Yeah ...
And it's actually recent posts like this from subs. trying to receive service down in Mexico that make me think that the just retired T4S satellite must have been carrying at least some national channels on its CONUS beam tps. at 101W.
And was not providing only local spotbeams as long commonly thought. So when all T4S's CONUS beam traffic was transfered to T9S.
T9S's CONUS beam patterns are probably tighter with less signal spillover into Mexico.
In short order, "T15" (AT&T officially renamed them) does not have local spotbeam capability like T9S, but has nationwide beam transponders only, with two additional spotbeams to also mirror the nationwide tps. to cover Puerto Rico and Hawaii.whats the difference between d15 and d9s?
Actually everything at 101W will eventually be on the newest (and likely the last) satellite to join fleet, "T16." Which recently arrived at 101W last Wed. on 9/4 after completing its testing at eventually everything will be on t15 and and 9s shutdown?
This will then allow DIRECTV to begin shutting down the 7 nationwide tps. on T7S at 119W, since while many Spanish and int'l subs. don't have Reverse Band capable LNBs so have to rely on 119W for them. Most all do have Slimline dishes nowadays to receive those channels on 103(ca).
Possibly ....Eh, I don't think they will be able to do that for a while, they have to upgrade every customer with the Spanish package who has an SD receiver first. If that's needed for the markets that pushed back the MPEG2 SD shutdown it might stick around for a couple more years - I'm guessing there are plenty of Spanish speaking workers on Gulf oil rigs. It is probably a much easier task to discontinue use of 95 than to discontinue use of 119.
I would hazard a guess the real issue for those oil rigs isn't SD/HD but footprint. They might not be able to reliably pick up Ka/RB from 99/103, at least not on the ones further offshore.
Possibly ....
As I could be assuming too much about the situation everywhere in the country based on what I see around my neighborhood here in LA. Where there is a large Latino population, but I see almost no P.III triple-sat. dishes any longer.
They seemingly all have been upgraded to Slimline-3s and -5s wherever I go now so prepared for the shutdown of the 119 nationals when their 99(cr) A3 duplicates move to 103(ca). ....
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