meter success
Congrats on success with your Mercury II.
Good to see a happy user get all set up and functional.
I'm pretty sure you'll be pleased and surprised when you see the Visionsat in operation.
Got mine from SatelliteAV just a week ago, and have been totally blown away.
I put a request into the review thread for docs on the PVR functions, but have 'em pretty much worked out.
I had a lot of experience using the cheapie sat meters on DBS over the years.
So, when I went to find
Whitesprings on 129º with a
small experimental dish, I used mine to locate the bird.
I knew enough to set my receiver 22khz tone on, since I was using a Universal LNB.
Took two tries, but I found a bird in about the right place, peaked the signal using the meter, then went inside and watched Whitesprings.
The Satpros receiver I was using got 61 signal and 59 quality, so I left it alone.
There's a lot of RF along the arc, and those little meters detect any of it that's hot.
So, they're certainly not a good general solution.
However, used properly, they
can be an aid.
Obviously, the final tweak should be done with the receiver.
I think it's like so many other things in the FTA field, when we're new 'n green (no puns about my avatar, now!), everything is a struggle.