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Voom chases off another customer. | SatelliteGuys.US

Voom chases off another customer.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 8, 2004

I have had VaVaVoom with one receiver (lease) from day one (March of this year). I have requested no changes. Bill was always $94.76 (includes suspect/illegally collected Michigan sales tax). Got my bill today. $156.63???????

So what did they do? They charged for the full VaVaVoom package, and then added on four plus packs. Of course they added more illegally collected sales tax. (I have subscribed to DirecTV since 1995 and they have never collected sales tax). I was told they would escalate to the billing department. Good grief. :rolleyes:

Well, if Voom was my cable provider and I had no other option, I would deal with the hassle of getting a refund etc. etc. Instead, since to me, there are much better alternatives, I'm going back to DirecTV w/DirecTV HD Tivo 100%. I'm finished with Voom.
Good luck to you guys. I wish you well.
Dvlos said:
Is there a 75% HD Tivo?

Since March, I have paid about 50% of the total monthly subscription ($200) to Voom and 50% to DirecTV. However, after I got the HD Tivo, I have watched DirecTV 98% of the time and 2% on Voom (usually just surfing).

When I ordered Voom back in March, I was planning to eventually cancel DirecTV. Due to all the STB problems, microstutter etc, I kept DirecTV. Now it's Voom I'm cancelling instead.:(
This forum gets so hilarious sometimes. All the whining has me LMAO!!
Cancelling because of one mistake. What if he was held under the same scrutiny at work? One mistake and your fired!!! He would be the first one to call his boss an overbearing @$$hole. Lighten' up!
txcruiser said:
Only 29,999 to go.

Make that 29,998. I'm gone to. When I called to disconnect, they told me that they would have to call me back to set up a time. I had heard that when I had all the trouble with the billing Dept. I demanded to speak to a supervisor and got my disconnect day. HDTivo for me. I am not going to rant about voom, The service was just not for me.
I think the billing mistake was probably the icing on the cake for him. I'm teetering on the fence as well but it's not because of anything but PQ & content. I can't justify paying $64/month for something I rarely watch. I'm trying to hold off until the new codecs but I don't know if I'll make it. The only channels I'll miss are MonstersHD and Rave.
Darrell you've been E* infected!!! I know they are sending out HDNet at 19.xx but it's not THAT good.. heh... COME TO US...

Cancel E* and put your money into VVV.
DarrellP said:
I think the billing mistake was probably the icing on the cake for him. I'm teetering on the fence as well but it's not because of anything but PQ & content. I can't justify paying $64/month for something I rarely watch. I'm trying to hold off until the new codecs but I don't know if I'll make it. The only channels I'll miss are MonstersHD and Rave.

Then what will you end up with?? A better provider??? better PQ???
Where does the improvement lie by cancelling. You already stated you'd miss MonstersHD and Rave. Where are going to find programming like this?

I pay $64/month for two TV setup. I payed the same amount 3 years ago with comcast with no HD, one digital box on main set, 2nd analog feed to BR and expanded basic service. Similar stories with DTV and DIshnetwork.
You ask what did I gain by staying with Voom. I have 30 HD channels. Is the programming compelling? Yes at times, but no more or no less than any other provider. How's the PQ? Better than any provider that I have access to (i've had the 3 biggies) So I ask where is the problem with Voom?
I would not miss Voom if I cancelled, I still have OTA and the Dish HD pack, which I watch much more than Voom. For me, it's an economic thing, with a recent divorce that's sucking my wallet dry among other things (at least I got the HT gear). If Voom would up the bandwidth to the point that I was satisfied with the PQ, I would drop Dish, but Dish is only costing me $17/month and I watch it 10 X more than Voom, so what makes more economic sense in my case? It's a no-brainer.
Darrell you've been E* infected!!! I know they are sending out HDNet at 19.xx but it's not THAT good.. heh...
I beg to differ, tuning from HDNET to Voom looks like someone placed a sheet of Saran Wrap over my pj lens, there is that big of a difference (except for a few channels). I may be weird but I really enjoy the variety of material that HDNET offers. I rarely watch NASCAR but I was stuck to the screen the other night, it was fascinating seeing these cars as big as life in my living room, it was awesome. Then there's Bikini Destinations and the Miss Hawaiian Tropic Pageants, talk about bigger than life, my God, this is HD at it's best!!!!

I wish I could invite all of you guys over some evening for a sneak preview, then you would understand my position.
So I ask where is the problem with Voom?
PQ. They need more bandwidth, Period. Too much mosquito noise on almost every channel. RAVE and Monsters look the best and they still exhibit a slight bit of noise. HDNET & OTA has ZERO noise, though OTA does suffer breakups due to multicasting, they do not exhibit the mosquito noise that Voom does.
I wish I could invite all of you guys over some evening for a sneak preview, then you would understand my position.

What time should we be there? Who's bringing the beer? :D
r.jones1116 said:
I wish I could invite all of you guys over some evening for a sneak preview, then you would understand my position.

What time should we be there? Who's bringing the beer? :D
7 PM, I'll provide the beer. :D

Seriously, anyone in the Portland area, PM me, I will leave an open invitation for anyone who wants to see my system.
I also just cancelled today, but not due to bad service or microstutter or lack of content. I have had a very pleasurable experience with Voom. Unfortunately, we do not have the proper exposure for the Voom sat - west is the best I can do. So for me it's OTA HD (my HTPC is an OTA HD PVR), Adelphia HD (they have a HD PVR), D* or E*, just need to make up my mind which one is the best choice.

I will miss this forum, it was a lot of fun for a few months.

Good luck all!

txcrusiser - in ref. to your "only 29,999 to go" quote. You, like me, was giving Voom way too much credit in the sub department. Now a thread in the General Forum states that the sub base is listed at 28,700, not the 30,000 that we all thought. That's not sad, but sadder. Come on back home fellas. :D

All of you bashers of VOOM's bitrate - checkout this link

Save me from the darkside ;)

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