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Various Dish Network Questions (potential new subscriber) | SatelliteGuys.US

Various Dish Network Questions (potential new subscriber)


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 11, 2007
Currently have Comcast, spent a long time pondering making the switch and comparing my choices and etc etc. Comcast's DVR software is crappy, as many of you have probably dealt with, has low space for HDTV recordings aswell. And its like $130 a month, even though we don't get all the channels. Also like the fact you can hook up USB HDDs to add space and transfer them to other TVs.

Talked to a live chat person on the Dish Network site. He said they can't guarantee what HD DVR I would get. Also said that for four TVs they would send out two DVR boxes.

I want to keep the same functionality I have now with Comcast. We have three dual tuner DVRs. One is hooked up to a HDTV, and two are SDTVs. We also have two additional set top boxes without DVR capabilities. The online CSR told me each aditional DVR would be $99. And that it is possible to have three TVs hooked up to dual tuner DVRs and be able to watch/record something on each tuner on each DVR (6 streams at once).

1. What is the maximum number of Dual Tuner DVRs I can have on one dish? Is there no longer a limit to how many different streams I can watch at one time?

2. I want to keep my Comcast DVRs for at least a month or two so I can get the programs off of them/watch them. Would the installer run new cables to the TVs? Or run it over the exisiting cabling? Some of my inside wiring going to the TVs upstairs goes through more than one splitter. The main line comes in, is split 4 ways. Two of the three splits go to TVs, the third is split 2 ways, one to a cable modem and one to the HDTV (although that will chance when i go to DSL, Comcast has crappy policies, lesser of two evils, etc) and the fourth is split again to go to two TVs and probably has crappy wiring inside the walls.

3. I live in close proximity to high voltage power lines, would this affect the signal? No one in my area has Dish, don't know why.

4. What DVR model(s) would I most likely get? I would like the new VIP 722. Which model(s) do they normally give for HDTVs and for SDTVs?

5. What dish will they bring to install?

6. I have Vonage, I have read that people have successfully used Vonage for their Dish boxes. Do they all call out at the same time each day? I read if you don't have it hooked up to a phone line you get charged $5 or so for the box.

7. Anything else I should know?
1. What is the maximum number of Dual Tuner DVRs I can have on one dish? Is there no longer a limit to how many different streams I can watch at one time?

You can run up to three dual tuners off of a dish 1000.2, which is the standard dish model for customers who also want HD programming. However, typically DISH will only allow 2 dual tuners to be leased on one account. If you want an additional dual tuner, you can have it, but it must be purchased at full retail price. With 2 dual tuner boxes, you could watch up to 4 different channels on 4 different TVs at any one time.

2. I want to keep my Comcast DVRs for at least a month or two so I can get the programs off of them/watch them. Would the installer run new cables to the TVs? Or run it over the exisiting cabling? Some of my inside wiring going to the TVs upstairs goes through more than one splitter. The main line comes in, is split 4 ways. Two of the three splits go to TVs, the third is split 2 ways, one to a cable modem and one to the HDTV (although that will chance when i go to DSL, Comcast has crappy policies, lesser of two evils, etc) and the fourth is split again to go to two TVs and probably has crappy wiring inside the walls.

The wiring question is hard to answer. It depends on a lot of factors. If you specifically ask for it, all new cable can be ran. Just make sure to tell the installer that you want to keep your cable TV along with your DISH service. The upstairs TVs could be tricky. Satellite feeds coming from dish to receiver are pretty picky about what kind of cable they run on. I would have your installer discuss your options with you when he gets there to see what makes the most sense depending on your wiring setup and future needs.

3. I live in close proximity to high voltage power lines, would this affect the signal? No one in my area has Dish, don't know why.

High voltage power lines SHOULDN"T affect your signal. Unless the dish picks up it's signal directly between them. The dish will point West - Southwest, depending on your exact geographical location, so as long as those lines are somewhere else, then you should be fine.

4. What DVR model(s) would I most likely get? I would like the new VIP 722. Which model(s) do they normally give for HDTVs and for SDTVs?

The DVR models vary depending on whether or not you want HD. If you want HD, then yes, you will most likely get a 722. If not, then it will most likely be a 625.

5. What dish will they bring to install??

If you're getting HD, the installer will most likely bring a dish 1000.2. This will allow you to get all the channels you need including HD. If you don't want HD, then in most cases you can get by with a dish 500. The other possibility, depending on your location, is that they could setup a dish 500, and another dish to pick up another satellite signal. The dish 1000.2 picks up a signal from location 129, which sits pretty low on the horizon and cannot be "seen" from some parts of the country (extreme east coast). When this situation occurs, and "wing" dish is setup to pick up the 61.5 satellite, which gets the channels lost as a result of not getting 129.

6. I have Vonage, I have read that people have successfully used Vonage for their Dish boxes. Do they all call out at the same time each day? I read if you don't have it hooked up to a phone line you get charged $5 or so for the box.

People have had mixed results with Vonage. Personally I haven't tried it, but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. The receivers usually dial out about the same time every few days.

DISH is the only company that has the dual tuners. With all other cable and sat providers, for every room you hook up there is an individual box. For every box beyond the first, they charge you $5 as an additional outlet fee. With the dual tuner boxes, DISH is willing to waive that charge for the additional outlet. The only thing that they ask in return is that you leave the receiver plugged into a phone line. This is done for a couple reasons: Primarily, the equipment that is given to you is leased. You will never own it. Since it remains property of DISH, and it costs sometimes over $500 depending on which type of receiver you have, they want to make sure it's at YOUR house, and not down the road at your in-laws getting torn up by the out-laws. :D The other reason is that when the receiver dials out and calls DISH, it sends a record of what you have watched in the previous days to DISH. They compile all the information from all their customers and then sell it to Neilsen TV ratings. So in essence, yes, they're making money off of the TV you watch. Imgaine that.... :D Now, do you HAVE to connect the receivers to a phone line? No. They will work just fine without being plugged in. But it will save you $5 a month per receiver if you do.

7. Anything else I should know?

That pretty much covers the important stuff. Anything else that may come up can be answered by your installer.

Hope that helps.
Yeah the online CSR told me I could have more than two DVRs for $99 each.

Yeah I want HD channels. I am also in 60465 about 15 miles as the crow flies away from downtown Chicago.
Sounds like your online csr is full of it. can have as many tv's as you want hooked up to a dual tuner dvr but you can only record/view two different programs at any given time (two streams hence DUAL tuner). You would have the option to watch/record a third stream with a 722 using an off-air antenna for your locals. have more than 4 tuners (or two dual tuner boxes) on your account you must purchase the equipment at full price, not the $99 upgrade fee. Expect to pay about $300-$350 for a sd-dvr. As for the wiring in the home, you are entitled to 120' of RG-6 free with the installation. This measurement starts at the dish and it is very likely that wiring your entire house will take more than 120' which means you will be paying out of pocket to the installer if he is a subcontractor. Also, don't expect the wiring to be done the way it was when the house was built (i.e.:wall fished) unless you pay extra. If you want to access your Comcast DVR's have the installer keep a cable feed to one room where you can hook them up one at a time
What about if I want two TVs to have one dual tuner DVR each and two other TVs to just have a regular set top box? I assume that those additional set top boxes past the two dual tuner DVRs would cost me. How much?

And I want it to be similar to how I have it now. We use the heck out of our DVRs here. One TV per dual-tuner DVR. I don't need more than two boxes, we just had three because the space on them was so small, 80GB for SDTV and 160GB for HDTV DVRs, we won't need more than two since Dish DVRs have ability to hook up USB HDDs for more storage. Something Comcast could have done using eSATA or Firewire or USB for at least a year now but hasn't.
What about if I want two TVs to have one dual tuner DVR each and two other TVs to just have a regular set top box? I assume that those additional set top boxes past the two dual tuner DVRs would cost me. How much?

And I want it to be similar to how I have it now. We use the heck out of our DVRs here. One TV per dual-tuner DVR. I don't need more than two boxes, we just had three because the space on them was so small, 80GB for SDTV and 160GB for HDTV DVRs, we won't need more than two since Dish DVRs have ability to hook up USB HDDs for more storage. Something Comcast could have done using eSATA or Firewire or USB for at least a year now but hasn't.

If you just want basic receivers for the other two rooms (non-hd, non-dvr) you need two 301 receivers or a 322 receiver. The 322 would be the best solution because it will work with the 1000.2 dish without any extra switches. The 1000.2 supports three receivers regardless of whether they are dual tuner or single tuner. If you got two 301's you would have 4 receivers and require a 44 switch which is about $200. Dish will sell you a 322 for either $149 or $199, can't remember. You will also be charged $60 for the install.
It sounds like what the OP wants is two ViP722 receivers. You get DVR coverage for two HD and two SD displays as well as the ability to back up to USB.

I should note that sharing programming between receivers is limited at this time. At some point the receivers should be able to share programming through your home's electric wiring.
If you just want basic receivers for the other two rooms (non-hd, non-dvr) you need two 301 receivers or a 322 receiver. The 322 would be the best solution because it will work with the 1000.2 dish without any extra switches. The 1000.2 supports three receivers regardless of whether they are dual tuner or single tuner. If you got two 301's you would have 4 receivers and require a 44 switch which is about $200. Dish will sell you a 322 for either $149 or $199, can't remember. You will also be charged $60 for the install.

I'm also about to jump into Dish for the first time. This info would have been nice to know. The Dish rep I had, who I could hardly understand, mind you, stressed that I needed a 44 switch for my 6 TV setup. I've already purchased one on Ebay. So, sounds to me like I just wasted $60, as I plan to get a 322, and am getting an HD setup. Nice. Wish I'd found your forum sooner. Any ideas what I can use my unnecessary 44 switch for? It will be unnecessary, in my setup, right? Maybe DISH should buy it from me, for telling me to get it, when I don't need to.

Also, been trolling Ebay, for a 322. Not seeing many "great" deals. Any good place to get these, without balances? Also, what's with the "revision" #'s I saw questions on this for one auction, and had not seen that before. Is that important?

Thanks for any help
I'm also about to jump into Dish for the first time. This info would have been nice to know. The Dish rep I had, who I could hardly understand, mind you, stressed that I needed a 44 switch for my 6 TV setup. I've already purchased one on Ebay. So, sounds to me like I just wasted $60, as I plan to get a 322, and am getting an HD setup. Nice. Wish I'd found your forum sooner. Any ideas what I can use my unnecessary 44 switch for? It will be unnecessary, in my setup, right? Maybe DISH should buy it from me, for telling me to get it, when I don't need to.

Also, been trolling Ebay, for a 322. Not seeing many "great" deals. Any good place to get these, without balances? Also, what's with the "revision" #'s I saw questions on this for one auction, and had not seen that before. Is that important?

Thanks for any help

I don't know about any revision numbers...They probably mean the receiver numbers. There is a R00******** and S********** number that identifies each receiver. Before purchasing one you need to call Dish with that number to verify that the receiver is eligable to activate on your account.

Not sure why they told you you would need a 44 switch...but it is possible that you will. Not all markets use the 1000.2 dish for HD. Some areas use the 1000PLUS dish, but that already comes with a 44 switch. Some areas use two D500's, one pointed at 110/119 and the other pointed at 61.5, in which case you would need the 44. If you only paid $60 for it you can probably sell it again on ebay for a profit. The installer might even buy it from you to sell to another customer that really needs it.
Good luck trying to get the Dish CSR to grasp the concept of a dual-tuner receiver on one TV. It took three separate trips for the installers to figure out what I wanted and I finally had to draw them a picture...

That being said, once everything was installed it worked like a charm...until my 622 broke. Three receivers later everything was up, running, and working again.

It would be nice to know their future plans for HD programming though; but I digress.
I agree with earlier posts, go with DirectTV, Dish is going through change of hand crap and plus DirectTV will have more HD channels by the end of the year. Plus with them, you only need to put up one dish compared to the two dishes I had to get.
I agree with earlier posts, go with DirectTV, Dish is going through change of hand crap and plus DirectTV will have more HD channels by the end of the year.
Actually, it is DIRECTV that is undergoing the substantial change of ownership. More than 38.5% of DIRECTV's stock is being transferred from News Corp to Liberty Media. The complex swap has been cooking for almost a year now and still hasn't been executed.

Here's the DIRECTV press release: DirecTV - Investor Relations - News Release
I really like the feature of adding USB HDDs for more storage. DirecTV doesn't do that from what I read. Also Dish has Buzztime Trivia. Both a major improvement over Comcast. Also Comcast has way less HD channels at the current time than both Dish and DirecTV so ANY improvement in the number of HD channels is a big plus.

So I would be happy with one 722, one 625 (only one HDTV) and two 311's if I can get it. Keeping them on Comcast for now, since I can't get DSL and I probably will still get some TV channels when I finally cancel out the remaining Comcast Boxes.

One last question, am I able to change my programming package (up or down) without affecting the 18 month commitment (extending/canceling)?

Thanks for all your help.

Also my router is right where the 722 would go so having it be able to use Ethernet instead of phone line is a plus. What'd be funny is if Comcast would "delay" Dish IPTV like they "delayed" BitTorrent.:p
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They installed it this past Saturday. Love it so far. 722 is much better than the box I had from Comcast. TV would have HD snow coming from the Comcast box over HDMI if the TV was off for a minute and the box was still on. I also like that the box can be off and still record, Box has to turn on to record, making you get up and unplug the HDMI to get rid of the HD snow.

Installer did a great job. Ran 3 wires for my future possibility of buying the 322.

Also love the fact I can record 3 shows at once using a OTA antenna.

Thanks for your help everyone.

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