It's amazing how a company can screw up something so simple.
At least they're screwing up in your favor.
It's amazing how a company can screw up something so simple.
My one year of Cinemax for a penny isn't up until May. I assume we'll still get it the rest of our year of service even though the promotion is over.
At least they're screwing up in your favor.
I called dish today cause I wanted to know why my bill was in spanish. I don't speak/read spanish. I also wanted my bill translated. There was a charge for a penny, the csr said it was for cinemax. I told her I thought that was over with. She replied it is being renewed for certain customers.
We hope you are enjoying your Cinemax programming at the
special promotional price of only a penny a year! This is a
courtesy reminder that your promotional period will expire next
month. Starting with your next billing statement, your account
will reflect the low programming price of $12.99 a month for
One Time Charges
Dec 10 1 YR Cinemax Penny Offer 0.01
Under premiums Max shows a grayed out chk mark in the box. Then it says the following: Please call 1-888-884-2741 to change your annual Cinemax for a Penny promotion.
I checked it again today and now I can uncheck the box so I think I am getting charged now. I couldn't complete the order to remove it, it said I already made a change in the last 12 months.
I used the phone system to remove and got dinged $5, can't complain about two years for $5.02
If you read a few posts above, you will see that not everyone is receiving the same type of letter.
I've been getting notices (mail) and phone calls about Cinemax coming to an end also. Received my bill today and it has a line item for Cinemax from 12/16/09 thru 12/15/10 and the price is $.01. Still have Cinemax as of today.
Limited time offer