We have been having a problem with our VIP 722 receivers since August and I am at the end of my rope.
It all started in August when one morning I noticed that my receiver image froze, and after about 90 seconds the receiver rebooted. The interesting thing is we have 3 receivers at home, TWO VIP 722s and one SD unit. I noticed that the other 722 was ALSO rebooting at the same time. From that morning on the 2 receivers would reboot repeatedly through the day. ONLY the VIP 722s. Generally they reboot at the same time, but sometimes not.
If one of them has not rebooted for 2 to 3 hours, if I go to the DVR menu and pick to search TV shows and then to browse by network the units will ALWAYS lock and then reboot after about 90 seconds. If it has not been 2 to 3 hours at least since the last reboot they allow me into the menu there. And when I force a reboot his way ONLY the receiver I messed with reboots.
I finally did detailed checks of the rebooting times (if left alone to reboot on their own) and they do it EXACTLY every 4 hours! They reboot EVERY day at 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm and 1am. Both! (Actual reboot times are about 3minutes after the hours detailed according to my atomic clock)
Since then I have had MANY useless conversations with Level 1, 2 and 3 Dish support. They initially told me it was a grounding issue at the house, so I bought a $500 UPS/Power Cleaner and that made no difference on the unit I placed on it. I had an electrician come out and check the house carefully and the power is clean, grounded and perfect. Then Dish support told me that it was the Dish cabling grounding and they sent someone out here. The person checked the receivers and the menus and pointed out some values on a screen and told us the two receivers were bad and needed replacing. I did not want to get 2 new receives from him and lose all our recorded shows, so I had DISH send me 2 replacements and I bought a 1TB external drive and moved all the shows to the drive. When the new units arrived I set the 1st one up and then began the long task of moving the shows back to it. I started that task about 4pm and guess what, at 5PM the freaking machine rebooted! The NEW ONE! So I decided to move the shows over anyway and then reentered 68 auto record timers manually. I then replaced the 2nd unit and put it's shows back and the timers back. I sent the older units back to Dish and then called them about the rebooting issue again. They sent another tech out who replaced the LNB, grounding on the dish and checked the receivers. He left about 3pm. At 5pm both units rebooted.
This weekend we had the techs out again and this time they replaced the LNB again and ALL wiring from the dish to the receivers themselves. In addition I showed the tech how I can go to the Brows by Network menu and reboot a receiver, which made him scratch is head. After he completed the rewiring he said that at this point everything has been replaced, that it has to be fixed. He left about 11pm. At 1pm they both rebooted!
I skipped a lot on the work done as it is just too long if not. We have had 5 tech visits and I am really getting fed up. The rebooting makes recording horrible. Ever have your unit reboot while recording a show or movie? You get 2 or 3 files and a 10 minute gap of lost content between them!
So Sunday I took one of the tech's advice and called Dish and asked them to send me a VIP922 to see if it does the same thing. You would think that Dish would really want to keep me as a customer and make me happy, but NO! They do not want to do that. I have been a DISH customer since 1993 and a shareholder since about 2000. I subscribe to ALL HD channels and the highest package and ALL move channels! I pay about $200 a month and they cannot be bothered to work with me to resolve this by allowing me to test a different model HD receiver? If I do not resolve this very soon DirecTV will gain a new loyal customer. Any advice or ideas from anyone here?
It all started in August when one morning I noticed that my receiver image froze, and after about 90 seconds the receiver rebooted. The interesting thing is we have 3 receivers at home, TWO VIP 722s and one SD unit. I noticed that the other 722 was ALSO rebooting at the same time. From that morning on the 2 receivers would reboot repeatedly through the day. ONLY the VIP 722s. Generally they reboot at the same time, but sometimes not.
If one of them has not rebooted for 2 to 3 hours, if I go to the DVR menu and pick to search TV shows and then to browse by network the units will ALWAYS lock and then reboot after about 90 seconds. If it has not been 2 to 3 hours at least since the last reboot they allow me into the menu there. And when I force a reboot his way ONLY the receiver I messed with reboots.
I finally did detailed checks of the rebooting times (if left alone to reboot on their own) and they do it EXACTLY every 4 hours! They reboot EVERY day at 5am, 9am, 1pm, 5pm, 9pm and 1am. Both! (Actual reboot times are about 3minutes after the hours detailed according to my atomic clock)
Since then I have had MANY useless conversations with Level 1, 2 and 3 Dish support. They initially told me it was a grounding issue at the house, so I bought a $500 UPS/Power Cleaner and that made no difference on the unit I placed on it. I had an electrician come out and check the house carefully and the power is clean, grounded and perfect. Then Dish support told me that it was the Dish cabling grounding and they sent someone out here. The person checked the receivers and the menus and pointed out some values on a screen and told us the two receivers were bad and needed replacing. I did not want to get 2 new receives from him and lose all our recorded shows, so I had DISH send me 2 replacements and I bought a 1TB external drive and moved all the shows to the drive. When the new units arrived I set the 1st one up and then began the long task of moving the shows back to it. I started that task about 4pm and guess what, at 5PM the freaking machine rebooted! The NEW ONE! So I decided to move the shows over anyway and then reentered 68 auto record timers manually. I then replaced the 2nd unit and put it's shows back and the timers back. I sent the older units back to Dish and then called them about the rebooting issue again. They sent another tech out who replaced the LNB, grounding on the dish and checked the receivers. He left about 3pm. At 5pm both units rebooted.
This weekend we had the techs out again and this time they replaced the LNB again and ALL wiring from the dish to the receivers themselves. In addition I showed the tech how I can go to the Brows by Network menu and reboot a receiver, which made him scratch is head. After he completed the rewiring he said that at this point everything has been replaced, that it has to be fixed. He left about 11pm. At 1pm they both rebooted!
I skipped a lot on the work done as it is just too long if not. We have had 5 tech visits and I am really getting fed up. The rebooting makes recording horrible. Ever have your unit reboot while recording a show or movie? You get 2 or 3 files and a 10 minute gap of lost content between them!
So Sunday I took one of the tech's advice and called Dish and asked them to send me a VIP922 to see if it does the same thing. You would think that Dish would really want to keep me as a customer and make me happy, but NO! They do not want to do that. I have been a DISH customer since 1993 and a shareholder since about 2000. I subscribe to ALL HD channels and the highest package and ALL move channels! I pay about $200 a month and they cannot be bothered to work with me to resolve this by allowing me to test a different model HD receiver? If I do not resolve this very soon DirecTV will gain a new loyal customer. Any advice or ideas from anyone here?