So VOOM bleeds money for another 2 quarters. The Cablevision board is gonna like that. NOT.BFG said:I say yes as well. Dish hinted that it will take 4 or more months to get the sale aproved. And in the PR Voom said they'd continue service until the transition is complete, unless of course they lied...
jbcheshire said:If they are in operation after 2/1/03, do you think they will continue to advertise and add new customers for V* service? At what point do you think they would quit adding new customers???
mdonnelly said:So VOOM bleeds money for another 2 quarters. The Cablevision board is gonna like that. NOT.
I guess Chuck and Tom need to buy back the stock and take Cablevision private, because NO set of stockholders is going to be comfortable losing $3000 per customer each quarter for the forseeable future.gutter said:Your right the Cablevision Board would not like this until Charles Dolan, Tom Dolan and close friends decide to vote their stock. Stock holders share trumps board. Nobody has said anything about calling a stockholders meeting and asking for a vote. Could this be a possibility? Just asking.
No 60 day notice before potential large scale layoffs? Or is the satellite industry exempt?"Voom will continue operating as normal until the day the CSRs show up to work and find a locked building. They will keep taking orders and schedule installs till the last minute. I'd be surprised if they did it any other way. This is how large companies operate".
With Cablevision stock rising it becomes harder for anyone to buy out the company. And if they did buy out the annoyed stockholders where would they get the money to continue operations? Can't spend the cash twice.mdonnelly said:I guess Chuck and Tom need to buy back the stock and take Cablevision private, because NO set of stockholders is going to be comfortable losing $3000 per customer each quarter for the forseeable future.
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