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Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 20, 2004
Hello all, hope you'll doing well. For it to be first quarter of a new year. Some good games has been released and so far nobody hasn't said anything good or bad about them.

Don't tell me no one has picked up Bioshock 2, Dante's Inferno. By the way, despite what the online reviews say. Dante's Inferno is a very good game and if you a fan of the God of War series. You should be playing this game. I'm so glad I didn't listen. Another of my favorites is Darksiders which also plays like God of War and other great games. These games may seem similar to God of War, but both titles doesn't come off as a clone. They are put together very well.

I also pick up Bayonetta for the 360 and the online reviewers gave this game high marks. It's ok but, it's a very goofy version of Devil May Cry. Dante's Inferno is a much better game to enjoy and the online reviewers show no love for it.

I had bioshock 1 since the first release and I finally got back into the game and finished it, so I could get ready for Bioshock 2. I have both games for the pc. I can't say to much on bioshock 2. I started it but, I got to playing Dante's Inferno and Darksiders on my ps3.

If you guys are playing any of the games or other games. Let me know what you think. I really like you guys comments or opinions.
Right now Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2 are both jealously fighting for my attention like a pair of bratty 3 year old twins.

I had played ME1 for a while and found it to be very intriguing but was ultimately turned off by it's INSANE amount of story dialog and continual use of DnD attack scoring and KOTOR micromanagement and thus never finished it. ME2's enhanced combat system and hiring of a new dialog editor and more simplified inventory have led it to suck up at least 26 hours of my time and me wanting to give it even more. Actually in the end it will have probably sucked up more free time than any game of recent memory because I'm already planning my 2nd playthrough where I'll go through as a major bitch, as opposed to my current, GI JOE style hero.

Bioshock 2 has also been getting much of my attention. I thought the first Bioshock was one of the best games I had ever played, so I was looking quite forward to this, even though I also agree with the belief that Bioshock didn't need a sequel given how it ended. 2K clearly is going with a safe method of sequels, with mainly tweaks to the gameplay as opposed to a drastically new experience. Of course, if they're just tweaking something you already liked, then you probably will enjoy the new things thrown in, such as dual wielding with plasmids, new well-developed (for the most part) characters and some new environments, like the memorable amusement park level. I haven't delved into MP yet with this, as I normally don't until I beat the SP, but that may change considering the fact that the SP and MP styles of combat are quite different.

Oh, and No More Heroes 2 has been getting some love from me as well, although it unfortunately came out along with ME2, which I didn't expect would suck me in as much as it did.
There isn't really anything coming out that excites me enough to pay full price for a new game right now. Not to mention the fact I'm still enjoying replays of some of the games I got last year (Batman, Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank ACiT). I'll definitely get Bioshock 2 later this year, but for the moment I'm still grinding through the first on Survivor mode and have also picked up a few PSN games for cheap (Trine, Critter Crunch, and flOw) to keep me busy.
Bioshock 2 sounds like fun, but I just can get myself excited enough to track it down on the PC. Still kept putting off ME:1 and don't want to pick up the second before I finish the first... In the meantime, I keep crawling my way through DA:O and revisiting FO3; while grinding out titles in Guild Wars (vanquishing Tyria is taking FORever)

The only thing on the horizon that really gets me excited is Fallout New Vegas (trailer here) and Guild Wars 2 (trailers here). Guess I am just stuck in a PC gaming rutt...
There isn't really anything coming out that excites me enough to pay full price for a new game right now. Not to mention the fact I'm still enjoying replays of some of the games I got last year (Batman, Uncharted 2, Ratchet & Clank ACiT). I'll definitely get Bioshock 2 later this year, but for the moment I'm still grinding through the first on Survivor mode and have also picked up a few PSN games for cheap (Trine, Critter Crunch, and flOw) to keep me busy.

I'm kinda in this bucket. I play World of Warcraft a couple nights a week, the remaining gaming time has been going to Star Trek Online and playing games with friends (most recently Borderlands). Nothing really out that I am eagerly wanting to pay $60+ for.

Games I want but reviews/comments dissuaded me:

MAG - Love the concept, but it's another time investment game to unlock stuff. Will pick it up when it's less than retail.

Dante's Inferno - Have been told it's a 6 hour game, and not that difficult on the hardest setting, with little reason to re-play through. Call me when it's $20 and I'll pick it up... it will be forgotten when Gears of War comes out though

Games I want but haven't played through the first one:

ME2, Bioshock 2.

Games I am playing maybe once every other week I'm determined to beat at some point:

Dragon Age, Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Games I haven't played in months that I am determined to get back to when I find the time so I can beat them:

Basically every game I have for the PS3... inFamous, Killzone 2, Resistance 2. I have gaming ADD, and the PS3 is downstairs... im at my PC more so it's easy to stick to games on it.

Last game purchase:

NSMBWii - party game, last play session we got stuck on the final board.

The feeble list of games I remember beating in the last year:

Prototype, HAWX. I really can't think of any more. Played the sh*t out of Madden and still am though. Also have been playing NBA2k10 on PC, I like the superstar mode, game is just buggy and 2k has really failed at supporting PC players (2 patches for consoles, they're combining them and deploying them as 1 patch on PC... it came out in October... still waiting on that patch)

The only game I have on my radar for a must buy that's coming up is Final Fantasy. Just waiting to find out if there are any console advantages other than 'omg you have to swap discs on 360'.

I've been meaning to start a 'now playing' to get discussion going a bit more in this forum about current stuff, maybe we should do that a bit in this thread.
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Mass Effect 2 seem the game everyone is playing. I purchased ME1 for the 360. I tried to get into it twice and it's collecting dust. I downloaded ME2 for the pc to try it out, before buying it. I never got around to install and play it.

Like I said before this year is starting out good with great game releases. I remember some years after the holidays. The beginning of the following year, game releases was a slow drip. Nothing good to damn near summer.

Come to think of it. It might get slow after I get God of War 3. I been checking out Heavy Rain for the ps3. I played the demo and I'm not impress.
Mass Effect 2 seem the game everyone is playing. I purchased ME1 for the 360. I tried to get into it twice and it's collecting dust. I downloaded ME2 for the pc to try it out, before buying it. I never got around to install and play it.

Like I said before this year is starting out good with great game releases. I remember some years after the holidays. The beginning of the following year, game releases was a slow drip. Nothing good to damn near summer.

Come to think of it. It might get slow after I get God of War 3. I been checking out Heavy Rain for the ps3. I played the demo and I'm not impress.
Don't let not playing ME1 prevent you from jumping into ME2. Yes, it is more of a complete experience if you play through the first one and import your character, but I jumped into ME2 without beating ME1 and I had a blast. It sucks you in very quickly, unlike ME1, and all you really need to do is just visit Wikipedia (or Mass Effectipedia) to get caught up on the ME plot. There's a reason why reviewers and players have been throwing 9+ scores out like roses at a bull fight, and you owe it to yourself as a gamer to see what all the fuss is about.
Myself, tigerprowler, Hifi, Cybok, and sometimes Ramy get together most weekends and play Halo 3 or more recently Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

Anyone interested in joining, just send a friends request and we will send an invite
What system are you playing CODMW2 on? I'm assuming 360? If on PS3 I'd love to join in.
Bioshock 2 just hasn't impressed me. I really loved the original Bioshock. The lack of being able to go back and play selected chapters seems like a big oversite to me. Also in the original I could get all the way back to the start from any point. But with 2 once a chapter is done, you can't go back.. Just something about it I don't like..
PS3/Wii family here. The Wii has not been getting a lot of love lately, but that could change this year hopefully. New Zelda (possibly) and new Super Mario Galaxy 2.

But, as for the PS3 (in my opinion the best system out there because, yes, it just does everything) my son is almost ranked out on COD-MW2 (he's 11) and I am in the middle of Assassin's Creed 2. I finished Uncharted 2 in a week, it was just awesome. After AC2, I will take on Rapture again in Bioshock 2.

We like games that have a lot of story in them. I grew up reading and collecting Comics. You should see my attic. I love story and character. To me a game is just a waste of time if it doesn't have story and characters that you can get into and care about. Even a game like Super Mario Galaxy 1 had this little bittersweet story in it that was told as a fairy tale and it was just awesome, and of course the gameplay was great also.

But that's why we care about the Nathan Drake in Uncharted, or Atair and now Ezio and Desmond in Assassin's Creed. My daughter is 8 and she loves the little sisters in Bioshock. She will go around mimicking their voice and talking about "Mr. Bubbles."

Sorry, didn't mean to go on. :) But games in this day and age have grown at a tremendous rate as far as quality. They are on the scale of film and books. I'm 46 so...I remember the first video games. Yep, I had that atari and NES right there on the tv beside the satellite contoller.

But, thanks, this is a great thread.
What system are you playing CODMW2 on? I'm assuming 360? If on PS3 I'd love to join in.
Yeah, we are on 360. I do however have a ps3 and was thinking about trying it out on there as well. If I do, ill shoot you a pm.
The only game I have on my radar for a must buy that's coming up is Final Fantasy. Just waiting to find out if there are any console advantages other than 'omg you have to swap discs on 360'.
There's that, the pre-rendered video may look better since they have 50GB of storage versus ~15GB, and I heard that they're going to keep in the original Japanese voice track, while the 360 will just have the English track. Other than that, it should be the same. I'll be going for the PS3 version, since it was originally designed for that one, and I like being able to swap to the Japanese dialog with subtitles in case the English acting is god-awful, and the last few FF games haven't exactly been up there with other games like MGS, ME, etc..
My daughter is 8 and she loves the little sisters in Bioshock. She will go around mimicking their voice and talking about "Mr. Bubbles."

I couldn't agree more with what you say about prefering games with great stories and characters, but this just sounds a little creepy. ;)
There's that, the pre-rendered video may look better since they have 50GB of storage versus ~15GB, and I heard that they're going to keep in the original Japanese voice track, while the 360 will just have the English track. Other than that, it should be the same. I'll be going for the PS3 version, since it was originally designed for that one, and I like being able to swap to the Japanese dialog with subtitles in case the English acting is god-awful, and the last few FF games haven't exactly been up there with other games like MGS, ME, etc..
Here's some graphic comparisons:

This is what Final Fantasy XIII looks like on Xbox 360
Yeah, looks like it's shaping up to be a piss-poor port, 360 users going to get a dose of what the PS3 has had to live with for many of it's cross platform titles.

I've had a PS3 version pre-ordered for some time, doubt I'll see any reason to cancel it for a 360 one. The choice will be clear for any with options, but it's good that there's a choice to begin with.

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