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What will they Chat About Tonight?

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
So tonight is the Charlie Chat, usually before a chat there are numerous leaks that come out that give us a hint to what we may see.

This time things have been really quiet from Denver.

Will there big surprises like the last Charlie Chat? Or will there be some major let downs?

We are only hours away and like you I am sitting on the edge of my seat to hear what Charlie and Jim have to say.

What do you think they will say tonight?

BTW don't forget tonight's Chat here at SatelliteGuys.US! We may even have some more Prizes to give away tonight. :)
My guesses:

- No mention of the 522 or 322.
- No SuperDish unless you're in one of the new local into local markets until early next year
- A real availability date for the 811 but nothing on the 921
- No availability date for the new HD package of STB and monitor/projector
- In negotiations to add Cinemax-HD, Starz-HD and Bravo-HD, no mention of adding the rumored ED channels (Sci-FI, USA).
- Update on the new PVR fee structure
- Go over the 510 $99 deal

Just my guess
Just wonder, would this Chat is in the clear. Although I do install Dish and has the info send to me from time to time, but not subscribe anything, I do have Dish receiver.
I think they will talk up the 510 deal to show how great they are and set them up to be able to disapoint on the Superdish delay, 921 delay...

I dont see any existing customer deals on the 811 or 921... the FREE Superdish is the bone they threw out already. Will probably milk it again.

Next chat hope to have a date for HD superdish and some new programming "only available on superdish!"
rad has a strong read on the pulse.

I think it will be an all 121 International extravaganza. The guest will be an international Mega star from a far away land, which noone from America will have ever heard of. The inteview will be uncomfortable and awkward. A clip will be shown which will make no sense. Jim will refer to the guests country as "you people" more than once. The guest will reveal more about SuperDish than Charlie or Jim know.

Charlie will make the 522 available for $99 with One year commitment or Free with a 2yr. Everyone who took the same offer for the 510 will receive a post card of Charlie Mooning you with the word "sucker" on it. This will be a pic of Charlie from his Mexico trip earlier in the year.
Since there has been no leaks, it will be another "How to connect your VCR to your TV" and what this has to do with Dish Network, I don't have a clue. Stay tuned. 8)
I have heard some squeeks but nothing definate.

It's good to have a surprise every now and then.

Although if tonight is a "tune in next month for more details" I might just smash a TV set or two. Let's hope it's not one of those months.
I think they will announce new channels for AT 150, and any the new International Channel MBC, that was launched last week or other possible new channels that they are in negotations.

I think they will waste time with another interview like a grandma who makes quilts from old rags or something similar. These CC interviews are so in venue with Charlie don't you think? At least the interview will be something other than "Dish Network is number one in HD" and "tune in next month for exciting news on the 921." Those two lines will only chew up so much air time since they have nothing new to offer.
Oh I was kinda hoping for some more Interactive programming features, maybe with another visit from some minor cable personality thrown in to waste a bit more time. :rolleyes:

Actually, it would be great to finally hear something of substance with real dates.

Wake me when it is over.
I think the SuperDish is still going to rollout as planned (I am going to a meeting Nov.11th - tomorrow pertaining to locals being added to Charleston, WV DMA).

I think we will hear some more local rollout announcements, SuperDish promo as we have already heard on the previous chats, and perhaps a thing or two we have not heard, and hopefully no disapointments.
Stargazer said:
I think the SuperDish is still going to rollout as planned (I am going to a meeting Nov.11th - tomorrow pertaining to locals being added to Charleston, WV DMA).

If you are going to a Superdish meeting tomorrow, why don't you already have Superdishes to install. I assume you are a dealer.
My bet is that it's a snooze-fest, more of the same (wait 'till xxx date for details). If anything of substance were going to be announced you'd think there would be at least "some" kind of buzz.
They are going to show the retailers how to install them, give information on the locals and HD rollouts, and display the SuperDishes and perhaps some other things I do not know about. I was not given too much information on what to expect tomorrow.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Although if tonight is a "tune in next month for more details" I might just smash a TV set or two. Let's hope it's not one of those months.

I once heard (see link) that Elvis kept a loaded pistol on the end table next to the couch/chair where he watched TV. If something truely heinous came on he would just shoot out the picture tube! He would then summon one of his minions (or the gunfire prompted them to action) and they would drag out the old, trashed set and haul in another new one ready for the next drubbing.

Scott, maybe you have a few spare TVs you could vent your frustration with Charlie in the same manner. :twisted:
Scott Greczkowski said:
So tonight is the Charlie Chat, usually before a chat there are numerous leaks that come out that give us a hint to what we may see. What do you think they will say tonight?

I think rad has it nailed. They'll talk about the 510 deal and the change in DVR fees. They'll explain that superdish is only going out to subscribers that have locals on 105. No new HD to announce. No announcements regarding 121 (Echo 9) usage. 811 will begin shipping next week in very limited quantities (only to DHP customers?). 921 out "in time for the holidays". No announcements regarding any other receivers. Lots of padding.

--- WCS
Cyclone said:
I think it will be an all 121 International extravaganza.

If this is the case, I will cheer!

Cyclone said:
The guest will be an international Mega star from a far away land, which noone from America will have ever heard of. The inteview will be uncomfortable and awkward. A clip will be shown which will make no sense. Jim will refer to the guests country as "you people" more than once. The guest will reveal more about SuperDish than Charlie or Jim know.

Maybe a former sumo wrestler who will talk about a new six-channel TV Japan package for the price of TV Japan now? :) [I can dream, can't I?]

Cyclone said:
Charlie will make the 522 available for $99 with One year commitment or Free with a 2yr. Everyone who took the same offer for the 510 will receive a post card of Charlie Mooning you with the word "sucker" on it. This will be a pic of Charlie from his Mexico trip earlier in the year.

Dang! I wonder if I can get anything for the postcard on eBay...?

--- WCS

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