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Verizon to announce Data rate structure on Oct 28th | SatelliteGuys.US

Verizon to announce Data rate structure on Oct 28th

150mb for half the price ? That's pathetic.... For $30, you get unlimited (what my wife and I both have - ouch !). Why not give 1-2gb for $15 ? I'm not one who uses multiple gigabytes per month, but I'd go way over 150mb if I were to drop down to it to save money.
I am just glad that they are keeping the unlimited at $29.95. I think they are doing the 150MB plan to screw people over with overage charges, because everybody will go over it.
I really don't "surf" the internet much on the phone, it's just too much of a pain, but I will use it for quick things. I do sync a fair amount of data (3 email accounts, 2 calendars, etc) and I might use a few hundred megabytes per month. Never a gigabyte or more ! For a while, every time I called VZW for anything, I told them to offer TIERED data plans (with unlimited @ $30 being the highest). Offer a $10 for up to 1/2gb, $20 for up to 1-2gb, $30 for unlimited or something like that.

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