For a few weeks now I've been stumped as to why my ku motorized dish would only see between 83w and 103w. Anything else, NOPE........
So tonight it was COOL out. It's the time of year where we finally begin to get little tastes of fall like weather now and then.
So I decide to go see what's up with my stuff. For days now the dedicated dish on 123w has been MIA. No signal, nothing. Hmmmmm...
And the motorized dish as well.
So I pack up my new S10 tuner and assorted tools and head out to the back yard.
I put the S10 on the 1.2m dish and BOOM! FSTV is there loud and clear..
So at that point I am assuming the 22k Ecoda switch has gone bad.
Then I go over to the motor and put the tuner on it. I go to the menu and tell the motor to move to 125. It moves but no signal.
Basically, I spend an hour loosening everything up and wiggling everything around, tipping the dish up and down, you name it. Still can't find 125w.
So I tell the tuner to put the dish to zero. I look on for true south. I check the motor and it is indeed pointing to true south as best as it possibly can. Google has a very high resolution picture of my backyard (They take new pictures after every hurricane) and you can see not only the individual dishes but can even see the LNB's on them! So once I was sure I had the motor pointed the right way I got a square piece of metal and put it against the side of the motor and the back of the dish mounting plate so that I know with 100% absolute certainty that the dish is aligned properly with the motor.
And being that I made this dish from spare parts left over from other dishes, it's a Frankenghetto dish all the way.
Back and forth, back and forth. I also discovered that some of the satellites had their coordinates in backwards, for instance 85 and 79 were reversed, if I selected 79 it would go to 85 and 85 would take me to 79. Huh? How did that get in there??
Finally I was ready to admit defeat, again, when it dawned on me at 2am in the morning sitting outside on a stool in the dark to check the level of the pole. DUH......... I go get a level and TADA!! Ms. Dumby discovers she went to school without her thinking cap, again!
So yeah, the pole is waaaaay off from east to west, it tips a lot to the east and a bit to the north as well. The bubble is all the way to the side, it's not even remotely close to being in the middle of the lines. With the pole all cattawhampus like that I can see why it's not working right!
This darn drought has dried up the ground so badly so I guess that's what's going on.
There's not a lot I can do about it tonight but tomorrow I'm going to Lowe's to get gardening supplies and I'll pick up a new pole and cement. The pole that's there now is in a bad spot and it's too short. I bolted some goofy rig onto it that I found on the side of the garage to make it taller and I really don't think it's the right answer. So a new pole would be best. I'll dig it deeper and put more cement and maybe that will help with the drought. Maybe if I plant it while the ground is all dried up it may hold tight since the ground is already shrunk up as much as it can be.
Oh and tomorrow my dad is going to put a new power cord on my S10 and a fan. He found an itty-bitty fan on an old mainboard from an old pc (packrat is the family middle name).. I'm hoping that will cure the heat problems.
If I can get the kooky pole problem fixed so that I can tune in ALL the satellites, I will be so much more happy with things. My pc will not get the LPBS channels at all so that leaves it to the S10 to pick up the slack. Adding in the C-band 87w will also make me a a happy girl too, then I can record several things off 87 at the same time or record one, watch another.
With fall coming those stupid trash trees will defoliate soon and I should be able to pick up HOT TV. I just don't understand how the big dishes can't see 118 (HOT) but my smaller dishes right next to them can see 123 and 125 just fine?
Can just a few feet make that much difference? I guess it can but it really messes with my head. All I know is, those trees have to come down. One way or another. They are only there because birds sat on the fence and pooped seeds and previous property owners were too lazy to take them down when it would have been very easy. Idiots..
Oh well. I'm getting closer now to getting things ironed out..

For a few weeks now I've been stumped as to why my ku motorized dish would only see between 83w and 103w. Anything else, NOPE........
So tonight it was COOL out. It's the time of year where we finally begin to get little tastes of fall like weather now and then.
So I decide to go see what's up with my stuff. For days now the dedicated dish on 123w has been MIA. No signal, nothing. Hmmmmm...

And the motorized dish as well.
So I pack up my new S10 tuner and assorted tools and head out to the back yard.
I put the S10 on the 1.2m dish and BOOM! FSTV is there loud and clear..

So at that point I am assuming the 22k Ecoda switch has gone bad.

Then I go over to the motor and put the tuner on it. I go to the menu and tell the motor to move to 125. It moves but no signal.

Basically, I spend an hour loosening everything up and wiggling everything around, tipping the dish up and down, you name it. Still can't find 125w.

So I tell the tuner to put the dish to zero. I look on for true south. I check the motor and it is indeed pointing to true south as best as it possibly can. Google has a very high resolution picture of my backyard (They take new pictures after every hurricane) and you can see not only the individual dishes but can even see the LNB's on them! So once I was sure I had the motor pointed the right way I got a square piece of metal and put it against the side of the motor and the back of the dish mounting plate so that I know with 100% absolute certainty that the dish is aligned properly with the motor.
And being that I made this dish from spare parts left over from other dishes, it's a Frankenghetto dish all the way.

Back and forth, back and forth. I also discovered that some of the satellites had their coordinates in backwards, for instance 85 and 79 were reversed, if I selected 79 it would go to 85 and 85 would take me to 79. Huh? How did that get in there??
Finally I was ready to admit defeat, again, when it dawned on me at 2am in the morning sitting outside on a stool in the dark to check the level of the pole. DUH......... I go get a level and TADA!! Ms. Dumby discovers she went to school without her thinking cap, again!
So yeah, the pole is waaaaay off from east to west, it tips a lot to the east and a bit to the north as well. The bubble is all the way to the side, it's not even remotely close to being in the middle of the lines. With the pole all cattawhampus like that I can see why it's not working right!
This darn drought has dried up the ground so badly so I guess that's what's going on.
There's not a lot I can do about it tonight but tomorrow I'm going to Lowe's to get gardening supplies and I'll pick up a new pole and cement. The pole that's there now is in a bad spot and it's too short. I bolted some goofy rig onto it that I found on the side of the garage to make it taller and I really don't think it's the right answer. So a new pole would be best. I'll dig it deeper and put more cement and maybe that will help with the drought. Maybe if I plant it while the ground is all dried up it may hold tight since the ground is already shrunk up as much as it can be.
Oh and tomorrow my dad is going to put a new power cord on my S10 and a fan. He found an itty-bitty fan on an old mainboard from an old pc (packrat is the family middle name).. I'm hoping that will cure the heat problems.
If I can get the kooky pole problem fixed so that I can tune in ALL the satellites, I will be so much more happy with things. My pc will not get the LPBS channels at all so that leaves it to the S10 to pick up the slack. Adding in the C-band 87w will also make me a a happy girl too, then I can record several things off 87 at the same time or record one, watch another.
With fall coming those stupid trash trees will defoliate soon and I should be able to pick up HOT TV. I just don't understand how the big dishes can't see 118 (HOT) but my smaller dishes right next to them can see 123 and 125 just fine?

Oh well. I'm getting closer now to getting things ironed out..

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