Looks like I will have to wait a good two months for HD. We have had a milder winter here in Michigan until yesterday. Looks like its going to be cold enough for a while around here so I can't install my pole mount![]()
You can do it if your not in a hurry, Concrete will take a bit longer to dry !
It should be mid 30's next Saturday.![]()
Little trick you can do, take a large black plastic trash bag and lay it flat on the ground where you want to dig, make sure the snow is off the ground and put something heavy on the edges to hold it in place. As long as you have sun to light cloud cover it should warm up the ground enough to make it easy to get a post hole digger in the ground but I can tell you that the ground is most likley only frozen within the first six inches if the winter has been mild. Another thing to is snow will actually insulate unfrozen ground and keep it at about 32 for a good while.Yea I could, But the first couple of feet after this week won't be fun with a post hole digger![]()
Make sure you go four feet down in Michigan. Three feet is definitely not deep enough.
bang the end of your pole flat drive it down about 4 to 5 feet into the ground and ur all set in the spring u can dowhat u want with it. I did a pole mount ysterday here in buffalo no plrobems. wont ven here from that sucker again
Please please please dont do this for the love of god or what ever you believe in, as soon as the ground gets a little wet then and theres a bit of wind the pole will start moving and is the biggest pole mount related trouble call issue that I faced when I installed and they always end up spinning or wobbling.
I think you will be fine getting it done. Also....depending on how high your pole is and if it is close enough to the house.....suggest a cross brace from the house to the pole. It really helps when those winds come in over the lake
OK first off You need to change your avatarto the BIG M:up
OK now that we got that out of the way I need some info on your pole. Mine will be next to the house buy not that high, maybe 5' at the most. Also what is your OD on your pole? It looks like you have another piece of pipe slipped over it? Was that to make it a 2"OD pipe?
The od for the Slimline pole is 2".
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