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Using component and HDMI | SatelliteGuys.US

Using component and HDMI


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 23, 2010
Is it possible to use component with optical from my 722k straight to my TV while also having an HDMI to an Xbox One (not turned on) and still get picture and audio?

Based off of that answer here is my second scenario:

Having it hooked up the same way as mentioned above, would it be possible to receive picture and audio while the Xbox One is turned on?

Basically my questions is, can the 722k send signal through multiple outlets at once and still be able to output picture and audio.

Reason being is, I want to use the Xbox One as a passthrough to take advantages of the console but when I don't want the Xbox One on I want to be able to watch the 722k separately(with the Xbox One off).

Unless you can think of a better way of achieving this please offer up suggestions or if this is even possible. I know my PS3 was capable of sending multiple signals.

(my planned set up is Dishnet(HDMI) to xbox; xbox(HDMI) to Denon receiver; devon receiver(HDMI) to TV)
Additonal set up: (Dishnet(component) to TV; Dishnet(optical) to TV)

Thanks in advance. Hope this makes sense because it does in my head . : /
Yes it will work, but are you saying your going to hook comp cables (red, blue, green, and red and white for sound) from dish rcvr to tv, then an optical cable from the dish rcvr to the surround sound or the optical cable from the audio out on the tv to the surround sound...? Either way should work fine just wondering.
With all the channels that are enforcing the use of HDCP it's very possible that when you tune to one of those channels it may actually disable all outputs if the Xbox doesn't pass the required HDCP response to the receiver.
I currently have a Dish 622 hooked up via HDMI to one TV and component to a second TV in another room. Both TVs work fine. Both TVs receive all channels I get without exception. I have AEP so it's pretty much every English language (and the most popular Spanish language) channel out there.

The 622 and 722 are essentially the same except for the hard drive size.
I've had component/optical hooked up on one TV and HDMI running another for years and about 6 months ago I got a message that the one running component didn't have HDMI connected and I couldn't get audio or video on that set--can't remember exactly what it said but that's the gist of it. :confused: Solved it by using a HDMI splitter.

I've had component/optical hooked up on one TV and HDMI running another for years and about 6 months ago I got a message that the one running component didn't have HDMI connected and I couldn't get audio or video on that set--can't remember exactly what it said but that's the gist of it. :confused: Solved it by using a HDMI splitter.


I've had my 722 hooked up via component for as long as I've had it. My TV only has one HDMI input, and I use it for a BluRay player. I just recently added a Roku, so I got a cheap HDMI switcher. But still only hookup the 722 via component. Have never seen an error message.
Back to the OP, I have never seen a tv with optical input...only out.
I've had my 722 hooked up via component for as long as I've had it. My TV only has one HDMI input, and I use it for a BluRay player. I just recently added a Roku, so I got a cheap HDMI switcher. But still only hookup the 722 via component. Have never seen an error message.

Neither had I......until I did. Maybe it was a one time fluke?:confused: I could not get ANY programming from the component connected TV and there was a message telling me I didn't have HDMI connected. Hooked up both via HDMI with a splitter I already had on a shelf and haven't tried component since. I'd connect component again to try it but getting behind my equipment to hook it up is a PITA.

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Ummm you got me at dishnet through hdmi to Xbox... What??

Are you meaning the 722 with dish or dishnet?

But anyways check your component. If you are putting regular component to hd component on your tv it may not work. You will need to connect to regular component on the tv or get a modulator and switch it to coax and run the tv on that. It will work fine unless you absolutely must have hd. Then you really need to run with hdmi.

I have seen several times where it shows black and white or just don't work at all if I use regular component into the hd component and sometimes works perfect. Depends on the tv I am guessing.

(Reason I ask about the dishnet is because I actually had a customer who had a special device that made it possible to send the Ethernet through hdmi. But is pointless because it for sure went faster running with cat5)

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Also why are you even using the optical to tv? Kinda pointless actually... Only reason TVs have optical out is for sound systems. Unless you have the bose tv or something like that....

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It is dish network hence the 722k. Anyways, I have everything set up as follows and everything works as I expected:

Component out of 722k to Denon receiver; hdmi out of 722k to xbox 1 then hdmi out of xbox 1 to devon receiver. Of course I still need audio for the component so my plan was to use the optical out from the 722k to the devon. Unfortunately my optical cable isn't working so I have one coming in the mail tomorrow. For my temporary work around Im using the red and white out of the 722k to the devon and is working just fine.

Remember, the only reason I'm using both is there are times when I don't want the xbox 1 on thus using the component is needed when only wanting to watch TV/dishnetwork. The xbox 1 isn't true passthrough. It needs to be one when using the hdmi signal from the 722k.

Setting up the Harmony Ultimate I think was the most challenging part. For some reason all my favorites channels trigger the power on/off. (scratches head)
I actually had two 722ks hooked to the nearby sets with component and then to two remote TVs (each)* using a HDMI output splitter. It worked just fine.

More accurately, 722k #1 to TV A with component. 722K #2 to TV B with component. 722K #1 to TV B & C with HDMI. 722K #2 to TV A & C with HDMI. So both 722ks could be seen by all three TVs... by switching to alternate TV inputs.

Now I have two Hoppers and a Joey that does it all!
My Sony D50 projector has the 5 wire component input (no synch on green) so I bought an HD Fury to convert the HDMI to component, never have seen any hint of DRM on any channel.

I usually have to unplug the HDMI going to the HD Fury and replug it to make the projector see the signal, but that is easy and the picture (1080i) is great all over the whole wall (84" diagonal).

My only problem is that i have an old RCA surround sound hooked up to it so I have to use TOSLink audio with a manual switch, whereas my HDMI is on a switch with a remote - saving for another sound system that switches HDMI from my 5 sources.
Well I've come across an issue with getting audio from my optical cable. Simply put, I'm not getting any. I tried two different optical cables running from my 722k to my Devon receiver. I get the picture but the challenge for me is what input to select for the Denon. This may be more of a Denon question but I have the optical plugged into Opt.1 (tv/cable). There are several selections on the Denon one begin tv/cable but that doesn't work. I even tried running my component cables from the 722k to the Denon then out of the Denon to the TV and attempted to assign the optical that way. Doing this I didn't get picture or audio. Can optical be used while having a HDMI cable also plugged into the 722k? I have that cable for my Xbox One. I'm at a lose now and need some advice.
The Denons have a menu that goes up on your TV screen, if you have it hooked up. Within the menus are a spot to assign your inputs and tell the Denon what type of input you want to use. See the following images:




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