Newbie here with an moded Tivo with twin 160 Gigers.
Whats the best way to intigrate the Tivo with the Voom receiver?
Whats the best way to intigrate the Tivo with the Voom receiver?
slacker9876 said:Since this is the DirecTV forum I am thinking you must have a DirecTV DVR. If this is the case you can't. Tivo SA units fully support all of the Voom SD programming and as you would expect none of the HD.
Not incorrect ... there is not a TiVo on the market that can record HD, except the HD DirecTiVo which only work OTA and with DirecTVJEFFinINDY said:Incorrect -
TiVO records all of Voom's HD content just fine.
JEFFinINDY said:Incorrect -
TiVO records all of Voom's HD content just fine.
Can you explain a tad more? Plug the Tivo in, is not quite enough infored ufo said:You just plug in the Tivo and use the install wizard to pick voom.
U assume correctly. But I'm not givin up my Tivo's for Voom just yet...slacker9876 said:Since this is the DirecTV forum I am thinking you must have a DirecTV DVR. If this is the case you can't. Tivo SA units fully support all of the Voom SD programming and as you would expect none of the HD.
Choochie said:Can you explain a tad more? Plug the Tivo in, is not quite enough info
JEFFinINDY said:1. Use either an S-Video cable or a composite video (yellow) cable to connect the Voom receiver to the TiVO.
2. Use composite audio (red and white) cables to connect the audio out from the Voom receiver to the TiVO.
3. If you have basic cable or an NTSC antenna line, connect it to the back of the TiVO as well, so you'll be able to have your locals integrated in the TiVO guide.
4. Repeat the guided setup on the TiVO (this is found in the Settings menu). For the input type, select either Satellite, Satellite+Cable, or Satellite+Antenna, depending on how you connected things in step 3. On the next screen in the wizard, you will be able to pick Voom as your satellite provider.
Choochie said:Now this makes sense, my final question is? I am going to ssume that all of the content I have saved to the HD will be lost, once the Tivo is programed for Voom... Correct?
I was informed by my Tivo Guru that the two units Voom/Tivo will NOT interract because of the difference in encription encoding, thus my hopes of using my Tivo's with the Voom unit have been dashed.JEFFinINDY said:Nope - everything remains in tact. You may have to redo some of your season passes, though, if they were tied to a channel number.
Choochie said:I was informed by my Tivo Guru that the two units Voom/Tivo will NOT interract because of the difference in encription encoding, thus my hopes of using my Tivo's with the Voom unit have been dashed.
And frankly if any of yas have had or do now have a Tivo, you'll understand my frustration therein...
jwtracey said:How does the TIVO box tell the VOOM rcvr what channel to tune to?
Choochie, this all depends on what you mean by "work", and also on what you mean by "TiVo".Choochie said:Ok kids 'll explain it once more then this issue is dead. in order to make the Voom receiver to work with Tivo the Tivo unit must be an Hi Def model. Any other combination will not work. Got it?
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