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Uh oh.. Guess who isn't watching C-band tonight! | SatelliteGuys.US

Uh oh.. Guess who isn't watching C-band tonight!

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Angry consumer!
Original poster
May 23, 2009
I was trying to get the Honeymooners to come in better, reception was pretty poor so I was "bumping" the dish around hoping to hit the sweet spot. All of a sudden, no signal.

I sat there pushing the G-box remote trying to get back to where it had been but nothing was happening. So I go look out the patio doors and find my little surprise.

I guess I'll be out there all night fixing this.. :o

Oh well, I've been needing to align this dish anyway.

One thing came to mind though, I'm going to put some steel cables on this thing so this can't happen again. I have a spare garage door cable left over from when my dad fixed it for me a few years ago, the old cable broke and you can only buy replacements in packages of two. I need to figure out how to cut and attach the cables to the dish and pole so that it will be impossible for the dish to fall over again. This was sooooo uncool... :(


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Uh Oh...the dreaded flop-over. No cables needed Dee. Just set your limit switches on your actuator and you're good to go. You'll need some help gently lifting the dish while moving it back to location with your remote on the G box. I hate when that happens.
Well, that wasn't so bad and actually, it was helpful.

I've been needing to change out that cr*ppy old black wire that ran from the LNB to underneath where there is a splice that I can take apart and put my meter on it. The old wire was, um, I have no idea how old. OLD... So I made a nice pretty new blue wire to replace it. Trying to reach the LNB when the dish was pointed up was nigh impossible, I'm only 5' 7" so I couldn't reach it. I had actually been STANDING in the dish in the past to work on it. Um, not cool.. :eek:

With the dish flopped over it made it easy to get to the LNB cover and everything. So while it was down I changed out the wire. :D

I also took the opportunity to inspect the LNB. Just a few days ago I saw you guys mention in another thread that the ZERO mark on the LNB needs to point to the three o'clock position. Mine, was pointed at the nine o'clock position. Ooopsy!

So I took a paint pen and marked the LNB just in case this went wrong then rotated it to 3. I put the cover back on and crossed my fingers.

Next, I loosened the bolts on the motor arm. I could see clearly that the arm just slid in the clamp. It must have been loose to begin with. I can't believe it didn't come loose when we had those +60mph storms come through a month or so back.

Amazingly enough, the dish was easy to tip back up properly. I tightened the bolts then went inside to look at the G-box. It was showing a number on it a good bit off of what I had it on for 87w. So I pushed the remote to move the MOTOR to it's normal position for 87w. I looked outside and saw the dish was waaaaaay off now. No problem.

I go back outside, loosen the bolts and tip it back to where it was supposed to be, tightened the bolts back and put my meter on the dish.

Right off I was back on MeTV. I erased the channel list from the last scan and did a fresh blind scan. I found all the stuff that was supposed to be there plus stuff I hadn't been getting before. Woa! :D

After the blind scan I tuned to MeTV and adjusted the dish a little more until I was showing a BER of zero, tightened it all up and went back inside. :D

Stuff is coming in really good right now... I'm just in time to catch the Untouchables :popcorn

And I won't miss my nightly recording of Highway Patrol. As corny as it is, I'm hooked on it... :rolleyes:

So now that I've taken care of the LNB problem and the wire replacement I'm in good shape to get out there and see if I can get it tracking the arc properly and program the G-box the way it should be. Right now I'm cheating by adjusting it to hit JUST 87w and to heck with everything else.

I've been lazy due to the heat, the mosquitoes and just plain laziness but I really need to do this thing right. So this weekend, that's the only thing on my agenda, adjust this dish properly. And after I get that done then I'm going to focus on FSTV.

All is well.. :)
Glad to see your back up and running.
FYI: 9 and 3 o'clock are interchangeable. Both are in the horizontal plane. As are 12 and 6 o'clock. They're both vertical. But maybe in changing it, you got it more accurate? On to the Cud-o's. Glad you got it back up and running. Good job. Add "adjust actuator limit switch" to your "things to do" and it will never happen again. Been there, done that.
For some reason I can't explain, 3800 is drawing a blank for me. When I scan it it says "Getting info", it sits there awhile then it says "Nothing found" and moves on. I've scanned all the way from 3795 to 3805 and the same results. Nothing.

So I go to 4080 and rescan and everything is there. Why is one bank of S2 channels "there but not there" and the other one working just fine? It's been that way for awhile now.

I was actually trying to find PBJ which I did, in the 4080 channels. :D

Now the big question is, is PBJ on Titantv? I tried to add it and it says there is nothing in their database for PBJ. Perhaps it's listings show up under one of the MANY RTV channels?

Thanks! :)

Oh yes, limits. Got to set them tomorrow when I can watch the dish out the window.. :o

OMG..... PBJ is peddling knives, swords and other instruments of death and destruction. PERFECT for a kid channel.. :rolleyes:
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If I'm reading correctly you are looking for RTV on 3800? It doesn't seem to be as strong as 4080 and you will probably want to fine tune on 3800 for best reception. I had an issue where I had a little "slop" in the dish elevation wise and would get everything on AMC-3 but 3800. Turned out to be a lose nut on the elevation bolt! I don't post often but after reading your adventures I'm sure you will sort this out like all the rest!
3080 is drawing a blank for me
Try 3800, unless that's a typo.
is PBJ on Titantv?
I haven't found it. Think we'll have to wait 'till there's call letters associated with it.
OMG..... PBJ is peddling knives, swords and other instruments of death and destruction. PERFECT for a kid channe
Yikes! I saw that. It's. it's like, daggers in the "Happy Meal!"
Try 3800, unless that's a typo.I haven't found it. Think we'll have to wait 'till there's call letters associated with it.Yikes! I saw that. It's. it's like, daggers in the "Happy Meal!"

LOL!! Yes, the 3080 was a typo that I went back and corrected, apparently while you were in the process of quoting it... Ooops! :)

I hope they get on Titan soon, I really could use some cartoons to relieve the stress. I've been frustrated with so much and I need to laugh and smile again.
Sadly, I can't even find anything at all on the Luken site except "coming soon"...
When I saw the title of this thread, I thought...
- the 'skeeters carried away her BUD?
- one of those trees fell on her BUD?
- no, maybe she ran into the pole with her truck, 'cause her tractor probably wouldn't do it...

I was glad to read it was less terminal and that you recovered.

And as Fat Air mentioned above, the 3 o'clock / 9 o'clock positions are interchangeable.
Just pull the feed cover and look down the throat, twist to each position, and you'll understand.

Glad it all turned into a happy ending for ya. - :up
I was trying to get the Honeymooners to come in better, reception was pretty poor so I was "bumping" the dish around hoping to hit the sweet spot. All of a sudden, no signal.

I sat there pushing the G-box remote trying to get back to where it had been but nothing was happening. So I go look out the patio doors and find my little surprise.

I guess I'll be out there all night fixing this.. :o

Oh well, I've been needing to align this dish anyway.

One thing came to mind though, I'm going to put some steel cables on this thing so this can't happen again. I have a spare garage door cable left over from when my dad fixed it for me a few years ago, the old cable broke and you can only buy replacements in packages of two. I need to figure out how to cut and attach the cables to the dish and pole so that it will be impossible for the dish to fall over again. This was sooooo uncool... :(

I take it that the actuator HARD limits failed? This is a good example of why it is important to set the limit switches in the actuator. I have a Gbox that goes beserk from time to time and it makes me glad that the HARDWARE limits are set because the software limits don't always limit the dish movement. Anyway, I hope that your actuator isn't damaged.
I take it that the actuator HARD limits failed? This is a good example of why it is important to set the limit switches in the actuator. I have a Gbox that goes beserk from time to time and it makes me glad that the HARDWARE limits are set because the software limits don't always limit the dish movement. Anyway, I hope that your actuator isn't damaged.

Hard limits? The only thing I know about are that you can set limits on the G-box which I haven't done but I am aware of them.
"Hard limits" makes me think of like putting steel cables on it so that it's physically impossible to flop over like it did.

As best as I can tell, nothing was damaged when that happened though I can see that the potential was there for it to have bent the motor arm. That freaked me out when I noticed how close it came to bending that! I still think it's a good idea to put some garage door cables on it, just in case. Especially since this is Hurricane Alley and peak hurricane season is approaching. August and September are historically the two months to really worry about though by October a direct hit (here in SE Texas) is pretty unusual.

But really, I need to Ijjit proof that big dish. That incident was my fault and my doing. I'll probably do it again someday unless I make it so that it's impossible. :o
I wouldn't use cables, unless you're going to tie it down if you expect to get hit with hurricane winds. Using a cable to prevent over-extension would only act as an impossible to move load on the motor, and may burn it out. Besides the software limits in the G-Box. There is [should be] a limit switch inside actuator motor assembly. Take the cover off and you'll see either cams which rotate or a rod that will hit the limit switch and stop it from extending any further. {cuts the power from the motor in that direction only} Software limits can be over-ridden, or become corrupted. The actuators internal switch very, very, rarely ever fail. Move the actuator out as far as you need, then adjust the cam or rod it's just about to hit the switch. Or a bit past, and adjust the cam or rod so it' hitting the switch. You can then, carefully, test it. Reversing direction will still work.
I wouldn't use cables, unless you're going to tie it down if you expect to get hit with hurricane winds. Using a cable to prevent over-extension would only act as an impossible to move load on the motor, and may burn it out. Besides the software limits in the G-Box. There is [should be] a limit switch inside actuator motor assembly. Take the cover off and you'll see either cams which rotate or a rod that will hit the limit switch and stop it from extending any further. {cuts the power from the motor in that direction only} Software limits can be over-ridden, or become corrupted. The actuators internal switch very, very, rarely ever fail. Move the actuator out as far as you need, then adjust the cam or rod it's just about to hit the switch. Or a bit past, and adjust the cam or rod so it' hitting the switch. You can then, carefully, test it. Reversing direction will still work.

Hmmm... Well, I'll guess I should open the motor tomorrow, take a good photo and post it, maybe you guys can spot the stuff for doing that.
I don't have a handy link nor picture, but I believe such pix have been posted.
Unfortunately, I don't own any to offer help with, but from the pix I've seen, they're pretty straight forward.
Once you see what you've got, just follow Fat Air's comments above, and you should be on your way. - :up
This is the inside of the motor. I don't see much of anything in there. :confused:


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Oh, wait a minute.. This was posted while I was posting.
I'm not sure what I'm looking at here. I'll look at this and at the inside of the motor and see if I can figure it out. Just looking at the picture isn't doing much for me. I guess I'll have to go open my motor again. Maybe tomorrow I will go give it a go. I'm not up to it today, I have a massive migraine and my brain is barely functioning right now..

Thank you... :)
Your pics are the same as on the referenced page, just rotated 90° CW.(Ref. your second picture) Limit Switches and Limit Cams. You have cams, so there are two limits you can set. Minimum extension and Maximum extension. Take a battery out with you and you can power it and see the cams turn, Disconnect the motor wires to the G-box when using a battery.
Your pics are the same as on the referenced page, just rotated 90° CW.(Ref. your second picture) Limit Switches and Limit Cams. You have cams, so there are two limits you can set. Minimum extension and Maximum extension. Take a battery out with you and you can power it and see the cams turn, Disconnect the motor wires to the G-box when using a battery.

I have a little remote control pyramid that I fixed up on a tripod to take outside with me when I need to move the dish, I made it up when I was fighting with that 6 foot WSI dish. The pyramid is upside down under the screen. I can take it 50' out in the back yard and control anything inside the house, the other pyramid is inside in front of the Gbox, coolsat and other satellite stuff. Of course I can't see the displays on the indoor stuff when I do that but this sure beats running back and forth like I was at first.

I ~think~ I see what you guys are talking about, some little wheels that you turn to hit that switch. I'll look at it tomorrow, it's dark now and I'm not feeling well nor am I thinking clearly. Maybe it will make more sense when I open the motor back up and take a better look at it. I just opened it to photograph it, I couldn't tell what I was looking at because I had the wrong glasses on to see things up close.

Thank you.. :)


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Chaparral Corotor

Picture of my C-band dish

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