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Worldsport should cover US hockey | SatelliteGuys.US

Worldsport should cover US hockey


On Double Secret Probation
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
Worldsport, go save the NHL for us voom hockey fans!

According to The Hockey News, the new NHL agreement with ESPN cuts the broadcast games from 70 to 40 (down from 104 in '02). Those 40 games will only be broadcast on ESPN2 with ESPN only airing NHL hockey in the playoffs.

ABC will be dropping the NHL, citing bad ratings. NBC is picking up the contract, showing only seven regular season games on Saturday afternoons beginning in January, plus six playoff games and games 3-7 of the Stanley Cup. The NHL gave away the farm to both NBC and ESPN, offering a no-rights-fee, 100 percent revenue sharing plan with NBC (similar to the one NBC has with Arena Football), and a deal with ESPN that drops from a $120 million a year agreement to a $60 million per one.

If ever their was a chance to get HD hockey on Voom, here it is. Why not cover the sport that shows off HD the most? Certainly hockey will be almost dead by the end of 2005 and no one will want it, and ready for limited distribution by Voom. WHy not take advantage of the rotting corpse?
Rotting corpses should be buried, not put on display. The reason hockey tanks on TV is because it is no doubt the least TV-friendly sport. On the other hand, live hockey is probably the most exciting. I love all of the soccer currently on Worldsport. I wouldn't watch a single hockey game on TV and judging by the ratings, I'm not alone.
I love hockey and live in a hockey crazed town...but, the facts are that it has less of a tv audience than professional bowling. Sad I know, but a reality.
Odys said:
Rotting corpses should be buried, not put on display. The reason hockey tanks on TV is because it is no doubt the least TV-friendly sport. On the other hand, live hockey is probably the most exciting. I love all of the soccer currently on Worldsport. I wouldn't watch a single hockey game on TV and judging by the ratings, I'm not alone.

Get a big screen TV and watch it HD. For non fans of of hockey, it changes the SD TV game and their perspectively completely.
Less of an audience than the PBA ... let's be real. Are you for real? Do you have evidence?

The real problem I have noted across multiple carriers the blackout restrictions. On ESPN & HDNET there were a total of 21 Colorado Avalanche games broadcast this year (I am pretty sure about the number) I received 1, since I live in Colorado and I am an Avalanche fan this really ticked me off! So most of the games I wanted to see were not available in my market. If you blackout what I watch ... how can I watch it?

Lastly, with the owner lock-out pending, and most likely occurring, there will not be much if any of a 2004-2005 season. I'll most likely be suicidal during this time frame ... damn Gary Bettman!!!
I think it would be a great opportunity, especially if it rebounded while voom had it. Imagine having a channel that other providers would want. Or a sport that people wanted to watch and could only get it here. HD hockey looks great in HD, sucks in sd, great live. See a pattern here? great game, great in HD but people with sd sets dont care for it. Perfect fit.
haha hockey. plz. theres a good reason why abc and espn are reducing coverage. hahah. no offense anyone. dont hate the player..hate the game!
I don't know if you guys are old enough to remeber this, but 15 years ago ESPN showed baseball Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, and NBC had the game of the week on Saturday afternoon. Wednesday and Friday ESPN showed 2 games. This was way before even ESPN 2. Then baseball started to decline. Network coverage really slowed, and ESPN cut way back on the number of games.

Look at baseball now. Fox showed a game in APRIL. ESPN probably does 15 games a week between ESPN & ESPN 2. The sport came back. Hockey can come back. Bettman has always said that HD would save the game. Whenever the lockout ends, there should be fewer teams and lower salaries, and Hockey can get back to where it was before runaway expansion. Not as big as before, but clearly the 4th biggest sport.
babyj said:
haha hockey. plz. theres a good reason why abc and espn are reducing coverage. hahah. no offense anyone. dont hate the player..hate the game!
hahaha spanish soccer reruns???????? you think that is content? Flug tag reruns on RUSH? Paragliding? Heck thats a vacation activity not a sport. Mountain biking? O that makes my heart really race!! LMAO
PBHDinSD said:
Get a big screen TV and watch it HD. For non fans of of hockey, it changes the SD TV game and their perspectively completely.

Saw the the reruns of the Olympic hockey games just the other day on my widescreen on HD. Sorry, still not impressed. I enjoyed the hell out of the speed skating though.

Anyone listen to Jim Rome yesterday? He was talking about how a recent playoff hockey game placed 19th in the CABLE ratings. He spent quite a bit of time speculating which shows might have beat it out, which was pretty funny. 19th on cable is pathetic, no matter how you look at it.
Mr. Biggles said:
I love hockey and live in a hockey crazed town...but, the facts are that it has less of a tv audience than professional bowling. Sad I know, but a reality.
Well at 20,000 or so subs they could maintain their viewership? I cant imagine any other channel putting the games in HD?
Odys said:
Saw the the reruns of the Olympic hockey games just the other day on my widescreen on HD. Sorry, still not impressed. I enjoyed the hell out of the speed skating though.

Anyone listen to Jim Rome yesterday? He was talking about how a recent playoff hockey game placed 19th in the CABLE ratings. He spent quite a bit of time speculating which shows might have beat it out, which was pretty funny. 19th on cable is pathetic, no matter how you look at it.
see any blood? any violent checks? any fights? nope its the olympics. The 19th rating is exactly why voom should be looking at it. you will never have MLB, or NFL on voom exclusives, the NHL is looking like a candidate if they could talk them into it. AS for Jim Rome he said the other day that Kobe was a better player than MJ. The moron.
Sincerely intended in the spirit of good nature and humor with absolutely no ill will or malice I present as a service to the satelliteguys Voom forum community:

The typical Vurbano programming post template


(Insert Voom exclusive channel) should show more (insert name of a sport, event, or movie)

note - while this is perhaps the most typical vurbano style, the template user should not feel constrained to only format the title entry in this way. It is possible to state the issue in a variety of styles that still express the same basic opinion. For example,

variation 1

More (name of sport, event, movie) on (name of Voom exclusive channel)

variation 2

I'm sick of all the (insert name of broadcasting currently shown on voom exclusive channel) on (insert voom exclusive channel name). How about some (sport, event, movie)

variation 3

(insert name of voom exclusive) is a waste of bandwidth.


note - the vurbano message is generally short and to the point but there are some key rules and stylistic elements that need to be followed:

1. No person subscribing to Voom really wants to see anything except american sports except to occasionally check out PQ on the channel.
2. No Voom exclusive, with the possible exception of Monsters HD, is of much value and the HD bandwidth the channel consumes (this is really key you need to use the terms "bandwidth" and "waste of bandwidth" a few times) is really being wasted
3. Never mention or, in follow-up posting in the thread, acknowledge the fact there really isn't any other use for the "wasted" bandwidth
3. The proposed improved broadcasting content should have it's broadcasting rights already owned by another channel which currently shows the content
4. Never acknowledge the fact that another broadcaster owns this content, this is immaterial to the point and introduces into the thread the dangerous idea of reality and possibilty destroying the childlike fantasy charm of the vurbano post. Remember, it's about what the channel OUGHT to show, not the pesky reality of what it can obtain and afford to show.
5. When closing out the post, issue a prophetic doom of failure that will occur if the powers to be at Voom fails to do exactly as you instruct them. Once again, reality is no excuse. Voom must follow what is being proscribed to the letter or the Voom exlusive channel will be a failure and quite possibly Voom itself will completely fail .


vurbano posts offer such a vast amount of forum fun as long as you follow the guidelines but there are some special instances in which the person seeking to make a vurbano post may not know what is the right thing to do. The following is a special question and answer format to help the aspiring vurbano poster

Q - What should I do if someone, like a producer or programmer or content creator from one of the Voom exclusives shows up in the forum making posts?

A - the vurbano poster immediately issues a post informing/asking the individual these four things:
1. I think your channel sucks
2. Everyone thinks your channel sucks
3. Do you realize how bad your channel sucks
4. Why don't they show more American sports on WorldSport? It's never going to be successful until they get some american sports.

In follow-up posts, if someone calls you out as rude make sure to correct that person's ill informed opinion by instructing him that your just telling the truth and the Voom guy deserves to know the truth that his work and the work of his colleagues suck. In essence, it's tough love and good for the guy to find out now so that his art won't go on wasting valuable HD bandwidth that could be used to show more american sports

Q I really want to be succesful at my vurbano posts but something is just missing. I ask my wife and friends to read over them and they agree that it just doesn't seem right but no one can help me fix it. Is it just hopeless?

A No more hopeless than Voom getting INHD before the month is out - and you know they really need it otherwise people are going to start going back to DirectTV. Anyway, what most first-time vurbano posters really fail to get is that combination of fantasy and pugnaciousness. You've really got to be in the face of the other posters with the idea that your conception of what the particular Voom exclusive channel should be, despite how inconceivably impossible that conception really is, is not merely the best way that channel could be programmed it's the ONLY way that channel can be programmed for Voom, and most likely Rainbow Communications, not to fail. Once you get that, it's all down hill

Q I'm kinda bummed out and maybe you can help even though this isn't a typical Vurbano voom exclusive channel post question. I really think HDNet and INHD ought to be on Voom but it just seems like there are too many obstables and that wont happen for a long time. What can i do?

A Hey now, do you think Vurbano lets silly things like reality get in the way of adding new channel to Voom? Have you not been paying attention? Maybe you just lack imagination, so let me tell you something. Voom should have those channels. They should have added them last week even before June 1st. And if Voom is serious and doesn't want to go out of business it should add those channels retroactively right away so that I had my INHD and HDNet yesterday. They better realize that people will go back to Direct and Dish if they don't go back and put those on yesterday. Let's get real, they have American sports on those channels. What people want to see. No one wants to watch some cruddy 4 star french movie on cinema 2 when HDNet is showing some of it's exclusive coverage of the American Lacrosse League. WorldSport ought to show some of that. You can't get more American than Lacrosse - the indians played it and they were the native Americans so Lacrosse is so American that it's almost quintessentially American. Well, except for the name which is Fren....but it doesn't matter, Lacrosse is American and it's a sport and if that doesn't spell WorldSport what does? Someone at Voom better wiseup or they are going to go bye-bye. That channel better be there tomorrow or it's all over.

Q Hey, I kind of get it now. So that's how it's done?

A. Ummm...yeah. Uhhh..who are you?

Q I'm the first guy that asked a question

A. oh, OH YEAH..that dude. Yeah, you see now? It's pretty cool, isn't it?

Q Yeah, it just makes no sense but it's really kinda belligerent about it.

A. There you go, you said it better than I did - belligerent nonsense

Q I'm still kinda bummed

A. I thought you were stoked dude..what's going on is the lithium fluctuating or something?

Q No..nothing like that. I'm the second guy

A Ok, yeah, I guess I showed have given you guys more distinctive names than Q and Q

Q what's that?

Q yeah, I think so

Q you think so? what are you talking about?

Q he was talking about how he should have given us better names

Q what guy was? names?

Q that dude..the dude over there...Dude, you here me

Q yeah, I'm sitting here talking to you

Q no, not you. The dude over there. I don't remember his name

Q the guy answering the questions you mean?

Q yeah, the vurbano dude

Q I don't think that guy is right in the head

Q Vurbano?

Q No, the other guy

Q the answer guy, you mean...what's wrong with him?

Q well, I mean...well, look at this

Q yeah, this is kinda weird, I grant you that

Q kinda weird? I mean the Vurbano thing was kinda funny and all but where are we going with all this?

Q Going? are we going somewhere? Hey Dude..Vurbano template dude, are we going somewhere?

Q Where did he go anyway?

Q I don't have any idea but I'm getting tired of this.

Q Yeah, so am I. Let's go, should we?

Q Cool. Dude, Hey Vurbano template dude..we are going now. Later?

A hey, where did everyone go?
vurbano said:
hahaha spanish soccer reruns???????? you think that is content? Flug tag reruns on RUSH? Paragliding? Heck thats a vacation activity not a sport. Mountain biking? O that makes my heart really race!! LMAO

oh trust me..its not like i want to see any of that either...

i know most of you guys here are older adults..and you guys will find something to watch on voom's exlusives. but as a colleger i will tell you..i havent seen one thing i liked bout voom's exclusives. my parents don't watch voom. my dad watches worldsport for the soccer game. thats it. they cable regular cable like cnn and fox.
Hockey fans may not be many on TV, but they outdraw the NBA live in most cities and have excellent demographics...would be a huge plus for voom since they seem to be demographic consience.(gallery,ultra etc)
hehe... he said hockey.. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA......

seriously though, does anyone south of Minnesota actually watch this stuff? Maybe I'm not Canadian enough to find the point... hmmm...
Nobody complains much when HDNET broadcast their NHL games in beautiful HD. Im starving for new material on Worldsport. Dog racing would be a welcome change. World Cup Hockey is also a great idea. Bring on some more world sports!!

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