netsfan said:
I just switched back from Cable to Dish, and I was wondering why FX isn't included in the Top 60 package. I was used to having it with basic regular cable, and I thought it was just a "normal" channel.
First of all, didn't you look to see exactly WHAT you were getting in your AT60 package, BEFORE you signed up???
IMO, AT60 is NOT that much of a substitute for "expanded basic" cable, which is where you'll normally find FX. ("basic cable" usually describes a cheap tier that usually includes local & PA channels, & hardly ANY "cable" channels, if any)
And on expanded basic cable, most systems carry the RSN(s) on expanded basic, while on DISH you have to get AT120. (or add your RSN to AT60 for an extra $5 a month)
This is why I always cringe when I see the all the DISH ads running on TV comparing AT60 to expanded basic cable - if you notice, almost a dozen of your AT60 channels are fricken SHOPPING channels, while another dozen are public affairs channels. Take those away & you should be able to figure out that AT60 is NOT really comparable to expanded basic cable, in many instances. (although I'm sure there ARE crappy systems where it DOES

) I go through this whenever new customers call & ask about AT60 - after I explain to them what they will NOT get channels such as our RSN's (we have TWO RSN(s) on expanded basic cable) & other channels like FX, Fox News, MSNBC, AMC, Bravo & others, AT60 doesn't seem like such a good deal after all.