Hello again,
I am very grateful for the responses and honest opinions, agreed there is a lot of free sources of information, but these tend to rely on updates provided by satellite enthusiasts rather than professionals with dedicated hardware. I have noted that over the years (since the beginning of digital satellite television, which coincided with the dawn of the internet) that these sources of information tend to become out of date as the sites fall into disuse ending up with fragmented sources scattered across the web, none of which are very reliable (certainly regarding non-mainstream satellites) scheduled in house scanning (largely automated) would be the best solution.
After further consideration regarding the business model the best way to monetize it would be through industry relative advertising rather than base it on subscriptions (as due to the nature of the internet once information is out its impossible to protect). The initial investment would be high regarding an array of fixed antennas and dual motorized systems (main and back up) to provide coverage from say 15° to 129° west, but after the initial outlay and the automation of blind scanning, keeping the system functional would require little more than hardware maintenance; as its usually mechanical wear that would prevent the motorized systems from functioning (as they would be in more or less continual operation).
Certainly it's a lifestyle business model it's not going to make me a millionaire overnight. Thank you all for your contributions, any further comments are most welcome.