I know I read somewhere a list of Recommended Wireless Routers, I can't find it, and will be replacing my old one soon anyway so want to buy the right one that works best with Dish.
Out of curiosity, will the Hopper w/ Sling connect on the 5GHz band?
I just purchased the ASUS RT-N66U http://www.asus.com/Networking/RTN66U/ a few weeks back. it's a bit pricey, but was really easy to setup and has great range. So far I am happy with it.
Their HQ is around the corner from where I work.Call me a netgear fanboy but...
Their HQ is around the corner from where I work.
Then again, so is Intel, nVidia, Cisco...
I don't know if any of these companies have any inventory at their HQ locations, other than for testing and employee stores. Some companies don't even give their employees discounts on their products.
Google, for instance, gives free stuff like phones, tablets, chromebooks, etc to their employees every Christmas, and other times. But, there is no discount program in place for Google Play purchases, including Nexus hardware. So, it's full price for a Nexus tablet or phone. They do get 20% on branded merch, though. (T-shirts, mugs, etc.)
Apple employees get a tiny discount on Macs and iStuff, which doesn't even cover the sales tax here in CA.
OTOH, they all get paid really well with excellent benefits. (Although, Yahoo recently enacted a no-work-from-home policy. Those barbarians!!!!)
I used to be a big refurb fan. But, my last couple of refurb purchases turned me off to them. Now that most manufacturers outsource the process, I really dont think most stuff is being inspected, reconfigured, and certified properly anymore. It's just cleaned up and reboxed.lmao! Yahoo better do something,not sure that's the answer but,it couldn't hurt.
We had an actual refurbish plant open in our area not too long ago.They supply Big Lot's and others,not sure if the employees get any discounts or not.Refurbished products are big business these days.I always make sure to check out newegg's refurbs for great deals.
You know ... I would not throw a PowerLine adapter out of the mix. This is where from your router you plug the router into the PowerLine adapter and the adapter sends the signal then through your power lines. With the current set you get 100Mbit plus speeds with throughput faster than any wireless router could give you. Some PowerLine adapters would even give the new draft AC wireless routers a run for their money especially the farther away you get from the wireless router.
You can get 2 100Mbit adapters for $50 or 2 GigaBit adapters for $100. Depending on the wireless router, it could be pushing $200 and your Dish receiver may end up in a dead spot.
Something to consider ...
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