Does anyone know whether the Zinwell WB68 switch would work with the World Direct international dish alone so I can get both 101 and 95 sats ? If not, which switch would work with this particular dish? Thanks.
Does anyone know whether the Zinwell WB68 switch would work with the World Direct international dish alone so I can get both 101 and 95 sats ? If not, which switch would work with this particular dish? Thanks.
yes it will work
both lines of 101 into the 13v/18v side and 95 into flex port
bottom of page 6 shows that exact hookup
Tried what you had suggested with the 6x8 switch but did not work. Do I need to play around with the setup? Any idea what to do? Thanks.
Please explain why the 95w dish can't be connected to the flex port on the WB68 in this situation?
Inquiring minds need to know.
Please explain why the 95w dish can't be connected to the flex port on the WB68 in this situation?
Inquiring minds need to know.
You basically agreed with needs to be connected as ice said according to diagram ...the 95 has to be on flex port 1 unless you are using the 72 sat ... then the 72 goes on flex 1 & the 95 on flex 2 ..... but if you are using only one flex port always use flex 1
now that said ... once you do that ... you may need to have the recvr activated & let it download new software before it will see the 95 ... also ... you must be seeing the 101 for this to work....
Did you even bother to check out my post?
Use the 18v 22khz tone port. it will work.
so , put the 101 on the 13v and 18v ports. put the 95 on the 18v 22khz.
Tried your way & still didn't work. Do I need to do something with the setup? I can see 101 but not 95. Thinking about getting the zinwell 4x4 switch instead!
No i disagree with that diagram, use the 18v 22khz tone input.
If you are using JUST the 101, and 95, then use the 18v 22khz. If you use the flex port, the system MAY not work properly.
You can also use a 4x4 or 4x8, but only if you aren't using a kaku3/5 or phase3 dish. ONLY use those two switches for a 101/95 setup. Otherwise the switch will not work.
I remember reading that on a document that you can use a 4x4 too. But I assume the receiver "figures it out" depending on which sat setup you do in the guide?
If you say 18" + 95 then it figures to look for 18v+22k whereas if you say slimline or Phase III then it looks for flex port?
I had the 101 on the 18v & 13v and the on the flexport 1. I selected 18 round + 95 but still can't see the 95. Are you guys saying I need to select slimline instead? but my dish is world direct not a slimline.Exactly.
I had the 101 on the 18v & 13v and the on the flexport 1. I selected 18 round + 95 but still can't see the 95. Are you guys saying I need to select slimline instead? but my dish is world direct not a slimline.
Tried your way & still didn't work. Do I need to do something with the setup? I can see 101 but not 95. Thinking about getting the zinwell 4x4 switch instead!
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