I looked at the markets and it doesn't list Columbus Ohio so I'm not sure when they started..WDEM-CD is a low-power station with junk (to me)channels I never watched before..I haven't heard about them either. My city shows up so I'll have to re-scan and see if its there.
Yeah it looks like it's infomercials most times with like 4 hr blocks of Timeless TV programming at times..I woke up around 2am and Bonanza was on again.. it's just hit and missTimeless TV Network is owned by HC2 it's more like info ad channel than anything else.
I think it's most of the first 2 seasons that are in the public domain.Several early episodes of the hill billies are in the public domain and get snatched up for low cost DVDs and as filler between infomercials. One MD based wrestling promotion had problems producing content a few yeard back and announced that they would be away from TV for a few weeks to make way fora "special presentation" of the Beverly Hillbillies.
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