Name: Prometheus23
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Tiger Woods 06
NBA Live 06
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Countless oldschool Xbox games
Kameo (well my kids play that one)
Call of Duty 2
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 3
Madden 06 (Blecch..... The 360 version is a shell of its former XBox self.... don't bother unless you are a hardcore fan......)
More that Santa is bringing.....
Dead or Alive 4
Quake 4
King Kong
.... and I've been playing Halo and Halo 2 as well..... Lost my save games (I had finished BOTH on legendary and now have to start from scratch)
i would love to do that, i noticed alot of you that i have added to the friend list, were recently playing halo 2. that is a game all of us probably have and might be able to do something.
what do the rest of you guys think? friday or saturday nights are better for me.