Why is this company using the same Voom box?
rexoverbey said:Why is this company using the same Voom box?
rexoverbey said:Why is this company using the same Voom box?
Sean Mota said:Guys, let's not be rough on Rex.
Sean Mota said:The starChoice box is not MPEG4/WM9 upgradeable... The VOOM box was made custom made with the purpose of upgrading to MPEG4/WM9.
barth2k said:Has Voom said what it'll take to upgrade the box to mpeg/wm9? Firmware upgrade? New module?
vurbano said:It would be nice if vooms box displayed the time or channel number like the picture of the dsr500
Pete In Plano said:I think it is the PCMCIA looking slot on the side. Nice that they have that expansion capability. I would like to see us use the USB with a USB to Ethernet adaptor to let us connect via IP instead of phone line for reportback. I so happen to have that adaptor laying around!!
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