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Updated Dish 1000 Info | SatelliteGuys.US

Updated Dish 1000 Info

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Tonight I have received some updated Dish 1000 information, including what areas are elligible for a Dish 1000 upgrade and which ones are not.

So here is a list of ELIGIBLE MUST CARRY DMA'S
  • Chicago, IL
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Dallas - Ft Worth, TX
  • Denver, CO
  • Fresno, Vosalia, CA
  • Greenville - Spartanburg, SC - Ashville, NC, Anderson, SC
  • Houston, TX
  • Little Rock - Pine Bluff, AK
  • Louisville, KY
  • Omaha, NE
  • Roanoke - Lynchburg, VA
  • Sacramento - Stockton - Modesto, CA
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • San Francisco - Oakland - San Jose, CA
  • Sioux Falls (Mitchell), SD
  • Charlottesville, VA (Prev. 105w)
  • Clarksburg - Weston, WV (Prev. 105w)
  • Richmond - Petersburg, VA (Prev. 105w)
  • Charleston - Huntington, WV (Prev. 105w)
  • Sioux City, IA (Prev 105w)
  • Columbus, OH (Prev 105w)
  • Dayton, OH (Prev 105w)
  • Erie, PA (Prev. 121w)
  • Wausau - Rhinelander, WI (Prev 121w)
  • Wichita Falls TX & Lawton, OK (Prev. 121w)
In addition the Dish 1000 is NOT recommended and may not work in the following areas due to the look angles needed to see the satellite. (So in other words if you live in these areas don't plan on getting a Dish 1000) :)
  • Tallahasse, FL - Thomasville, GA, Jacksonville, FL and all DMA's South
  • Chorpus Chrsti, TX, Laredo, TX, Harlingen - Welaco - Brownsville - McAllen, TX
  • Buffalo, NY, Johnstown - Altoona, PA, Harrisburg - Lancaster - Lebanon - York, PA - Baltimore, MD - Salisbury, MD and everything NORTH.
Please note that none of this information becomes OFFICIAL until SEPTEMBER 27th, so in this time something may change (but I doubt it) :)

There you go more news first from your friends at SatelliteGuys.US! Welcome Home!
Cool! Does "elligible for a Dish 1000 upgrade" mean a free upgrade, I assume? If so, then once it's official on/after the 27th, I'll give'em a call to take my bee house--err--SuperDish away for a new one of these, then I might get me some Voom. :)
I dont know if that is the case Tux. It does mean that as of the 27th in those areas the only Dish which should be installed is the Dish 1000, no more Dish 500's and no more SuperDishes in these areas.
They should have just stuck with the SuperDISH name and called it the SuperDISH at 129, since they have one for 105 and 121.
i agree with you, neutron. Why did they name it a dish 1000? What is the 1000 in reference to. I wish they would have made the dish 1000 a little bigger, or would have put out two different sizes. They could have a the small one they have now for people that live in appartments or places that have restrictions and have a larger one like the old channel master 50cm elliptical directv multi sat dish for people like us "Satellite Guys", the mans man.
DISH 1000 Upgrade

I'm an employee of Echo*. While the business rules regarding the DISH 1000 are still being updated, here is what I know as of today:

- 129 will provide stronger signal strength for local channels than the spot beams provided on SuperDISH (nice improvement)
- 2/3 of the country can pull a useable signal from the bird at 129
- VOOM content is simulcast on 129

- All existing customers who add VOOM will pay $100 for the DISH 1000 upgrade.

- Of course if you're a new sub who falls within one of the 25 DISH 1000 DMA's, you won't pay anything extra for the VOOM installation.

Hope this info helps.
I'm an employee of Echo*.
You should say you WERE an employee of E* because if they find out you posted here you're likely to be terminated. :cool:

And your information is only partially correct.

For example, there are no spotbeams on 105 or 121.

And, the $100 only applies if the customer is stupid enough to call E* directly. Local retailers are free to charge an appropriate amount.
Simple minded Simon,

Check your facts.

The information in my previous post isn't top secret. So kind of you to worry about me keeping my job though :cool:
HeHe thank god for honest companies and installers like "SimpleSimon" and his organization, i received a great deal on my Dish1000 and i am sure i am the only one in the springs using one right now, SIMON really took care of me and hooked me up with a very sweet programming deal too... Simon is the man...
iceondsom said:
Simple minded Simon,

Check your facts.

The information in my previous post isn't top secret. So kind of you to worry about me keeping my job though :cool:

Take it easy cheesey, Simples not a dumby and knows his stuff better than most of us Dish techs do.
Just what is the purpose of the 1000? I live in the Sac/Mod DMA in NorCal and I guess I haven't been paying attention. To what advantage is it for me? I am planning on getting a HDTV next year and maybe adding programming to match. Just curious. Mike
iceondsom said:
- 129 will provide stronger signal strength for local channels than the spot beams provided on SuperDISH (nice improvement)

Did anyone consider that possibly Iceondsom meant spotbeams on 110/119 ?
I know, I know, spotbeams are for locals, if the locals were on the 110/119 why would they have a superdish ??
Iceondsom may have also been referring to the fact that locals on 129 will be higher power the on 105/121 due to the nature of DBS vs FSS

Anyway, consider this . . .

The superdishes are built with the focal point in the center of the dish for the FSS satellite, not to the sides for the 110/119 satellites.
I havent seen a dish1000 up close yet, but if the reflector is built like the D* phase III dish it is slightly flat, making multiple focus points for each LNB.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about how the dishes work, but I thought the superdish design was a compromise. The dish had to be built primarily to pick up the 105/121 satellite. The ability for a superdish to receive sufficient signal for the DBS satellites to work was a happy accident. It works because a DBS satellite only needs an 18" area to focus sufficient signal, so the 33" reflector on the superdish works even though the focal point isnt perfect.

If the dish had been designed with multiple focal points to better accommodate the 110/119 satellites, the signal from the FSS satellites would have been reduced since the entire dish wouldnt be used to focus the signal to the FSS LNB.
I dont think I'm the only one that has noticed that if you play with a superdish long enough to get the absolute highest signal on the FSS satellite, the other 2 will be lower, if you peak the dish based on the DBS satellites, the FSS wont be quite as high.
I am quite certain that the post by Scott will in fact take place. Everything is already set in stone on this one. Distributors are already getting Dish1000's in preparing for this. The locals are already at 129 that were announced. The software is on all the receivers that are capable of receiving 129 as far as I know (turn receiver off if you do not have the software yet). What is uncertain is an upgrade from SuperDish to Dish1000 for those that already have a SuperDish (when it will happen, details, etc). I am not sure if they are going to have a promotion for existing subscribers or just going to keep everyone that already had a SuperDish on that satellite and just use the Dish1000 for new customers for all new subscribers.
Do I understand this correctly

If you can not get 61.5 and sign up for Voom on 129 you get a 1000 for $100?

I currently 500 -110/119 + 300- 148 and a DPP 4:4. Might just change from 500 to 1000 now and ultimately drop the 300 if the channels I get from 148 move to 129.
iceondsom said:
Simple minded Simon,

Check your facts.

The information in my previous post isn't top secret. So kind of you to worry about me keeping my job though :cool:
It's not the information itself, it's the fact that you are here posting at all. You would NOT be the first one canned for it.
JPointerWI said:
Did anyone consider that possibly Iceondsom meant spotbeams on 110/119 ?
I know, I know, spotbeams are for locals, if the locals were on the 110/119 why would they have a superdish ??
Iceondsom may have also been referring to the fact that locals on 129 will be higher power the on 105/121 due to the nature of DBS vs FSS

Anyway, consider this . . .

The superdishes are built with the focal point in the center of the dish for the FSS satellite, not to the sides for the 110/119 satellites.
I havent seen a dish1000 up close yet, but if the reflector is built like the D* phase III dish it is slightly flat, making multiple focus points for each LNB.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something about how the dishes work, but I thought the superdish design was a compromise. The dish had to be built primarily to pick up the 105/121 satellite. The ability for a superdish to receive sufficient signal for the DBS satellites to work was a happy accident. It works because a DBS satellite only needs an 18" area to focus sufficient signal, so the 33" reflector on the superdish works even though the focal point isnt perfect.

If the dish had been designed with multiple focal points to better accommodate the 110/119 satellites, the signal from the FSS satellites would have been reduced since the entire dish wouldnt be used to focus the signal to the FSS LNB.
I dont think I'm the only one that has noticed that if you play with a superdish long enough to get the absolute highest signal on the FSS satellite, the other 2 will be lower, if you peak the dish based on the DBS satellites, the FSS wont be quite as high.
Good analysis, but so far, it looks like the D1000 is NOT really designed that way. Check my first-time numbers with it in the [thread=86427]Signal Strength thread[/thread]. I couldn't get 110 to show Dish500 levels no matter what I did. OTOH, 119 was trivial to peak - if I had any signal at all on 110 & 129, then 119 was as good as any Dish500.

I sure would like to try a good ole D300 and both Y- and I-beam'd D500s on 129 just for this reason - what should we be expecting. After all, at this point of the game, we don't have any idea if SpringsGuy's D1000 is warped or whatever. I'm doing another one later this week, so I'll know more then. Plus beings I pulled my test D500 to test the D1000, I might as well try hitting 129 with it when I re-aim. And I guess if nobody beats me to it, I'll end up swinging my 61.5 dish over to 129 - if it's current location can see past my main D500.
Okay, so I live in the Louisville, KY DMA and would be eligible for the DISH100. Currently I have a Dish 500 and a dish 300 pointed at 61.5 for VOOM. Would I really need to get the Dish 1000? It looks like my main locals are staying on 110 with two small channels going from 61.5 to 129. Since everyone can not get 129, I would suppose VOOM is staying on 61.5. I suppose to make things easier, I could just get another Dish 300 and point it at 129 correct? (I got a DP44+).

OoTLink said:
voom is mirrored on 129, so you'll only need a 1000 for 110/119/129 wdam :)

Yeah, I understand that VOOM is mirrored on 129. I guess my real question is will I be required to go to a DISH 1000 system or am I going to be fine with by 110/119/61.5 setup? Right now, the only two channels that have moved or are going to be moved is a secondary PBS station and an ind. religious station. I can live without those. However, if VOOM was to move to 129, then I would understand my options. From the info I have seen, my locals, which are all on 110 are staying put for now.


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