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What will be the E* v D* "Threshold of Irrelavance"? | SatelliteGuys.US

What will be the E* v D* "Threshold of Irrelavance"?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
With all the talk about which provider has the most HD content, I just wonder what the magic number of HD channels will be when your basic customer says "so what?". I mean, does anyone actually look at who is leading on SD channels offered? They both have more than your average person can keep track of. As for HD channels, I don't know that we have hit the 'threshold of irrelavance' yet, but from my perspective, we're getting close. :)
Once the all the major channels are in HD it will no longer be a factor.

Just like SD, there may be one or two channels on E* or D* that is not carried on the other but they are usually the more obscure channels.

I put the actual number at around 75.
You know, this is a very good question.

For many of us, there will always be those "one or two channels the other guy has" that could make a difference, but I think we're getting very close to the point where a HD channel addition here or there won't mean very much to most of us.

I really hope that the differentiator in the future will be picture/sound quality as opposed to number of channels. I'm referring to SD as well as HD here. There are many, many channels where a decent-quality SD picture would be just fine (TV Land, anybody?). An all-MPEG4 service MIGHT go a long way toward that goal, and the first service to go there would probably get my vote (and my $$$). ;)

I think it's real simple and some people fail to see that simplicity.

If you don't like what you have.... and rather than cry and whine about it.... SWITCH!

"If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to get what you've always gotten."
Really wont matter due to they will all have about the same when its all said done. It will come back down to who has the better service and the better hardware so forth. Which overall I think Dish is the best in those areas but just my 2 cents. :)
It's already irrelevant - most viewers are watching SD stretched onto their HDTVs and think they are watching HD already. Many more are watching actual HD channels but they are hooked up to their receiver by composite or s-video cables so they still aren't looking at HD.
We will NEVER be satisfied with quantity. But after all the D & E Sats are up and the expansions have run their courses the next phase will balance more towards quality.
All I need is SciFi HD USA HD and FX HD and I'm fine.

Wouldn't mind the rest of the Showtime, HBO, Starz, Max and TMC either, but it's not a dealbreaker.
The one thing that is pushing me to switch is the lack of HD locals. Direct has them in my DMA and Dish doesn't. Since I am in an area (Greenville/Asheville DMA) where you couldn't get OTA with a 100 foot tower it is increasingly becoming an issue. The HD nationals will all level out eventually, but the local issue has had me cruising Direct's website just today.

This will be a hard decision as I have been with Dish for over 8 years with "Everything + Everything Else". I have my system well sorted out with 2 622s and 1 522 on 7 TVs spread over a 100 yard area at my "village" (multiple buildings) . The only thing holding me back is the unknown of the Direct user interface as compared to Dish.. plus having to learn a new remote. I can operate the Dish remote asleep and dread the aggravtion of learning a new remote and menu system!! I am also unsure of the views to Direct's satellites as that can be an issue in the wooded mountains where I live.

If they would only flip the switch for the Greenville HD locals I wouldn't even consider it... well SciFi HD would be nice too :-)
This will be a hard decision as I have been with Dish for over 8 years with "Everything + Everything Else". I have my system well sorted out with 2 622s and 1 522 on 7 TVs spread over a 100 yard area at my "village" (multiple buildings) . The only thing holding me back is the unknown of the Direct user interface as compared to Dish.. plus having to learn a new remote. I can operate the Dish remote asleep and dread the aggravtion of learning a new remote and menu system!! I am also unsure of the views to Direct's satellites as that can be an issue in the wooded mountains where I live.

If they would only flip the switch for the Greenville HD locals I wouldn't even consider it... well SciFi HD would be nice too :-)

I've set up two of the new Direct TV HD DVR's for a customer and spent a good bit of time using them and his two HD Tivos (the 250) searching through the menus/setup etc...

I wouldn't trade my 622's for D* receivers. Most of it is probably familiarity with the E* system, but I just don't like the menus or the guide system D* uses at all (Tivo included) I've had Cable and a couple of their DVR's as well.

E* has the best equipment IMO and thats what's got me stuck to them.
the ultimate answer to the original question is when NFL-ST HD is no longer exclusive to D*,then it will come down to who has the best dvr,and best price.

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