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Which Feature is More Important to YOU? (Take 2) | SatelliteGuys.US

Which Feature is More Important to YOU? (Take 2)


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 14, 2004
Round Rock, TX
Which Feature is Most Important to YOU? (Take 2)

I just wanted to see which feature seems to be most important to Current Voom Subscribers today.

Please don't suggest that there should be more options. If you don't like the options given, don't answer the poll.
I know that the white pixel, channel mapping, resume on channel guide, crap can all be fixed with a simple firmware upgrade. I would put top PQ quality high on that list for a reason, I would like clear, crisp, no "mosquito" noise "dancing little squares" crap on my HD channels.

2nd place for me is not on this poll which would be a rearrangment of Voom's channels...I would love to see Cinema10's channels arranged by genre, I would to see more current HD sports on WorldSports, I would like for the love of all that is good and nice in the world to see Moov MOVE AWAY FOREVER. A Voom HD original special in which the Voom guy takes the ring, and jumps into the lava. As well as a sweet move that could bring more HD channels that are INHD or HDNET equivalents.

How can all this be done? I think Voom needs to start by pushing duplicate SD channels off a pier and expanding bandwidth, when they go WM9 that's great but they better take that opportunity to increase the PQ as well as conserve bandwidth.

My 14 cents.
Let's see:

Less need to Reboot - doesn't happen too often, not the highest priority for me.
More Stable Programming Guide Info - don't have any problems with the PG stability.
No More Annoying White Pixels - Not a big problem: it takes two clicks to get rid of them (VOOM + Watch)
Less Rain Fade - Happens less often than lockups
Easier to Use Interface (Resume on current channel) - Not an issue, since I primarily use the Surf Bar and it always starts on the current channel.
Working Picture Format Options - My TV set doesn't have any problems that would require geometry changes in the STB. It would be nice to be able to unstretch certain upconverted programs, but I don't watch those anyway...
Discrete On/Off Remote Codes - I have a Harmony remote. Harmony does not require discrete codes.
Channel Mapping - I have no issues with channel mapping.
Better Picture Quality - I can't say that I have a big problem with the PQ, but if it can be improved, this would be the top priority for me.

HD is all about PQ. My vote goes to PQ. The lockup problem (item 1) would be a close second.
It has to be PQ. Voom's positioned as being all about HD. Gotta make that look Flawless, or as flawless as possible. Of course, you can always go quantity over quality . . .
yup, get rid of the noise on some chanels, that has to be the top choice for me
IMHO, if the PQ is not pristine ... then nothing else matters much. I got VOOM for more "HD" - not substandard PQ HD :(
I voted picture quality. I don't have any OTA mapping issues though. The next most important thing for me is the audio/video dropouts when changing channels and when not changing channels for that matter!
Thanks for the poll - I guess the buck stops at PQ. Makes sense when you're talking about HDTV.
I have to say I was suprised but pleased that I seem to agree with most of those that voted so far regarding PQ. I thought I was alone. I agree if the PQ is not right...nothing else matters.
gutter said:
I have to say I was suprised but pleased that I seem to agree with most of those that voted so far regarding PQ. I thought I was alone. I agree if the PQ is not right...nothing else matters.

Just because ppl vote PQ doesn't mean that the present PQ is crap. It means that ppl think that there is room for improvement and that PQ is what they care about most. That was my reasoning for voting PQ.
I agree with andrzej, it's not total crap, but it's not "pristine" as Rick214 mentioned, there definately is room for improvement. I think we are almost there, they've cleaned up some SD channels, I eagerly await the codec change.
i screwed up my vote, it wouldnt let me take 2. please deduct one from channel mapping and and one for PQ! lol
electr0n said:
I voted picture quality. I don't have any OTA mapping issues though. The next most important thing for me is the audio/video dropouts when changing channels and when not changing channels for that matter!
Thanks for the poll - I guess the buck stops at PQ. Makes sense when you're talking about HDTV.
The problem as I see it is the HD PQ isnt better than anyone elses. And in some cases worse.
Picture stutter.
and 30 seconds later,
Picture stutter
and 30 seconds later,
Picture stutter

For the last two weeks, I have only turned on Voom to see if I have the updated software and if it fixed the stutter. Since I have not received the updated software, I simply turn the box back off.
vurbano said:
The problem as I see it is the HD PQ isnt better than anyone elses. And in some cases worse.
I agree ... and THAT's why VOOM should be concentrating on PQ - Not much incentive to stay with VOOM if we can get a lot of the same content with noticeably better PQ somewhere else...and most people do not want to have more than one provider. It currently takes 3 to satisfy me but I'd love to have only one provider.

I think HD viewers WANT that "pristine" PQ and will eventually go with the company that provides that experience. When I got VOOM in December, one of the things that made me take the leap was that, at that time, VOOM's PQ was often stated on these boards as being better or at least as good as the other providers. I'm not reading that much today. I hope VOOM will make PQ a top priority or I don't see how it can succeed in the long run.

I love VOOM and I'm sticking with it, but I've learned what "growing pains" are all about :)
I thought microstutters is getting fixed with this patch, which is about to roll out.

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