None, as 99% of the comments are useless bickering and pot-stirring. So I do no manual refreshing, I am watching TV and during a break come see if anything useful was posted yet and just browse ALL the subjects naturally.
None, as 99% of the comments are useless bickering and pot-stirring. So I do no manual refreshing, I am watching TV and during a break come see if anything useful was posted yet and just browse ALL the subjects naturally.
C'mon Charper, It's the useless whining and complaining that's so entertaining! Besides, the chances of anyone posting anything of substance on the HD Discussions page until the new content arrives are lower than the chance of my winning the Powerball, while being stuck by lightening, as I score a winning touchdown thrown to me by Peyton Manning himself! I'm just killing time here like the rest of us till the actual launch of the channels.
But you are right about the 99% thing.... Some folks around here really need a massage or beer or date or something!
hehehe.... wishful thinking at this point. This has all gotten so far out of hand, it's becoming enjoyable! We've got people ready to storm the gates at D* to demand HD, others who argue about launch dates (my CSR is smarter than your CSR!), folks who stir the pot (I sometimes resemble that remark!) and of course the lurkers. There seems to be more buzz here (good and bad) than anywhere, and if nothing else, it's entertaining!