Does voom currently offer any hdtv channels in spanish??
vurbano said:NO learn to speak english. You live in the United States dont you?
Vurbano I relally don't want to go that route because I would then have to learn all the languages of the American Indian tribes that were here before us.vurbano said:NO learn to speak english. You live in the United States dont you?
vurbano said:NO learn to speak english. You live in the United States dont you?
HDFreud said:Everybody and their mom has Direct TV south of the border because many Latin American markets do not have the infrastructure for cable. Really so you think that he Dolans and Voom would have another language just to be nice!!!! They are business people!!! AKA Global economy.
any SAP or any other way to convert language is going to cost money $$$
Dvlos said:I think you may be an ignorant bafoon, there are abusers of the American economic system in every racial/ethnic group. There are so many illegals that are in this country and PAY TAXES without a green card. You need some education my friend. Do you think that every Cuban/Mexican/LAtino that lands on these shores is on welfare/medicare needs your help?
What about the endless lines of people AT the Welfare offices, do you stop by and see who goes there? Do you think it's only minorities? Are you an ignorant butt cream or what? Do you know why Bush wants to allow more minorities to stay in the US? So that they can help CONTINUE to increase the consumer spending index, as well as cheaper labor that most Americans refuse to do.
Just so that you know, the whole point of freedom, was to be able to be who you are without the fear of oppression because of your race, religion, age, whatever. I'm glad you pricked your finger on a cactus in Kuwait to learn nothing about life, people, freedom, and the like.
wasch_24 said:Watch topic and inflamatory posts have been deleted. Use PM's if you want to continue your discussion.
Point acknowledged.Technut said:Sorry if I have been to abrasive on this subject,
but it is simple economics i think more of us Voom subscribers would like to see more HD, sci-fi,hgtv,food network and more programming than SAP
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