Its the last day of August, where is it Directv?
Comcast Chicago's website shows that they added Fox Sports Net programming including HD starting September 2. When will we see this HD programming?

sstang7 said:Its the last day of August, where is it Directv?Comcast Chicago's website shows that they added Fox Sports Net programming including HD starting September 2. When will we see this HD programming?
sstang7 said:frustrating for D* to continue to not deliver on dates
dgordo said:He did, they said CSN Chicago HD would be available in August. They also originally said that The HR20 would be available in the first half of 2006. Those are two I can think of off the top of my head but D* is careful to be as vague as possible when discussing dates.
charper1 said:For the exact reason you guys are showing here; damned if they do, damned if they don't. They do not controll everything 110% in these carriage deals & dates. You guys take things way too hard; like a kid that spills their milk or drops their ice creme cone.
charper1 said:You guys take things way too hard; like a kid that spills their milk or drops their ice creme cone.
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