I'm not needing the local part of the local channels. That completely doesn't matter.
In reply to harshness, here's what channels exactly I'm looking for:
And then my wife wants to watch Grey's Anatomy, and The Big Bang Theory.
That's all we need.
As I said, I don't need the local channels. I don't need any local news or anything.
But it would be nice to have those news channels in HD, if possible.
OK, I don't think you understand how network TV works in the US...if you want programming that is on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, PBS, CW - you ARE getting it on "local" TV channels, period.
Whether it be via a TV antenna you buy, or cable TV or satellite service - the local channels that serve your particular area that you live in, WILL be providing those networks & their programming. Whether you choose cable TV or satellite service, those services are required to provide these networks (& their prog) by picking up the local channels that serve your local area & "rebroadcast" them to you as a subscriber. They do NOT & CANNOT carry a "national" version of these broadcast networks to their subscribers (except in very few circumstances) - unlike the way they DO carry "national" channels such as CNN, Fox News, HBO, ESPN, etc. There are actually 212 different TV markets (DMA's) in the US, but some of the very smallest markets do NOT necessarily have all these networks available. So you understand - there are actually 200+ different versions of ABC local channels scattered around the US, 200+ versions of CBS, etc.
The reason why this is, is due to the concept of broadcast TV here, IS commercial supported programming. The commercials that the local network channels run, would NOT be effective, if say the local cable co. or satellite TV carried a "national" version of ABC, etc. Legislation was passed in the US, that requires cable & satellite, to carry ONLY the local, broadcast version of these networks, & NOT from another area.
You also have to understand that while it's a given that every cable system DOES carry these local broadcast networks, NOT every TV market has these local broadcast networks available via satellite. (DISH or DirecTV) While DISH Network claims to carry local channels in EVERY market, they are still missing some networks in some of these DMA's. DirecTV actually has less coverage of local broadcast markets than DISH does. If you are in a DMA where DirecTV or DISH does NOT provide ABC, for example - you generally will NOT get it at all, period. (there are exceptions where subs can get a "distant" version of ABC from NY or LA - but again, these are rare exceptions for the most part) Again, satellite providers are forbidden to "import" these broadcast networks from another outside market, except under rare & specific situations.
AND, on top of this, it varies on which DMA's have the broadcast networks available in HD, between each DMA AND between DISH & DirecTV.
AND, as far as cable systems go - they can vary widely depending on where you are located. And even within large urban areas, you could have multiple cable systems that serve different areas within a given (large) city. Because of this, again - we simply cannot tell you how good/bad you cable system would be, until you tell us WHERE it's at. Some are very good, some so-so & some are the PITS - again, it's all in where you move to!
As far as using an antenna - again, it's going to depend on where are. Some areas you can get by nicely with indoor "rabbit ears" & get lots of free channels - in others, it requires outside antennas, possibly on a tower; if you are in a remote area, OTA reception can be impossible. Again, it ALL depends on where you live...
SO...NOW you know the reason why we keep telling you that before we can really give you an accurate answer, YOU really need to know where you are moving to. If you could at least tell us the city/state you are moving to, we could at least narrow it down a LOT...