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What can I do with a dish work antenna installed? | SatelliteGuys.US

What can I do with a dish work antenna installed?

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New Member
Original poster
Aug 14, 2011
Hi all,

I've just moved in a new place. There is a Dish Network dish installed -- not sure which model but on the dish say "Plus". I was wondering if I can use the already installed dish to receive FTA signals. What are other things I need to invest -- FTA receiver ?

Thank you for your suggestions,
The short answer is no , if it says pro more likely the LNBF is a Dish Pro LNBF assembly, therefore only usefull for DN circular satellites with almost no unencrypted channels. The size od the dish reflector is more likely too small, usually 20"I think for a Dish 500 system and a bit bigger for newer systems.

In general you need a 90 cm dish (the bigger the better) , a Ku Standard LNBF and a typical Digital DVB-S satellite receiver at least. That is only for Ku signals , there are a few interesting channels on that band. To get more than 1 bird automatically add a small H-H motor for 70-80 bucks. If you want PBS HD then an HD receiver is needed , preferably capable of the new DVB-S2 8PSK signals for around 150-200 USD depending on brand or a used ebay one for less.

If you want to go into C band then a way bigger dish is needed , minimum 6 footer , preferably 8.5 or above, and also an actuator arm (100 usd) and the controller for 60 bucks. Old dishes in good shape could be found for free or almost, look around.

Now, I can get History and Bio, plus Pentagon over at 101W I think with a rather small 24"round dish here in Toronto on most days (I am sure under even light rain it will go away) so maybe you could try with yours if it happens to be close to 24" (some DN dishes are that big I think). You still need the 10 bucks ku standard LNBF and typical digital FTA receiver (60 usd maybe?)

As usual , I almost forgot , Welcome to the Forum.
Pixl mentioned to me the other day that there is some in the clear on DN right now. Sometimes it is not all scrambled. So at times you can get something and may be worth leaving it installed as it is and wiring it up. I don't know what the Dish Plus is all about though.

If you leave it installed then you need something like described above and a switch to switch between the two dishes. If you have cash I would suggest an Openbox S9 HD receiver and a motorized Ku dish. With this setup you could get most of the Ku stuff for the smallest amount of investment. This would be the cheapest HD set up you could get.

Your next option may be cheaper if you could find a free or cheap C/Ku band dish, 6 foot, hopefully a 8-10 footer. Then you would have the best programming options on C and Ku band on most of the satellites.

As for your Dish Network cannot depend on there being anything to watch without a DN receiver and a subscription.
You can play with mini dishes with linear LNBF's on them but your not going to get too much, your limited to strong transponders on strong birds. I use an old dish network 20" 500 dish with a linear LNBF to pick up Anik F1R for Starchoice FTA on a DSR 405, it works fine except when we get heavy rain.
I am tempted myself to put a dish at 119W simply in hopes to catch a network affiliate in open key mode every now and then. I love to watch the news from other cities simply to see whats happening over there. Plus I have family in Indiana, Kentucky, and out east so it would be a treat to watch the local news from there every once in a while
I keep an old Dish 300 at 119 just for that reason.
You can pick up a FTA LNB + bracket combo off of ebay for $10 -$13 to replace the Dish LNBs on the front. Used FTA receivers start around $20. I have a Dish 500 which is smaller than yours and it does very well except in heavy rain. Right now I have it parked on 30w for the movies on Cuba networks and I get them even in the rain. That satellite is too far east for you but 101w and 95w should come in perfect. I could only get 135 channels on 97w though. ;)
Here are some pictures of one of the Plus models on the Sadoun site.
19" x 24" is not a size that's real friendly to FTA.

Best advice I could give, is to take that dish off the mast, and put on a more suitable one.
While some FTA can be received on smaller dishes, for best results, I'd get started with 36".
(and a suitable linear LNBF, of course)
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