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Will Dish take back my 942 for the upcoming 622 | SatelliteGuys.US

Will Dish take back my 942 for the upcoming 622

stone phillips420

On Vacation
Original poster
Oct 20, 2004
i just purchased a 942, i know I'm an idiot but i wanted the voom
the unit was activated on Dec 14th less than 30 days old
total purchase price was 615 usd
so far i have been told no but am awaiting a callback from exec offices
all i want is the money i put into it 3 weeks ago 615 credit, I would then purchase the 622 through dishstore
yiou know buyers remorse?

Ill keep ya posted on my impending situation
Eventually they will have all of the MPEG-2 receivers to swap out to MPEG-4 and will start with the HD receivers first.

I doubt you will get a credit for your receivers. You will have to wait for the swapout/upgrade offer that they may have in the future.

There will be a number of 921, 942, and 810 receivers that the retailers are going to try to dump this month so I imagine it will be hard to return them.
I know Dish used to claim that the 942 would be MPEG4 capable. In fact I had a tech tell me that it is an MPEG4 receiver, which begs the question: If the techs don't even know what the machines they build are capable of, how screwed are we? Or maybe I should just stop talking to them. You guys seem to know more than they do.

Who am I?
The 942 is NOT MPEG-4 compatible but from another thread or two I believe it can be upgraded to MPEG-4 if it is sent in and they were calling them the 942+. The same techs that are saying that they are MPEG-4 are not the same people that are building them (thank goodness) or we would really really be in trouble.
I cannot believe that dish would NOT make itright NOT only with the 942s but also the 811s. There are just too many people out there with those receivers, and they would piss a lot of people off if they didn'thave an upgrade program
You guys seem to know more than they do.
We do. :)

I cannot believe that dish would NOT make itright NOT only with the 942s but also the 811s. There are just too many people out there with those receivers, and they would piss a lot of people off if they didn'thave an upgrade program
You forgot us 921 owners. We paid the MOST and got the LEAST of ANY E* receiver sale. :mad:

They've screwed existing customers over this sort of thing many times before. OTOH, they've also made exceptions to the screwjob, so there's no way for us to know until it happens.
There are two ways of looking at this. If Dish Network has an upgrade cost that would be seen as unreasonable then that will prevent people from wanting to pay the huge upfront costs in the future. If Dish Network has a very reasonable or free upgrade option then those that make the initial expensive purchase will see it as a good investment since they know that they will be covered if their product becomes obsolete.
Like SimpleSimon said no one will know until it happens. There is a lot of competition coming down the road, especially with TV over the internet. It would be in Dish's interest to NOT upset existing customers by a cost prohibitive upgrade. I have been a long time dish subscriber, and have had my share of frustrations with them, including the 921, but still stayed with them. However, I will move on if they do NOT do the right thing this time
I expect there will be an upgrade program- but not for some time. There is no need for it now. When they have a date for transmitting MPEG-4, then they'll offer an upgrade. Of course, since HD LiLs are expected to be in MPEG-4, maybe they'll offer the folks that sub to HD LiL an upgrade, holding off any upgrade for the bulk of customers until other channels move to MPEG-4.

Moving to D* - or, forbid, cable- could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
Well, if by 1FEB06 I'm paying for the HD Pack, and only getting half the channels because my neither my owned 811 nor my leased 811 will do MPEG-4, I'll be re-evaluating my HD options.
navychop said:
I expect there will be an upgrade program- but not for some time. There is no need for it now. When they have a date for transmitting MPEG-4, then they'll offer an upgrade. Of course, since HD LiLs are expected to be in MPEG-4, maybe they'll offer the folks that sub to HD LiL an upgrade, holding off any upgrade for the bulk of customers until other channels move to MPEG-4.

Moving to D* - or, forbid, cable- could be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
That some time is February 1st when VOOM, ESPN2HD and UHD come online. I don't need nor care about HD LIL. If this only involved HD LIL then I would agree.
I just talked with Dish tech support, on the off chance that they were up to date with the latest Dish HD press releases. Of course, they weren't, and no upgrade path is in place yet for existing HD subs. She was very friendly and apologetic, but couldn't make a guess about when and how MPEG-4 upgrades would be available for existing HD subs.
mdonnelly said:
Well, if by 1FEB06 I'm paying for the HD Pack, and only getting half the channels because my neither my owned 811 nor my leased 811 will do MPEG-4, I'll be re-evaluating my HD options.
Anyone with common sense would agree, but E* cleverly created new programming tiers (HD Bronze, Gold, etc.) which you (we) don't quality to receive unless we upgrade. Therefore, Charlie can legally say that we are not being denied access to HD programming. Just sign on the dotted line and sign up for 12 months of service to replace a 811 and 24 months to replace that new 942 you just purchased.
I am more than happy to commit to 12 months and maybe, a fairly large maybe, even a $99 dollar fee, just like i did for the first PVR i got. of course free is good too and with no commitment.... but i have to live in this world most of the time :-)
I would expect (but not necessarily like) a $149 to $249 "acquisition fee" to upgrade my leased 942 to a leased MPEG4-compatible 622.

There's no way in the world that the future majority shareholder in AT&T-Dish (Charlie) is going to just pump out thousands upon thousands of 622 units for free to existing 942 leasees.

It seems that they'll have to simulcast HD content in BOTH MPEG2 and MPEG4 during the transition phase. Afterall, I subscribe to the HD Pack, Voom and locals (soon to be HD locals). If those three groups of channels were suddenly switched to MPEG4 exclusively, myself and many others would be without HD content untill our upgrade 622 units arrived. I just can't imagine Dish creating a situation where a large number of subscribers might be forced to bail to cable to get HD content.

Somehow I suspect there will eventually be a happy ending to all of this.
You say that there is no way that Dish/Charlie/AT&T is going to pump out free units to existing subscribers but there is no way that most of these people out here are going to expect to pay all of this money to upgrade their receivers either. They will either get it for free or jump to cable or DirecTv so fast it would make their head spin. Dish and Direct would lose customers to each other if they both pull this stunt and if only Dish does this then they will lose their customers to Direct and cable.

I believe Dish will want to wait as long as necessary for the prices to drop before doing such a swapout and it would be in their best interest to future proof the receiver. Make it upgradable. Do they really want to have to pay this much to ugprade everytime new badwidth is needed and new technology comes out that allows newer better compression? Maybe they would have been better off to stick it out with MPEG-2 until something better than MPEG-4 came out to be up one on DirecTv.

what it would take 4U to sell out to charlie?

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