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WTB: Shaw Direct PVR | SatelliteGuys.US

WTB: Shaw Direct PVR

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Jul 20, 2006
Northwest Alabama
If anyone has a Shaw Direct HDDSR 630 PVR for sale, please PM me.

Thanks for the suggestions, I appreciate them. However I was looking to get one that someone wanted to get rid of. I don't really want to have to pay Shaw's full retail price if I can help it. I have one 630 already and would like to add another one.
You don't want one they are junk. Ask Mike Kohl he will tell you the same thing I asked him a few weeks ago.
bobvick said:
I already have one. It has a few quirks but so far it has been ok.

Good to hear. I wanted one to but he talked me out of it. What about looking around in CA Craigslist type deals? Maybe a store will have a Black Friday special on them and you can use a mail forwarding service! I noticed the dsr600 went up to almost $200 boo.
Good to hear. I wanted one to but he talked me out of it. What about looking around in CA Craigslist type deals? Maybe a store will have a Black Friday special on them and you can use a mail forwarding service! I noticed the dsr600 went up to almost $200 boo.

I never thought of black friday. I don't know if they have it in Canada? I guess they do, but since their Thanksgiving is on our Columbus day, so I am not sure it is as big of a deal up there. had DSR600 for $49 last year.
I never thought of black friday. I don't know if they have it in Canada? I guess they do, but since their Thanksgiving is on our Columbus day, so I am not sure it is as big of a deal up there.

Bell/Shaw receivers rarely go on sale. If they do, its 20 or 50$ off.
I found a new one, never activated for $150 from Montreal that I have coming on The owner got the PVR, but he found out after the fact that since he lives in a condo, they will not allow two lines coming in, so he couldn't use it. Thanks for all of your suggestions here.
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