My brother was given a Verizon femtocell to use at his house in Ohio. It appears to have a GPS built in and requires GPS satellite reception. What purpose does this serve? I've had femtocells when I had T-Mobile and I don't believe they had a GPS.
GPS is likely used for 911 locating...
It has a 50 foot signal radius. Assuming the neighbor happens to have a Verizon 4G LTE phone with Advanced Calling enabled, yes he could be using your brother's fem2cell and emergency responders would have an incorrect location. As already said, WiFi calling would be a better choice...This unit has a 7,500 sq ft range.
So if the next door neighbor is connected to my brother's femtocell and they call 911, first responders will show up at my brother's house and not that of the caller?
Good job, Verizon!
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These don't have a Password on them when you set them up ?
Only cell phones on that companies cell service, right, not every companies ?It acts like a mini cell tower; phones and devices connect when in range. So no password.
Only cell phones on that companies cell service, right, not every companies ?
Yes, and ths MVNO's
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