From our friends at
C-Band, DirecTV Close Behind
It started out as a poll to determine which satellite TV service received more service calls from subscribers, and later the poll confirmed what many may have known already. But, after nearly 250 votes in a two week time frame, democracy has spoken: DISH Network is the satellite TV company that receives the most service calls for its equipment.
However, this could also fall on the appropriate methods of training involved with satellite TV - namely the SBCA's National Standards and Testing Program. Are retailers receiving enough training? Are they receiving the right training?
According to the SkyRETAILER poll, 35.7 percent said a DISH Network system receives the most service calls. And, 33.7 percent said C-Band was service call prone and DirecTV was the least of the three at 30.5 percent. Still, a pretty even trouble call.
What does this mean? Although the poll is highly unscientific and more of a snapshot of readership opinion, it does shine a light on a very troublesome issue: Product quality. Is DISH Network (and all of satellite TV for that matter) producing equipment to the minimal standards?
Some retailers also complained that DISH fails to meet its "seal" of quality ... but that could be said about all of the platform providers. And, retailers and installers can be at fault for service calls as well. If a satellite TV installation is performed inadequately, customers will react.
So, in essence, we need feedback on these issues. E-mail SkyRETAILER your thoughts and let us know your experiences: