I watched The Omega Man tonight and WOW, it was beautiful. Nice and clean, vibrant, sharp and best of all, not a single skeeter to be found. I also watched the John Mayall Bluesbreakers and it was just as spectacular, great job Voom, I thought the Bass was going to crack my drywall.
Now please fix EquatorHD, I watched Amba, Forest of the Tiger God and it is still ridden with skeeters.
I saw Omega Man Yesterday too. It was Beautiful! I had not seen it in a long time and then only on regular Broadcast TV. I wish they would hurry up and come out with that HD PVR.
Dave, you can't see the forest for the trees. I agree much of the show was spectacular, but when they showed wide shots of the forest, the skeeters were buzzing like crazy. The noise is there all the time, you have to look in the detail. If you just watch the main focus of the shoot, you'll probably never see it.
BTW, adjusting the dish has nothing to do with a crappy compressed picture. I have a 24" dish with a strength of 98 on a clear day and I can even see the noise on my old 27" analog TV.