Isn't there a Retailer Chat set for today? I was thinking that was it.
That's probably it. Thanks,
Isn't there a Retailer Chat set for today? I was thinking that was it.
Is this new information contrary to Scott's OP? (Recall that package prices include locals, so in effect they all got a $5 reduction.)They are not changing the prices of any of their packages other than the everything pak.
Is this new information contrary to Scott's OP? (Recall that package prices include locals, so in effect they all got a $5 reduction.)
You appear to be correct and I apologize for my confusion. The Dish website now seems to include locals with their so-called "Classic" packages at the prices Scott posted in this thread (post#1) for February. The "with DVR/locals bundle" which appears in the navigation panel on the left on Satellite TV - HD Satellite Television - DISH 1.888.825.2557 does not actually include the locals any more since they're already bundled with the Classic packages. Is this misleading nomenclature or what?I think the $5 reduction was from packages that included the "with DVR". They reduced those packages by $5 and then added the $6 whole house DVR fee.
Bob and the rest, I got a reply from the CEO email today.
Dear Mr. Angiodan –
At this time, the details of upcoming price-changes are being finalized, and I am unable to discuss them with you. I would not be able to verify what your prices will be or if they will increase.
I will be happy to go over your concerns after any changes are put in place.
Thank you,
Executive Communications Team
DISH Network, LLC
So, has this thread actually had some impact on head office? Not finalized prices and can't discuss them with me, yet some customers have already recieved notices about increases?
Or, are they pissing on my leg, and telling me it's raining.
You should delete her email and phone number as a courtesy to her.
Unreturned Equipment Charges: The satellite receiver(s), smart card(s), remote control(s), and LNBFs provided to you under this Agreement are leased and remain the property of DISH Network at all times. You agree that you will return all such equipment in accordance with the "Equipment Return" section below within 30 days following downgrade or disconnection of service, and if you do not, DISH Network will charge the following "Unreturned Equipment Charges" to your Qualifying Card, as applicable: outdoor LNBF, $50; standard-definition (SD) non-DVR receiver (322), $100; high-definition (HD) non- DVR receiver (411, ViP® 211, ViP 222, ViP 222k), $200; SD or HD DVR receiver (522, 625, ViP 612, ViP 622, ViP 722, ViP 722k), $300; and ViP 922 receiver, $400. If your account is involuntarily deactivated for failure to pay your bill or otherwise, DISH Network will charge the applicable Unreturned Equipment Charge(s) to your Qualifying Card within 72 hours following deactivation. If you return such equipment in accordance with this Agreement, such Unreturned Equipment Charge(s) will be refunded upon DISH Network's receipt of the applicable equipment.
I don't see anyone on this Forum discouraging people from complaining or defending this particular Dish action.That still has nothing to do with the fact many people on this board are discouraging people from complaining to their AG offices and defending Dish actions even if they are wrong and possible in breach of contract or local laws.
I don't see anyone on this Forum discouraging people from complaining or defending this particular Dish action.
I don't see anyone on this Forum discouraging people from complaining or defending this particular Dish action.
How many more will cancel too?
look back, some posters said why bother it probably wouldnt help.
I think we have been USED FOR RESEARCH.
Beancounter said hey it will be great, more profits package prices stay the same or go down a little, locals mandated for everyone, one DVR fee.
We will just increase the receiver fees dramatically, subs are so addicted to DVRs, they wouldnt complain, well they may complain but they wouldnt cancel.
and more leased tuners for existing subs. $$$ Profits.
Well if it stands I am gone...... my decision MADE.
How many more will cancel too? they are probably watching the 2 states they had to notify..
but so many dont watch their bills closely
bet the CEO reps are reading this as soon as I post it
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