Well its time to think about moving the dish. Its in a good place, but limits access to the other parts of my side yard. I have 2 options I'm considering. (1) is to move it upwards by about 3 feet. This should give me a better line of sight to the eastern portion of the arc (I'd clear a hedge and the corner of my shed for sure), in addition to better access to my side yard. The issue here is I have an overhang on the house that may affect reception. (2) is to move the dish about 10 feet over and up higher to clear the fence. Here I'd be closer to high fence and may be in line with my neighbors roof peak.
Either way, I'm going to need a new pole. So I'd like to know what your all using for those. I plan on burying it in concrete and securing it to the house wall with a bracket to make sure it doesn't sway at all.
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Either way, I'm going to need a new pole. So I'd like to know what your all using for those. I plan on burying it in concrete and securing it to the house wall with a bracket to make sure it doesn't sway at all.
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