think they are just trying to scare people myself.
They are really uptight over there. I posted at some point over at avsforum about a new TV I had just setup. All I said is that I loved the picture and the new D*TV HD GUI looked great on it. I got a nice private message from one of the members over there stating they knew people high up at DBS and AVSForum, and that I should edit my post removing the mention of the HD GUI, or I'd be 'reported to the mods'.

Funny thing is, I found out about the CE from here, not DBS! :D
now thats funny as alot of markets have the national version of the HD GUI (including me) and not a CE

They have their heads so far up their butt that they can see what they ate for lunch

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