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Will This Work??


Original poster
Sep 3, 2011
I have a Dish DVR 625 , and I'm trying to split the signal from the IR/UHF Pro to an additional TV, but can't seem to get it to work. Here is my current setup and what I'm trying to do.

My dish input is fed to the Dish DVR 625 in my familyroom, and the IR/UHF output is fed back up the same cable that carries the dish input to the DVR, where it goes to a splitter in my attic. From the splitter the IR/UHF signal is fed to a TV2 in my bedroom.

I also have a projector in my media room that I have hooked up to an external ATSC/QAM tuner box. All I'm trying to do is add this tuner box to the splitter and share the IR/UHF signal. I realize that both TV2 and the mediaroom TV will share the same channel/signal.

This seemed pretty straightforward, and my assumption was that the UHF/IR signal was unencrypted (it has to be in order for TV2 to receive it, correct?), however, when I add the mediaroom cable to the splitter and set the tuner to the IR/UHF channel, I get nothing.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there something I just don't get about the UHF/IR sig?


you have to split the cable from the cable that connects to the tv2 that is where the signal is
Where the "diplexer" is in the attic, ( looks like a splitter) the port marked UHF is where you attach a short piece of coax, attach that to a splitter, attach current tv2 to one port and attach media room line to the other port. Make sure you set both tv2's to the same channel. If your not getting pic in media room, make sure your tv is set to the right setting, channel 60 AIR, channel 73 CABLE.

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I have a Dish DVR 625 , and I'm trying to split the signal from the IR/UHF Pro to an additional TV, but can't seem to get it to work. Here is my current setup and what I'm trying to do.

My dish input is fed to the Dish DVR 625 in my familyroom, and the IR/UHF output is fed back up the same cable that carries the dish input to the DVR, where it goes to a splitter in my attic. From the splitter the IR/UHF signal is fed to a TV2 in my bedroom.

I also have a projector in my media room that I have hooked up to an external ATSC/QAM tuner box. All I'm trying to do is add this tuner box to the splitter and share the IR/UHF signal. I realize that both TV2 and the mediaroom TV will share the same channel/signal.

This seemed pretty straightforward, and my assumption was that the UHF/IR signal was unencrypted (it has to be in order for TV2 to receive it, correct?), however, when I add the mediaroom cable to the splitter and set the tuner to the IR/UHF channel, I get nothing.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there something I just don't get about the UHF/IR sig?


What are you calling a IR/UHF signal? IR is infra red the light beam from your remote control UHF is a Ultra High Frequency radio wave sent from the TV2 remote control. What is the output from your ATSC/QAM tuner box, HDMI,Component, composite or NTSC RF?
My 625 has no output labeled IR/UHF but it does have a TV1 out with a white center isolator and a TV2 out with a yellow center isolator.
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All great replies. First, yes, I'm aware that I have to connect from the output of the 625. Maybe I didn't describe it clearly enough? Unless I'm mistaken, the UHF IS the output from the 625, in fact to the best of my knowledge the UHF signal is the only output from the 625.

I'm also not worried about feeding TV2 - it already works - so no issue there. It's the Media Room or #TV3 if you will that I'm trying to figure out.

@Boba - having a "well duh" moment right now - I knew that the IR was only related to the remote. Dish talks about "UHF/IR Pro" to refer to how they enable TV2 receive and IR sig back to the 625. Sorry for the confusion there.

Several have suggested that I feed the Media room from the cable that connects to TV2 - yep, got that covered - that is the UHF output from the 625 - that goes directly to TV2 and it is the same place where I added a splitter to feed to the media room.

Here is the way I see it Dish>>>>625>>>625 UHF Output>>>>to 3 way splitter>>>>to TV2 and Media.

@Jimmerinwi - yep, exactly - that's how I have it connected. In my case, because of a local UHF station on 60, my TV2 and Media are set to channel 65.

@DogDad - Ah ha! Think you're on to something, and I need to check that out - in fact, now that I think of it, I'm betting that is the problem. Didn't even occur to me that my tuner box might not support ATSC. Need to go back and look at the specs on the tuner, but I'm thinking it's ATSC only. Looks like I may be shopping for a new tuner box.

So here's another question. My primary interest is having my media room connected to Dish. I don't really think I have a need for a QAM tuner (primarily how cable companies transmit their "in the clear" stations, right? So, I'm almost thinking that for what I'm trying to do, a standalone ATSC/NTSC box (with Component viideo out) would do the trick?

Thanks all, - very helpful!
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All great replies. First, yes, I'm aware that I have to connect from the output of the 625. Maybe I didn't describe it clearly enough? Unless I'm mistaken, the UHF IS the output from the 625, in fact to the best of my knowledge the UHF signal is the only output from the 625.

I'm also not worried about feeding TV2 - it already works - so no issue there. It's the Media Room or #TV3 if you will that I'm trying to figure out.

@Boba - having a "well duh" moment right now - I knew that the IR was only related to the remote. Dish talks about "UHF/IR Pro" to refer to how they enable TV2 receive and IR sig back to the 625. Sorry for the confusion there.

Several have suggested that I feed the Media room from the cable that connects to TV2 - yep, got that covered - that is the UHF output from the 625 - that goes directly to TV2 and it is the same place where I added a splitter to feed to the media room.

Here is the way I see it Dish>>>>625>>>625 UHF Output>>>>to 3 way splitter>>>>to TV2 and Media.

@Jimmerinwi - yep, exactly - that's how I have it connected. In my case, because of a local UHF station on 60, my TV2 and Media are set to channel 65.

@DogDad - Ah ha! Think you're on to something, and I need to check that out - in fact, now that I think of it, I'm betting that is the problem. Didn't even occur to me that my tuner box might not support ATSC. Need to go back and look at the specs on the tuner, but I'm thinking it's ATSC only. Looks like I may be shopping for a new tuner box.

So here's another question. My primary interest is having my media room connected to Dish. I don't really think I have a need for a QAM tuner (primarily how cable companies transmit their "in the clear" stations, right? So, I'm almost thinking that for what I'm trying to do, a standalone ATSC/NTSC box (with Component viideo out) would do the trick?

Thanks all, - very helpful!
#1 TV2 is working and receiving on ch65
#2 If you are only sending the signal to 2 locations you don't want to use a 3 way splitter a 2 way is better.
#3 Your media center needs a NTSC tuner set to ch 65 to receive the 625 signal.

The 625 has (TV1 under the power cord) a CH3/4 VHF output and ( in the bottom center) TV2 UHF/cable output (21-69).

If you take TV1 and TV2 outputs and run them to a reversed 2 way splitter you should have ch3 and 65 available for distribution. If your prime TV has composite outputs the yellow/red and white rca connectors should give a good connection and free the TV1 coax for use as distribution source.

Hopefully these ideas will help.
@boba - Excellent! Makes perfect sense. But, just to make sure I understand - I could use a reverse splitter, feed the TV1 + TV2 outputs back up the cable that runs from the attic to TV1 and have ch3 and 65 available.

Was doing some research last night on what kind of tuner box I should get. See if this makes sense. I should be able to buy a cheap DTV converter box, as long as I make sure I get one that has the "NTSC passthrough" feature. My objective was to try to find a box with component V-out, but looks like "there ain't no such animal", and maybe since it's an analog sig coming out of the 925, it really doesn't matter anyway.

Was just looking at the manual on the 625 (goes against every fiber of my being, but well....) - I can see exactly what you're talking about.

If any of you have suggestions on a good box, let me know. Maybe one is as good as the next, but experience tells me that's not going to be the case.
Not a perfect solution but one that is cheap, a DISH 811/381 receiver. These are old discontinued HDTV receivers that have a NTSC and ATSC tuner built in. They cannot receive DISH HDTV signals today but they still work for SD. You do not need a subscription for them to work as an OTA tuner but they do need to be connected to a dish signal. Nice thing is they sell cheaply on rbay, you just have to shop for them.
If possible, use a vcr as your tuner. Coax in and composite out. Just set the vcr to ch.65. if 65 doesn't work, set the modulator on the 625 (menu-6-1-5) to ch.73. Set the vcr to 73 and your current tv2 to channel 22 and it should work fine
Cool, was just looking at the user manual on this. Looks like it will do everything I need, and I like the price too ;).

For as many people as there are that use projectors in their media rooms, I'm surprised there aren't more solutions out there. I did find a few, but mostly from companies I'd never heard of. Maybe most people have their dish DVR in the same room as their projection system and with the move away from NTSC, I suppose it makes sense, but I was still a bit surprised.

Looking for one of these units on eBay now. I'll post back and let you know how it works out.

Sure have learned a lot with this little project. One of the glitches I ran into was that when I built my media room, I had a pretty long run from the equipment to the projector, and because of that, decided to go with component video vs. HDMI. Never planned on running composite. However, almost every box I've looked at had no component output. Did find a few boxes, but the price was more than I wanted to spend for this "nice to have" add on to a room that I mainly use to watch movies in.

The 811/381 should be a perfect fit, and it's not made by some company on the other side of the globe that I've never heard of. And, I don't have to worry about questionable quality.

Thanks again Boba!

@Haysoos - also a good idea. I may just try that first - have one sitting in the closet collecting dust.

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I put this 381 on my watch list auction number 200646790207 it is a used 381 and a 4900. The 4900 is a throw away but zero bidders $20 & $15 shipping with only 16 hrs. left looked interesting. No I am not recommending this one because I know nothing besides what is in the auction listing but I do have 2, 811s and they do work. Just put the auction number in the ebay search.
Hey, I picked up an 811/381. Trying to connect it up this afternoon, but not having much luck. I have the feed from my 625 coming into the Satellite in. I have no problem viewing and navigating the 381 menu, but I've not been able to figure out how to setup the NTSC tuner so that I can change the channel and set it to 65 to sync with the TV2 output of the 325. Been through all of the Installation menus - I must be missing something here. :confused:

Figured out how to avoid the "Error 21" that I was getting initially so that I could at least access the I'll count that as progress for the day. :)
Hey, I picked up an 811/381. Trying to connect it up this afternoon, but not having much luck. I have the feed from my 625 coming into the Satellite in. I have no problem viewing and navigating the 381 menu, but I've not been able to figure out how to setup the NTSC tuner so that I can change the channel and set it to 65 to sync with the TV2 output of the 325. Been through all of the Installation menus - I must be missing something here. :confused:

Figured out how to avoid the "Error 21" that I was getting initially so that I could at least access the I'll count that as progress for the day. :)
The 625 output goes to the input back center of 381 near the UHF antenna connector. The satellite in gets connected to your satellite dish.

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