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Tired of Dish... :| | SatelliteGuys.US

Tired of Dish... :|


New Member
Original poster
Aug 24, 2004
Allen (Dallas), TX
Okay... been a L-O-N-G time Dish customer, and called to find out about their current HD lease deals.

I find it terribly sad, that I already pay ~$68/mth for just Top 180 and 3 receivers... and in order to lease me an 811, they want to charge me $5/mth plus $10/mth for an HD pack which only has 4 channels.

I'm so damn tempted to leave them, it's not funny. I know this kind of thing happens all the time, and to users of each of the sat. companies.... is there any recommendations out there?
Check what you can get the same programming for with DirectTV or Cable and I think you'll find Dish cheaper. In my case Comcast Cable with high speed internet would be tempting and then I remember all the times my cable service went out before I went to Satellite 7 years ago and decide to stay put.
In other threads it has been announced that Dish will be giving for free, six months of the HD Pack for new HD subscribers starting I believe on August 25th. The CSR you talked to probably didn't know about this new deal. Check this forum or the 811 forum for more specific details.
Here's my 2 cents. I had Dishnetwork from 98 to earlier this year. I swithced to Direct tv and am now switching back to Dish.

I'm not sure what the problem with the lease equipment is. I think it's a good deal in fact.

1. There's no cost up front. The 49.00 you pay is credited to the first month so it doesn't cost a penny.

2, No contract whatsoever. With Direct TV there's a one year contract. I'm going to have to pay 100.00 for breaking the contract, but I believe I can sell my dvr and 2 basic receivers for that.

3. The 5.00 for the dvr. It costs you this same 5.00 for dvr use at direct tv even if you own your dvr, so it's not really a lease charge. You actually lease the dvr for no charge and you don't have to buy it so it's like they let you use it for free.

4. Extra receivers (like the 322) cost you 5.00 to lease, but extra receivers cost you 5.00 a month extra at direct tv (and dish also) even if you own them so again they are basically letting you use the equipment for free. This does not bother me as I have old equipment setting in my storage room taking up space.


Direct Tv

For a setup with dvr it's 99.00.
5.00 a month dvr charge
5.00 a month extra receiver charge.
1 year contract
You use the equipment until it's outdateded then stick it in the closet.

Dish Network

No charge for equipment
5.00 dvr fee
5.00 extra receiver fee
No contract
You send the equipment back upon termination. They told me they send shippng boxes.

It costs you the same every month for equipment fee with direct tv owning the equipment as it does with dish leasing it.
Oh, I almost forgot. If you compare channel per channel I believe dish is slightly cheaper. We get latino channels also and dish IS more expensive on those, but they have more channels.
In my opinion and by way of comparison Dish Network is the best as far as the number of channels to the over all cost. They offer more movie channels (TMC extra, HBO Comedy, 5 Star Max, etc…), a few more basic channels, (though DTV does have some channels that Dish doesn't, but the numerical amount of channels is greater with Dish).

DN's equipment is at least slightly below the level of DTV. Not in features though, DN has interactive capabilities on all of their new receivers, (at least they are supposed too) DTV only has it on select receivers, same for caller ID, amount of FAV lists DISH=4 DTV=1 etc... Though all receivers have bugs and such, after being a DTV customer for seven years, the biggest thing I had to get used to when I switched was REALLY buggy equipment.(everything from the program guide, video dropouts, etc…) Dish Network is also more complicated, where as DTV uses 101, 110, 119, (Though lately there is DTV satellites parked at different locations, they as of yet don't require customers to point a Dish to those other locations, same goes for DN's other locations.) Dish uses 61.5, 105, 110, 119, 121, and 148, and on top of that 105 and 121 require completely different LNBF's. Granted Dish is supposed to be working on getting rid of 61.5 and 148, they still make it complicated by dividing different programming among different satellite locations and by offering two different SuperDish setups.

Voom, the biggest problem with Voom in my mind is this; they don't have the basic channel line up that I would like to have. They do have the most HD, but I am not one of those people were HD is everything, and therefore that doesn't impress me. If you like HD and you don't care about all of the channels that they don't have then go with them. Or if you can afford to have DTV or Dish along with Voom, be my guest. Voom is also very expensive, both for equipment and programming. (Unless their $0 down promo is still going on, but even then they are still very $ on the programming side, and yes I understand you are paying for HD, but 90% of the HD that they offer I wouldn't even pay a penny for).

I was a DTV customer for seven years, and I've been a Dish customer for two years, and between the two, even with buggy hardware, I still like Dish better than I did DTV. I've looked at Voom and I don't like the line-up or the price so it is out of the question for me.

Hope this helps, in the end it will be your decision, all anyone can do is give you their experiences.
Actually, Chingon, if you get Dish's AT120 w/locals, then DirecTV's TC w/locals gives you about a dozen more channels of real programming and 8 less shopping channels, for the same price. Also, HBO is $2 cheaper. So, someone like me with AT120, locals, and HBO would PAY LESS and GET MORE channels. Of course, different packages can mean savings with Dish, too. I was just pointing out that your statement about Dish programming being cheaper is not always true.

Also, as for the DirecTV early termination fee, it is WAIVED if you send the equipment back. That may only be for systems purchased directly from them, though. I'm not sure.

Also, remember that Dish's DVR fee is per unit, whereas DirecTV charges per account.

Finally, one might also consider the reliability and features of DirceTV's Tivos vs. Dish's DVRs.

BTW, why are you coming back to Dish? I'm curious to hear your DirecTV horror story.
I just did a difference in direct tv and dish in my circumstance, just thought I would post it.

Dish Network

44.99-Americas top 180
61.99-Americas top 180 with hbo and cinemax
24.99-Dish Latino

Direct Tv

42.98-Total choice plus
65.98-Total choice plus with hbo and cinemax
14.99-OPCION EN ESPANOL (sucks though)

Dish has some premium channels in it's top 180 package
that direct does not in the total choice plus, such as:

Encore (West)
Encore True Stories
Encore Action
Encore Westerns
TMC Xtra West
Encore Love Stories
The Movie Channel (West)

To get these you have to take the starz pack for 10.00
more and You also get the starz channels. TMC comes
with Showtime with direct, so you would have to take
showtime to get those.

I really don't like direct tv at all compared to dish. Just my opinion.
I switched from Dish to Directv and I have to say my wife and I are very pleased.

I like that on the Directv side you have name based recording. The $5 fee actually goes to Tivo. DISH's $5 fee goes to nothing. Oh, and you can have as many DTivos as you want and still pay only one $5 DVR fee. You still have the mirroring fees of course. With DISH you pay $5 for every DVR on top of the mirroring fees.

To me you get a better deal with Directv on programming also. I like that we don't have all those damn shopping channels. Lets not forget about BingoTV. We all need that channel.... :rolleyes:
Gary. I posted my prices above while you were posting yours. Dish is a better deal for me.

Also, as for the DirecTV early termination fee, it is WAIVED if you send the equipment back. That may only be for systems purchased directly from them, though. I'm not sure.

I got mine directly from them. I was told on the phone when I was asking about canceling that I had to pay it and could not send the stuff back. I will check though, if I can I would rather do that.

Also, remember that Dish's DVR fee is per unit, whereas DirecTV charges per account.

I never plan on having more than one dvr, so that doesn't bother me.

Finally, one might also consider the reliability and features of DirceTV's Tivos vs. Dish's DVRs.

I know they are buggy (522's) but I think they will work it out. If not I will drag my old receiver out and use it for a while until they do.

BTW, why are you coming back to Dish? I'm curious to hear your DirecTV horror story

No horror story. I just don't like some of the things about direct tv. Some very small, but my wife and I both want to switch back.

1. Latino Channels. Direct tv's are crappy compared to dish.
2. Rain fade. I was told by just about everyone I knew that direct tv's fade quicker than dish. It's least here anyway. Mine has been re-zeroed and fades MUCH quicker and stays out longer than dish ever did.
3. I can be watching TV and the colors just freak out. They fade, and get all screwy. This happens a lot and on the other receiver, so I know it's not just the dvr.
4. Menu's. I like Dish's much better, guess I'm just used to it. I like Dish't remotes much better also. I guess this 2 belong together.
5. Lineup. I like the premium channels dish has with their top 180.

This includes the small stuff and is probably not complete, but it's all I can think of right now. I'm old and don't think like I used to. :) It's not my intention to bash direct tv though and everyone has their preferences.
tonyp56 said:
In my opinion and by way of comparison Dish Network is the best as far as the number of channels to the over all cost. They offer more movie channels (TMC extra, HBO Comedy, 5 Star Max, etc…),
You get what you pay for. In the case of HBO, D* charges $2 less than E*. I probably wouldn't miss HBO Comedy if I switched, plus I'd save $2.

Also, D* offers some channels in their premium movie packages that E* doesn't, so it sort of evens out.

tonyp56 said:
a few more basic channels, (though DTV does have some channels that Dish doesn't, but the numerical amount of channels is greater with Dish).
Which basic channels does Dish have that DirecTV doesn't, other than useless and annoying shopping, barker, gaming, and public interest channels? In fact, DirecTV offers more real content basic channels not available on Dish: FitTV, Fine Living, Fuel, Newsworld Int'l, NFL Network, Oxygen, PBS Kids, Trio, and YES: as well as offering many channels in their TC or TC+ that are only available as part of Dish's more expensive AT180, such as: Biography, Bloomberg, Boomerang, CNBC World, DIY, Fox Movies, Hallmark, History Int'l, Nat'l Geographic, Outdoor Life, Science Channel, VH1 Classic.
chingon said:
1. Latino Channels. Direct tv's are crappy compared to dish.

Ahhhhh. There ya go. Dish's international offereings are indeed superior. That is their ace in the hole. Also, the Sirius music channels are a nice plus. It's an international channel that keeps me tied to Dish, as well.

As for all of your technical issues, I'd venture to say you have a problem in your setup somewhere. The crazy colors and rain fade don't sound typical. Most people here seem to think rain fade should be roughly the same for both services. Actually, there are some who've posted theories as to why Dish might be more susceptible.
Ah bollocks.

The real argument between the first poster was that he was surprised and upset Dish had the audacity to charge him what they charge everybody else because he was a "long time customer"

Dish Network isn't old enough to ride on the big people rides yet, it's only 8 years old, 1996 to 2004. I hate it when people expect something for nothing just because they were some of the original customers waaaaay back in 98 or something. Big Freakin Deal.

MikeN, you want a PREMIUM service, you're going to pay PREMIUM prices. That's how this big money making machine called commerce works. Now if they were going to charge you ten bucks for the same channels other services give away for free, then I'd be with you. But their not. You want something better, you're going to pay more.
Also, as for the DirecTV early termination fee, it is WAIVED if you send the equipment back. That may only be for systems purchased directly from them, though. I'm not sure.

I did just manage to tet the information out of a direct tv rep that I could indeed send the equipment back. It took a while though, she was a real jerk.
chingon said:
I did just manage to tet the information out of a direct tv rep that I could indeed send the equipment back. It took a while though, she was a real jerk.
Looks like D* has a game of CSR roulette going just like E*. :D
Any company as large as those two have CSR roulette.

My local cable company is like that. Try getting your cable internet moved to a new address. Took me 5 CSRs until I found one who knew what they were doing.
I was once a big Dish supporter, but with the rumors that you will have to lease future equipment with no option of buying and now not including current HD subscribers for the six months free deal, I have pretty much made up my mind that I will switch once my commitment is up - unless they get their head in the game.
I talked to someone at Dish today and they said that one of the reasons why they would like an all lease model is to be more like cable because most people are familiar with that model. This makes it more attractive for cable customers who are looking to switch to Dish . Easy transition from something they are used to with cable to something familiar with satellite. No commitment and when you are through you send back the receivers and your through. EASY as can be.

Another reason is that it would be so much easier to upgrade all the Dish customers to the latest receivers when they become available. Especially if they go to something like MPEG4 . This would prevent any more future disasters like the 5000 series hd receiver or the origional 7100/7200 dishplayer receivers.

This of course also helps them with accounting perks on Dish's side. Something about assets on paper looking better if Dish owns the boxes rather than the customer buying them. It looks like this is the future with Dish and this will enable most people to lease an hd dvr receiver rather than pay 1000.00 out of their pockets to own one.

The way Dish updates their line of receivers every couple of years this would be good for the subscriber to get the latest updated receivers without any upfront cost . Leasing fee is only like a penny more than the additional receiver fee. With the 322/522 receivers they are the equivalent of 2 receivers for the price of one. This enables most people to save on the fee for the additional receiver fee if the box is hooked up to the phone line. IF the subscriber subs to AEP they escape the dvr fee on all dvr boxes on their account as well.

I think it is a matter of mind set. It is not like you can use these boxes without Dish service , unless you are a hacker. This protects the Dish company from hackers with leasing as well which would reduce the cost for them and the cost of our bills as well. I really don't care about who owns the receivers as long as I get the latest upgraded receivers and I don't have to pay any more than I do now, What is the big deal?

We will adjust to this just like we did to the Dvr fees scandal last year. Remember how many people were going to dump Dish because of these fees? I still don't like them but I do understand the reason why they are there. They make Dish and Directv money that keeps them afloat and helps them fight off the competition with cable . I still wish they could do something like a multi-receiver per account fee ( like Directv's per account dvr fee)if you sub to AEP , but I don't think it will ever happen unless Directv or cable does it first.

We will get used to this eventually just like all other changes along the way. I am sure I will eventually end up renting most of my boxes instead. I am really tired of shelling out all this money upfront to get the latest receivers , even with trade ins with It does become expensive. :yes

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