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UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info! | Page 27 | SatelliteGuys.US

UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info!

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As sad as it is, that is probably an entirely accurate statement. Considering what one would pay for similar services on many cable systems, most will find they will be paying about the same so they will grumble, but put up with it. Sure there will be some churn but most will just suck it up and keep the status quo.

That is where I disagree with you, for people who only want to look at TV prices and refuse to bundle you might be correct that the new prices Dish will be charging will be inline with what TV providers are offering.

But if you are willing to bundle you can save a nice chunk of change now from both Comcast and TWC and Verizon and ATT. Saving money by bundling is an easy way to save money and unlike Direct TV who has exclusive content Dish does not have any exclusive content nor do they offer any bundling discounts like the telco or cable companies.

For example how many people have cell phones with ATT/Verizion and have same carrier for home service? I bet lot of the current Dish customers do. How many people have internet access? How many have phone service? depending on the provider you can save between 10-50 a month by combining all those services and buying them from 1 provider vs spreading them out.

For all you people who are going say those discounts are not counted towards only the TV. Lets just think about for 1 minute please. I do care where you want to apply those discounts. If you currently add up your Cellphone, Landline, Internet service and TV your current bill is $200 per month for all 4 by switching all 4 services to 1 provider you are going to pay only $150 for the same services you are saving $50 per month. If you happen to have 2-3 services already with Verizon/ATT which require TV service to get the bundling discount the fact your TV is with Dish is making you pay more for the other services you already have with them so by simply switching your TV to them that right away saves you $50 per month.

If ATT/Verizon does not offer U-Verse/Fios in your area, then both TWC and Comcast offer bundling discounts too which range between $25-40 off your bill a month depending if you have internet only or both Voice and Internet bundled along with cable.

So yeah if you want to be a retard and refuse to consider bundling services to save money you are right Dish might be competitive still even with these new increases but prior to Dish raising the price on the leases by over 100% they were cheaper than even the bundled packages as you go with the cheaper provider for TV/Internet/Voip and Cellphone and save money over having one of the bundles.
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A good insider source confirms the additional outlet fees will no longer be waived for phone line connection.

E has forgotten the customer:( Charlie deserves large sub losses, and the embarasement of telling his investors I screwed up.

Even employees are unhappy.

It appears E has hunkered down, while they go down the toilet.
Yeah I will save a lot with bundling. I was aware of the savings but didnt care, since I was happy with E.

Such a large increase will get subs shopping when the economy is still in decline.
So yeah if you want to be a retard and refuse to consider bundling both services to save money you are right Dish might be competitive still even with these new increases but prior to Dish raising the price on the leases by over 100% they were cheaper than even the bundled packages which is no longer the case.

Actually I already have Comcast for my Internet service. I also get basic cable as part of the "bundle". Were I also to throw in bundled land-line phone service, it would be a wash compared to what I am paying now. Basically my current bundle gets me basic cable TV for free (which I use mostly to watch the sub-channels on my locals).

To keep similar service to what I currently have on Dish using Comcast's DVRs would increase my bill to something comparable to what I pay total now, but with Comcast's garbage equipment and less functionality (Comcast doesn't seem to offer dual tuner DVRs that work like Dish's).

You are absolutely correct that bundling can be a great alternative - when you can get them. My brother dropped Dish in favor of a killer Comcast bundle rate that was made to him when U-verse came to his neighborhood. I called Comcast to see if I could get something comparable and was politely told to take a hike.

For now, even if this heavily speculated, but unsubstantiated rate change happens, Dish is still my only real option. (Moxi would be a great option combined with Comcast if I could have a reasonable assurance that they would be around 2 years from now)
Actually I already have Comcast for my Internet service. I also get basic cable as part of the "bundle". Were I also to throw in bundled land-line phone service, it would be a wash compared to what I am paying now. Basically my current bundle gets me basic cable TV for free (which I use mostly to watch the sub-channels on my locals).

I know it will depend on everyone situation and what their needs are and bundled prices vary by area and so do extra box prices and they might run promo's at different times even which make the bundles more attractive too.

While cable or Fios or U-Verse might not work for you, to say most customers wont drop Dish because they will be inline I think is over reaching.

Most customers have 1-2 boxes right now with dish and most have 2 DVR or less. If you look at both Comcast or TWC national promo's for just cable/tv both are same and I bet much cheaper options for many than current Dish and comparable internet service.

Both Comcast and TWC on their web pages have a national $99 rate which includes a TV package comparable to Dish 250 package with HD, and that package includes 1 DVR and 1 HD STB(in my area includes PIP) and standard internet connection which speed varies by area but normally is between 6-10mbs download. Comparable dsl internet connection of that speed from most providers costs aprox $45 per month which means you are paying $55 for the TV. A comparable tv package from Dish currently is $84.99 and will be increasing to $85.99 to $93.99 depending if cable companies uses PIP boxes or not. Then depending on your area TWC/Comcast can charge as little as $7.95 per DVR to as much as $19.99 depending if the DVR fee is per account or per box. So I understand the more boxes you possible add to the bundles the closer the price might get to Dish or if you want something different that is offered in their bundle package then you get charged ala cart. Ie faster internet speed.

I have a felling a large portion of Dish customers have 2 boxes or only 1 and more than likely 1 DVR only too. Personally when I signed up Dish wanted $300 extra for 722 vs $150 extra for 222 which is why I went with a 222. I have a felling a small number of customers have more than 2 boxes and even less have more than 2 DVR.

Again this is just my guess as I have no idea what % of dish customers have any equipment or what most customers do or do not have.

P.S. in my area the TWC local bundle special includes free showtime and TMC and Encore and upgraded internet and only 1 DVR and No box but requires a 2 year contract. The national deal is a 12 month contract which I could get as well but does not have the extra for the same price but does include a 2nd box which TWC in my area charges $6.99 +$0.25 cents for the remote.

1 more thing maybe both TWC/Comcast TV package is closer to Dish 200 package as I just noticed their packages does not includes encore or TMC like Dish250 does. Both claim to have 250 channels tho but I guess they include more junk channels than dish to get to 250. But even counting that Dish 200 is $10 cheaper than Dish 250 so it is still cheaper than Dish/comparable internet but the difference might not be as big I guess.

I am trying to be as fair as possible when comparing which is why I updated this. I am sure other channels might be missing or be different so it is very possible the bundle channels are missing something you might want.
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Dish Network keeps 65-75% (before operating costs) of what he collects from subscribers. You figure a customer that has a $60 programming bill dish keeps $35 of that on programming plus another $17 in fees for an additional box so there is around $52 of $77. Right there is two-thirds. Charlie wants to increase what he gets from subs even if it means them dropping a programming package to do it. If a customer drops too much though then Dish loses money from raising rates.
I think Dish caters to customers in rural areas and have from the beginning. The rural customer is not going to have the choices to move away from dish to U-verse or cable or Fios. Maybe D*. I would suspect that many will decide to downgrade rather than switch providers. Not worth it to me to switch to D* for 5 bucks a month.
Now I must agree ,that taxing people on their multiple duo dvrs on their accounts is down right greedy. But that being said you can do one of two things: Either cancel or try to cut back on the extra receivers on your account.For example , I think the only way around the increases is to make a decision to lose the multiple duo dvr units on your account, except one. Now most people who have a spouse could get by with one duo dvr in dual mode. If you have children or one child you could get by with either one or two solo receiver (211k) or a 222 because if you took one 211k it would only cost you 7.00/ Two units would be 14.00 or one 222 unit to two tvs , same 14.00. Now if you pay to turn the 211k into a dvr, you still don't pay any dvr fee. IF you do have two 211k units you also will have hd to two hd tvs instead of one hd and one sd with a 222 unit.

When you look at the 922 dvr it looks like DISH is trying to use it like a whole house dvr in hd. It has 1 terabyte internal hard drive. Still can add external hard drive too. You can get HD on one hd tv in your living room and you can sling tv 2 in HD to your bedroom (using the sling 300 - I think it was that) . Now also you could add the extra sling monitor and you could get a second tv 1 in HD to any where else in your house with wi-fi. If you can hook component cables to your receiver and hook it to another room that is close you could see tv 1 in HD in that room as well.

In my present situation I have a 722k and tv 1 is HD in the living room and I am using component to run it to my computer room behind the living room, where the receiver is. So I have HD in two rooms. Now tv 2 into the master bedroom is only coax into a dvd recorder, that upconverts by hdmi to hd; 1080i or 720p. It doesn't look as good a real HD but it is close when you sit about 8 ft away in the bed. My kid is using the 211k in his bedroom as a dvr. So I have 4 hdtvs and 3 of them are in hd , one is up-converted hd in the bedroom. Now if I had the 922 , I could have hd in 3 tvs and add the wi-fi monitor and get another tv in hd and still use the 211k in my kids room.

My point is ; How many tvs can you watch at a time anyway? How many dvrs do you need to watch tv. It is just tv. Now if this had been a price hike on programming we would all been screwed, but it is avoidable if you make the changes I have suggested. Yes, DISH is trying to screw you if you trade in and get a smaller single or solo receiver, with a $100.00 downgrade fee. But it is either that or just get by with one receiver on your account ,or cancel like I said before. When all services are compared , Sadly DISH is still cheaper for programming. But as for equipment fees , they are the KING OF BIG ASS Equipment FEES! So In conclusion : The changes are coming , YOU can get ahead of them and make your contingency plans or bend over and take it, or leave the game all together. I vote you make the changes, so you can soften the impact of the latest raping of the consumer by DISH.
Yes, DISH is trying to screw you if you trade in and get a smaller single or solo receiver, with a $100.00 downgrade fee.

I think you are overlooking something. First off, when you signed up or anyone else for that matter, Dish was pushing 222 over 211 because it allowed you to feed 2nd SD TV for free or have pip. Many people including my self paid the so called 1 time "upgrade fee" because their was no difference in the monthly price between a 222 and 211. If their would have been a difference in the monthly service price not only would I have have taken the 211 but I would have saved $100 when I signed up so why should I pay another $100 now to downgrade to what would have been free and agree to extend my contract by 2 more years? Remember most people are pissed because their choice is pay to down cancel services on TV, cancel boxes or pay ETF.

When all services are compared , Sadly DISH is still cheaper for programming.

How do you figure that? If you are truly in Nederland , Texas 77627 then your local cable company is TWC, Either you are uninformed or just plain ignorant. According to TWC in your area, they have a better deal than national promo just like Metro LA area. The special in your area is "Surf and View" which is $78.99 a month and includes over 230 Digital channels including up to 98 HD channels and 7 mbs internet connection and 1 HD DVR for free for 6 months and after 6 months the price goes up to $88.99. Each extra DVR in your zip code is $9.95 + $5.95 Dvr fee per box. Now if you bundle your home phone then the price goes up to $109.99 per month and includes 1 DVR and 1 HD STB.

Sadly let me ask you what do you pay for internet package? If you pay let assume even $30 a month which is $15 less than ATT charges in your area for 6 mbs dsl that would mean your TV currently would have to be less than $58.99 which is impossible as Dish 200 + HD + 1 DVR currently $67.99 going up to $69.99 next month.

According to ATT web page parts of zip code 77627 have U-Verse deployed already so U200 with HD and Internet is $92 per month and includes 3mbs internet connection and total DVR which allows you to record up to 2HD/2SD streams currently and will allow up to 3HD/1SD starting Feb 1st. Starting Feb 1st same package will include 6mbs internet for the same price. Currently ATT is offering $300 gift card to try U-Verse in your area and requires no contract at all.

Yes if you just compare straight TWC cable to Dish TV service you are correct, Dish is cheaper as TWC Digital cable is $55.99 + box fee's but TWC is giving standard cable modem connection almost for free so you have to be an idiot to not take it.

So please explain to us how Dish is cheaper than cable for you if you are willing to bundle your internet with your TV?
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Alot of talk about switching especially to comcast, I am sure all of you have reviewed what they offer especially with HD, maybe in other areas they offer more HD, but here in michigan I looked on there website and counted about 20 or so national HD channels and a 90.00 bill which does not include additional recivers (on there website you cant add recivers)

With the propsed rate increase I am looking at around 83 or so. That includes two HD DVR, one being the 722K which all of you know the few aditional things the 722 will let you do. The 10.00 platimum/HD credit is key for me right now.
I was just on the Comcast site for sheets and giggles and they seem to have a decent triple pay package price, introductory and then the final price after 12 mo.

I briefly looked around the site and am more frustrated than interested in their product right now.

The problem is, I can't figure out WTF all of the services will include. You click on channel line up and they list ever channel they carry, the phone portion says something about $10 extra line fee per month. The internet package says something about $5/mo modem rental.

The website is a jumbled mess. Can their call center monkeys explain this sh*t in a reasonable manner or is it hit and miss like DISH?
Bundling can save big bucks since E got me price shopping:)

I knew fios bundle would save bucks but liked E, its DVRs, supported the company that made sat tv mainstream by pushing LIL. heck over the years I must of convnced over a 100 friends to convert to E. Some of them have multiple DVRs:( and no doubt will be calling me, whats up with the price. in my circle of friends I am the local expert...........

not sure of the fios dvr...... anyone use a tivo with fios?

currently I am making up a list of must have channels
I think you are overlooking something. First off, when you signed up or anyone else for that matter, Dish was pushing 222 over 211 because it allowed you to feed 2nd SD TV for free or have pip. Many people including my self paid the so called 1 time "upgrade fee" because their was no difference in the monthly price between a 222 and 211. If their would have been a difference in the monthly service price not only would I have have taken the 211 but I would have saved $100 when I signed up so why should I pay another $100 now to downgrade to what would have been free and agree to extend my contract by 2 more years? Remember most people are pissed because their choice is pay to down cancel services on TV, cancel boxes or pay ETF.

How do you figure that? If you are truly in Nederland , Texas 77627 then your local cable company is TWC, Either you are uninformed or just plain ignorant. According to TWC in your area, they have a better deal than national promo just like Metro LA area. The special in your area is "Surf and View" which is $78.99 a month and includes over 230 Digital channels including up to 98 HD channels and 7 mbs internet connection and 1 HD DVR for free for 6 months and after 6 months the price goes up to $88.99. Each extra DVR in your zip code is $9.95 + $5.95 Dvr fee per box. Now if you bundle your home phone then the price goes up to $109.99 per month and includes 1 DVR and 1 HD STB.

Sadly let me ask you what do you pay for internet package? If you pay let assume even $30 a month which is $15 less than ATT charges in your area for 6 mbs dsl that would mean your TV currently would have to be less than $58.99 which is impossible as Dish 200 + HD + 1 DVR currently $67.99 going up to $69.99 next month.

According to ATT web page parts of zip code 77627 have U-Verse deployed already so U200 with HD and Internet is $92 per month and includes 3mbs internet connection and total DVR which allows you to record up to 2HD/2SD streams currently and will allow up to 3HD/1SD starting Feb 1st. Starting Feb 1st same package will include 6mbs internet for the same price. Currently ATT is offering $300 gift card to try U-Verse in your area and requires no contract at all.

Yes if you just compare straight TWC cable to Dish TV service you are correct, Dish is cheaper as TWC Digital cable is $55.99 + box fee's but TWC is giving standard cable modem connection almost for free so you have to be an idiot to not take it.

So please explain to us how Dish is cheaper than cable for you if you are willing to bundle your internet with your TV?

Okay first of all I am in Nederland ,Tx. Why would anyone claim that they live here if they didn't. Have you ever seen Nederland?

Second of all in comparing Cable to Satellite is like the difference between night and day. TWC has very few hd channels in this area compared to DISH. They also have crappy dvr compared to DISH. So does DIRECTV for that matter. I had road runner and it is widely overpriced compared to ATT yahoo , which I have now and I don't have to take basic cable to get it either , like with TWC. So when I say DISH is sadly the cheaper , I mean for the services I want and for the needs of MY FAMILY it is cheaper.

THird of all I will not be conversing with you again since you like to say that I am" just plain ignorant". I don't feel that you would be worth talking to since you like to flame and call names. IF you don't agree with my assesment of the situation , you can say it without using names and flames. How old are you anyway?

Fourth of all : Welcome to my ignore list.
Okay first of all I am in Nederland ,Tx. Why would anyone claim that they live here if they didn't. Have you ever seen Nederland?

Second of all in comparing Cable to Satellite is like the difference between night and day. TWC has very few hd channels in this area compared to DISH. They also have crappy dvr compared to DISH. So does DIRECTV for that matter. I had road runner and it is widely overpriced compared to ATT yahoo , which I have now and I don't have to take basic cable to get it either , like with TWC. So when I say DISH is sadly the cheaper , I mean for the services I want and for the needs of MY FAMILY it is cheaper.

THird of all I will not be conversing with you again since you like to say that I am" just plain ignorant". I don't feel that you would be worth talking to since you like to flame and call names. IF you don't agree with my assesment of the situation , you can say it without using names and flames. How old are you anyway?

Fourth of all : Welcome to my ignore list.

Exactly - everyone's situation is different. In my case, I at least have Comcast as an option (only because I happen to live along the trunk connecting two communities), but being in a rural area, it is definitely not the same level of service or availability as those in suburban/urban areas. As for anything offered by the phone company (ATT), I can't even get DSL let alone U-Verse.

It is helpful and good to point out options that others may not have considered, but no one should automatically assume that the options pointed out are best or even available for everyone. I would venture to say that most people posting here have done their homework (or are using this site to DO their homework) and pretty much know their options.

Hopefully we can all be able to amicably disagree, while respecting each others opinions. :)
Dont know if this has been discussed or i missed it in this thread...but what are the new fees going to be for owned receivers?
Dont know if this has been discussed or i missed it in this thread...but what are the new fees going to be for owned receivers?

same as leased:(

plus the extra outlet fee, for dual output boxes which was previous waived for phone connecton isnt:(

but ADD the no phone connection fee.

Bundling can save big bucks since E got me price shopping:)

I knew fios bundle would save bucks but liked E, its DVRs, supported the company that made sat tv mainstream by pushing LIL. heck over the years I must of convnced over a 100 friends to convert to E. Some of them have multiple DVRs:( and no doubt will be calling me, whats up with the price. in my circle of friends I am the local expert...........

not sure of the fios dvr...... anyone use a tivo with fios?

currently I am making up a list of must have channels

Look on, there are reviews of the tivo on there.

Edit: Also the moxi is an option.
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