VOOM to miss Feb Deadline?
People on AVS are reporting VOOM will miss the end of Feb deadline in deliveringprogramming and is now extending the money back guarentee and the free programming. Here is a quote from AVS
"Just got off the phone with a Voom CSR and I was told they have now extended the free programming until March 31 and the money back guarantee until April.
Check their website in "packages" as it confirms this information."
"I just got off the phone with Voom too. It looks like they are not going to meet their end of Feb dead line for new programming that is why they are extending the free programming offer. They are not getting off to a very good start it looks like."
People on AVS are reporting VOOM will miss the end of Feb deadline in deliveringprogramming and is now extending the money back guarentee and the free programming. Here is a quote from AVS
"Just got off the phone with a Voom CSR and I was told they have now extended the free programming until March 31 and the money back guarantee until April.
Check their website in "packages" as it confirms this information."
"I just got off the phone with Voom too. It looks like they are not going to meet their end of Feb dead line for new programming that is why they are extending the free programming offer. They are not getting off to a very good start it looks like."