I do get my own locals but was wondering if there is any chance to get a waiver approved. I know 11 years ago on a prior account i got approved for cbs and abc but nbc and fix wouldnt. Anyone have experience with this?
And if i "move" to a family members address on long island are wwor and wpix spot beam like i used to remember last time i moved and not available if you are not in that area?
They are on spot beams, so it depends upon how far away you are. What is your zip code? Be careful, though. A Satguys member just posted that he got caught moving. Apparently someone at the address he was using signed up for Directv, too!
There are 3 different channel numbering for the NY stations...and it all depends on how you qualify
1. In the NY DMA (or an addy in there)? They show as the normal channels 2,4,5,9,11,13 etc
2. Some markets that are getting HD locals soon actually can get NY stations temporarily. There have been threads on it. Those are 60-64 (PBS National is 65)
3. You qualify for distants (RV/Semi/no locals and legit qualify)...then they're in the 380-390 area
The Big 4 are CONUS
I assume the 390's are available and just remapped to either the low numbers or the 60's. The Big 4 for NY & LA are on 99 conus just like other HD channels
When I had moved to a NY address I got the local big 4 on the lower channels 2 (WCBS) 4 (WNBC) 5(WNYW-FOX) 7- WABC. Also if I'm not mistaken the NY Locals were in the clear in the 380's or 390's or whatever it was.
unless your market is one of them that Directv sets up that way you wont see them.Also I can't see the DNS channels numbered in the 60s,
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