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Where can you find a partner to help you upgrade your business’s IT infrastructure? | SatelliteGuys.US

Where can you find a partner to help you upgrade your business’s IT infrastructure?

See if this seems like a familiar scenario. You have a business, under 100 people. You started with just a few, and you’ve grown organically. Things are good, but you’re beginning to realize that you can’t do it all in-house. You probably have one employee who is charged with making sure the internet is running. They might not know more than just how to reboot things, but it’s been enough. You have a local computer contractor who can come in and handle the rest.

It’s a setup that’s worked for you for years, and you’re not alone. A lot of small businesses work this way. But what happens when you have a need that’s bigger than what those two local folks can handle? Where do you turn? That’s probably why you found this article. It’s hard to know who to trust.

Choose Signal Connect​

Signal Connect has been helping businesses like yours for over 20 years. We have upgraded the infrastructure in large and small businesses, and we come through with a record of success. Why not see what our experts can do for you? Here are some of the services we offer.

Wi-Fi and Cellular boosting​

When you needed internet, you probably called the cable company. They probably put in a router and you just haven’t thought too much about it otherwise. But have you noticed that there are parts of your office that don’t get good Wi-Fi? What about cell service? Your employees probably connect to office internet, slowing it down. They do that because they can’t get good cell service.

Signal Connect’s experts can help you from beginning to end with a connectivity solution that just makes sense. We’ll look at your current internet provider to see if they meet your needs. We might be able to recommend someone better who can save you money. We’ll look at your current Wi-Fi setup and recommend access points so that you can get great internet everywhere. We’ll even recommend a cell phone signal booster system to give you great cell service indoors. Cell boosters have no monthly fee, so they’re a great investment that will be popular with your customers and your own employees.

We’ll arrange everything, working with local installers to get the work done right. Then, if you want, we’ll make sure your local “computer guy” is aware of what we’ve done so they can keep it up.

Failover solutions​

Here’s something that will keep you up at night. Your office’s entire phone and internet system runs through a strand of fiber about the thickness of fishing line. If that gets cut or broken, you’re disconnected. No phones, no internet, no credit card processing. You may as well go home for the day.

That’s why you need a failover solution. Failover means that there’s a second internet connection, usually cellular, that can be used in case the main internet goes down. It can be set up to work automatically. The internet speed won’t be as fast, but more importantly you won’t be out of business.

Signal Connect can help your business with failover solutions at virtually any price point. We can combine them with security appliances that will keep your data protected and give your remote workers a better pathway into the office.

So much more​

Are you still using old landline phones? Sure, they work, but do they give you the features you need? Our VOIP solutions will take your telephony to the next level. What about software licensing and management? You’re probably paying for Google or Microsoft business packages, but are you paying one-by-one? Moving over to managed application purchasing can save you a lot of money, and we can help with that.

And, while you’re at it, what about a little entertainment? Satellite television for business is less expensive than you think. Adding satellite TV in the lunchroom or warehouse will keep your people happy, and of course a receiver for your office is a must. You’ll even get royalty-free music that you can use throughout the office. There’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Here’s how you get started​

Call the experts at Signal Connect. We’re here for you during East Coast business hours. When you call, you’ll get an expert in our Detroit-area offices who will build a custom solution package for you. It’s an easy way to make sure you’re up-to-date, and chances are you’ll end up saving money too!

Call us, or if it’s after hours, fill out the form below. We’ll get right back to you.

The post Where can you find a partner to help you upgrade your business’s IT infrastructure? appeared first on The Solid Signal Blog.

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