I'm about to go High Def.
I'd like to have some input as to the pros and cons in comparing the two units for use with D*
Thank you
As an owner of both an HR10-250 and an HR20-100, I'd say the major drawback of the new receivers is the lack of the dual live buffer. If you've never had that with a Tivo receiver, then you wouldn't know what you're missing.
Does TiVo even have a MPEG4 DirecTV compatible HD DVR?
Thank you for your time...
Right now I have a Series II DirecTivo. I don't know what a live buffer is..what is it?
Also, can you differentiate for me the model numbers of the HD DVR's supplied by D* and the Tivo branded ones.
I'm also wondering how the HD tuner would tell the Tivo DVR to record. I have a Replay unit that uses an LED bug. Have we gotten a better interface than that? And in general, Does the Tivo branded machines integrate gracefully with an HD tuner?
If you don't get the Directv branded one, then you can't get any of the new HD channels and eventually you won't get any of them.
I do miss the dual live buffers, which is both tuners recording live TV at the same time.
Of course, the Directv-branded HR10-250 is a Tivo but doesn't get the new channels either.
I didn't really use DLB that much and don't miss it.
Yes, you can still record two channels at once, and watch a third from the recorded list. The Dual Live Buffer (DLB) allows you to watch two football games at once (for instance) and pause one show, let it build a little buffer while watching Tuner A, then when Tuner A comes to a commercial, you can pause Tuner A and switch back over to Tuner B and pickup where you left off. Lather, rinse, repeat...
The D* DVR's only buffer the channel you are currently watching, so if you change channels, you lose any buffered material on the last channel and start fresh with the new channel. There are ways around it, but not nearly as easy as the Tivo units were.
No, so its not an issue. DTV will not be putting a Tivo box out for the new HD channels.Does TiVo even have a MPEG4 DirecTV compatible HD DVR?
I didn't really use DLB that much and don't miss it.
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