There may be a less underhanded explanation. The information under My Contracts was seemingly never right on my account. I had done an HD upgrade w/receiver and had a 2 year commitment that never showed up. Dish might have thought that no information was better than potentially erroneous information.
Dish might have thought that no information was better than potentially erroneous information.
+1That may be true, but if it is, it is completely inexcusable for a company like dish. Just like the incorrect channel listings of the packages on their site. At first I thought they could be honest mistakes, but they remain that way. People sign on thinking they will get certain channels, and then find out they would need to upgrade to a higher package in order to receive them since the listing on the website is incorrect. Now, they have customers under contract! Shady.. You would think they would have fixed that after all these years.
I am thinking like MikeD. Seems at first they thought it would be a good idea to provide contract information to their customers, but then realized people are leaving and they want to make it that much harder for people to plan an exit.
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